— Filter all references to the word Bieber. (@justin)
RT @
— Old style retweets (@jordanekay)
^(@\w *)+$
— Tweets consisting solely of @usernames (@jordanekay)
— #sentencesashashtags (@jordanekay)(@\w+,? ){4,}
— Tweets with four or more @usernames in a row (you have friends, we get it) (@jordanekay)\b\w+\*+\w\b
— Tweets censored for no f**king reason (@jordanekay)(?i)checked.*in
— I checked in at... (@iconaholic)\n{3,}
— Tweets with 3 or more line breaks. (@justin)
IE ?[0-9]+
— Internet Explorer (@jordanekay)
Mute your own @name (as a keyword, NOT a muted person), including the @ sign. This will remove all of your mentions from your main timeline, confining them to the mentions tab so you don't have to see them twice (or see only half of a conversation with someone you don't follow in your main timeline)
— Tweets containing 'SXSW' and 'panel' (case insensitive)
— Timezone Retweet (@iconaholic) -
— In case you missed it… (@iconaholic)
— I @dribbbled earlier/last night (@iconaholic) -
— Popular page ("I made the Popular page on @dribbble.") (@iconaholic)
— iPad mini (@iconaholic) -
— Dock connector (iPhone 5) (@iconaholic) -
— App.Net (@iconaholic)