Creating index, inserting elements, searching and pickle serialization:
import hnswlib
import numpy as np
import pickle
dim = 128
num_elements = 10000
# Generating sample data
data = np.float32(np.random.random((num_elements, dim)))
ids = np.arange(num_elements)
# Declaring index
p = hnswlib.Index(space = 'l2', dim = dim) # possible options are l2, cosine or ip
# Initializing index - the maximum number of elements should be known beforehand
p.init_index(max_elements = num_elements, ef_construction = 200, M = 16)
# Element insertion (can be called several times):
p.add_items(data, ids)
# Controlling the recall by setting ef:
p.set_ef(50) # ef should always be > k
# Query dataset, k - number of the closest elements (returns 2 numpy arrays)
labels, distances = p.knn_query(data, k = 1)
# Index objects support pickling
# WARNING: serialization via pickle.dumps(p) or p.__getstate__() is NOT thread-safe with p.add_items method!
# Note: ef parameter is included in serialization; random number generator is initialized with random_seed on Index load
p_copy = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(p)) # creates a copy of index p using pickle round-trip
### Index parameters are exposed as class properties:
print(f"Parameters passed to constructor: space={}, dim={p_copy.dim}")
print(f"Index construction: M={p_copy.M}, ef_construction={p_copy.ef_construction}")
print(f"Index size is {p_copy.element_count} and index capacity is {p_copy.max_elements}")
print(f"Search speed/quality trade-off parameter: ef={p_copy.ef}")
An example with updates after serialization/deserialization:
import hnswlib
import numpy as np
dim = 16
num_elements = 10000
# Generating sample data
data = np.float32(np.random.random((num_elements, dim)))
# We split the data in two batches:
data1 = data[:num_elements // 2]
data2 = data[num_elements // 2:]
# Declaring index
p = hnswlib.Index(space='l2', dim=dim) # possible options are l2, cosine or ip
# Initializing index
# max_elements - the maximum number of elements (capacity). Will throw an exception if exceeded
# during insertion of an element.
# The capacity can be increased by saving/loading the index, see below.
# ef_construction - controls index search speed/build speed tradeoff
# M - is tightly connected with internal dimensionality of the data. Strongly affects memory consumption (~M)
# Higher M leads to higher accuracy/run_time at fixed ef/efConstruction
p.init_index(max_elements=num_elements//2, ef_construction=100, M=16)
# Controlling the recall by setting ef:
# higher ef leads to better accuracy, but slower search
# Set number of threads used during batch search/construction
# By default using all available cores
print("Adding first batch of %d elements" % (len(data1)))
# Query the elements for themselves and measure recall:
labels, distances = p.knn_query(data1, k=1)
print("Recall for the first batch:", np.mean(labels.reshape(-1) == np.arange(len(data1))), "\n")
# Serializing and deleting the index:
print("Saving index to '%s'" % index_path)
del p
# Re-initializing, loading the index
p = hnswlib.Index(space='l2', dim=dim) # the space can be changed - keeps the data, alters the distance function.
print("\nLoading index from 'first_half.bin'\n")
# Increase the total capacity (max_elements), so that it will handle the new data
p.load_index("first_half.bin", max_elements = num_elements)
print("Adding the second batch of %d elements" % (len(data2)))
# Query the elements for themselves and measure recall:
labels, distances = p.knn_query(data, k=1)
print("Recall for two batches:", np.mean(labels.reshape(-1) == np.arange(len(data))), "\n")
An example with a symbolic filter filter_function
during the search:
import hnswlib
import numpy as np
dim = 16
num_elements = 10000
# Generating sample data
data = np.float32(np.random.random((num_elements, dim)))
# Declaring index
hnsw_index = hnswlib.Index(space='l2', dim=dim) # possible options are l2, cosine or ip
# Initiating index
# max_elements - the maximum number of elements, should be known beforehand
# (probably will be made optional in the future)
# ef_construction - controls index search speed/build speed tradeoff
# M - is tightly connected with internal dimensionality of the data
# strongly affects the memory consumption
hnsw_index.init_index(max_elements=num_elements, ef_construction=100, M=16)
# Controlling the recall by setting ef:
# higher ef leads to better accuracy, but slower search
# Set number of threads used during batch search/construction
# By default using all available cores
print("Adding %d elements" % (len(data)))
# Added elements will have consecutive ids
hnsw_index.add_items(data, ids=np.arange(num_elements))
print("Querying only even elements")
# Define filter function that allows only even ids
filter_function = lambda idx: idx%2 == 0
# Query the elements for themselves and search only for even elements:
# Warning: search with python filter works slow in multithreaded mode, therefore we set num_threads=1
labels, distances = hnsw_index.knn_query(data, k=1, num_threads=1, filter=filter_function)
# labels contain only elements with even id
An example with reusing the memory of the deleted elements when new elements are being added (via allow_replace_deleted
import hnswlib
import numpy as np
dim = 16
num_elements = 1_000
max_num_elements = 2 * num_elements
# Generating sample data
labels1 = np.arange(0, num_elements)
data1 = np.float32(np.random.random((num_elements, dim))) # batch 1
labels2 = np.arange(num_elements, 2 * num_elements)
data2 = np.float32(np.random.random((num_elements, dim))) # batch 2
labels3 = np.arange(2 * num_elements, 3 * num_elements)
data3 = np.float32(np.random.random((num_elements, dim))) # batch 3
# Declaring index
hnsw_index = hnswlib.Index(space='l2', dim=dim)
# Initiating index
# max_elements - the maximum number of elements, should be known beforehand
# (probably will be made optional in the future)
# ef_construction - controls index search speed/build speed tradeoff
# M - is tightly connected with internal dimensionality of the data
# strongly affects the memory consumption
# Enable replacing of deleted elements
hnsw_index.init_index(max_elements=max_num_elements, ef_construction=200, M=16, allow_replace_deleted=True)
# Controlling the recall by setting ef:
# higher ef leads to better accuracy, but slower search
# Set number of threads used during batch search/construction
# By default using all available cores
# Add batch 1 and 2 data
hnsw_index.add_items(data1, labels1)
hnsw_index.add_items(data2, labels2) # Note: maximum number of elements is reached
# Delete data of batch 2
for label in labels2:
# Replace deleted elements
# Maximum number of elements is reached therefore we cannot add new items,
# but we can replace the deleted ones by using replace_deleted=True
hnsw_index.add_items(data3, labels3, replace_deleted=True)
# hnsw_index contains the data of batch 1 and batch 3 only