Releases: kikeelectronico/Homeware-LAN
Sync with Google automatically and more features
How to update
Follow this instructions:
- SSH into your Raspberry Pi.
- Install some new dependencies.
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt install unzip
- Download the new update script.
cd /usr/share/Homeware-LAN/bash
sudo rm
- Change directory.
cd ../back
- Run the script.
sudo sh ../bash/
If the npm process fails, run it manually:
cd ../front/
sudo npm run build
I hope this is the last manual update. Sorry about that. If you know how to solved it, please PR or contact me.
New features
- More visual feedback for some devices #175
- Feedback for the user via toasts #229
- Sync automatically with Google when changes are made #49 #50
- The update button doesn't work #241
build frontend on edge
Device editor Bug
If you are in v1.0.0 there is a bug in the update button, it doesn't work. You must ssh in your raspberry pi and run:
cd /usr/share/Homeware-LAN/back
sudo sh ../bash/
Remember to clean the browser's cache.
If you are in v0.x.x, follow this instructions
Quick survey - 2 questions
I think some of you are having troubles with the update procedures. Please, complete the survey to know if this is true.
- When creating a device, its status concatenates all the devices' status.
A bug releated with Google Home App
If you are in v1.0.0 there is a bug in the update button, it doesn't work. You must ssh in your raspberry pi and run:
cd /usr/share/Homeware-LAN/back
sudo sh ../bash/
Remember to empty the browser's cache.
If you are in v0.x.x, follow this instructions
New features and bugs
If you are in v1.0.0 there is a bug in the update button, it doesn't work. You must ssh in your raspberry pi and run:
cd /usr/share/Homeware-LAN/back
sudo sh ../bash/
Remember to empty the browser's cache.
If you are in v0.x.x, follow this instructions
- Flag for new update available #163
- React navigation instead of links
- Notifications bell and modal #161
- Support to no recommended traits #99
- Password change form
- Update button doesn't work
- Check for updates once
- Scenes can't be created #154
- Targets can't be deleted
- The status doesn't update its content when a trait is added #185
- The params and attributes don't desapear when a trait is disabled #172
- The backup doesn't work due to the browser cache
- API refactoring
- Back end unit test
- New the docs
- Update dependencies
New features
If you are in v1.0.0 there is a bug in the update button, it doesn't work. You must ssh in your raspberry pi and run:
cd /usr/share/Homeware-LAN/back
sudo sh ../bash/
If you are in v0.x.x, follow this instructions
- Flag for new update available #163
- React navigation instead of links
- Notifications bell and modal #161
- Support to no recommended traits #99
- Password change form
- Update button doesn't work
- Check for updates once
- Scenes can't be created #154
- Targets can't be deleted
- The status doesn't update its content when a trait is added #185
- The params and attributes don't desapear when a trait is disabled #172
- The backup doesn't work due to the browser cache
- API refactoring
- Back end unit test
- New the docs
- Update dependencies
Stable version
I am happy to announce that Homeware has reach the stable version. From now on, no more architecture changes and no more upgrading from a terminal.
It is important not to update from an older versión to v1.0 using the upgrade button. You must download a backup file and then follow this instructions. It will take you around 10 minutes depending of your Raspberry Pi model.
Front end
- New and complete renovated front end
- Control some devices from the web panel. More to comming.
- Read any device json from the web panel.
- Connecting page where you can see all available MQTT topics for each device.
- Power control. Restart Homeware, Reboot or shut down the Raspberry Pi from the web panel.
- New and renovated log. Now you can download the log as a TXT file.
- The Logout button now works ;-).
Back end
- Some changes has been done for the new front end.
- Commands has been implemented. These are direct orders that Google Home sends to the device, for example, Start cooking.
- The front end is code with React JS and is independent of the API. Some changes has been made in the Nginx configuration file.
- Redis is installed via the repository instead of compiling the binaries. For these reason Redis service is no longer needed.
- The services are enabled, that means that Homeware does not need a cronjob to start, therefor the cronjobs must be deleted if installed.
- The dependencies has been checked and updated. One of them for security reasons.
The future
I will continue developing Homeware and you will continue receiving new versions. If you have any idea or request, feel free to open a Issue.
By the way, Happy Halloween.
Bug in new installations
- A bug that occur when trying to install Homeware-LAN v0.7 has been correcrted. Issue #73
Task manager and Events log
New features
Task manager
A more complex system than Rules for programming actions and tasks.
Important alerts and errors are logged into a log file. The log can be read from the settings page.
Rules feature will be deprecated and deleted in the next release. Change your rules to Task manager.
Bug solved related with the device editor
Do not use the upgrade button.
Before do anything, backup your configuration from the settings section.
- A bug related with the device editor has been corrected. This bugs causes the device data to be corrupted when the device is edited. Google will never sync if this is not corrected.
How to update
Do not use the upgrade button.
sudo git pull
sudo systemctl restart homeware
Verify that all your devices have the correct Traits selected from the device editor.