#About Curatescape
Curatescape is the set of tools used in the Mobile Historical initiative, including a set of themes and plugins for the Omeka CMS, and native client applications for Android and iOS devices.
The Mobile Historical initiative is an NEH-funded project aiming to develop best practices for curating physical landscapes and location-based digital collections using low-cost and open-source publishing tools.
For more information, visit curatescape.org or view the GitHub project wiki.
#Server-side Setup
Curatescape is a suite of themes and plugins for the Omeka content management system. To get started, install Omeka on the server of your choice.
- Install Omeka
- Curatescape themes
- Curatescape plugins
- CHNM plugins
- Geolocation: instructions | repo | download v. 1.2 (for Omeka 1.5.3 and Curatescape theme only)
Note that you can quickly grab one of the colocated Omeka+Curatescape server-side packages by cloning this repo or by using a shell command like:
wget https://github.com/CPHDH/Curatescape/blob/master/Curatescape_and_Omeka1.5.3.zip
#Native client apps
Note that while the server-side components of Curatescape are open source and freely available, the native client applications are proprietary and require a licensee fee. For more information about licensing, visit curatescape.org.
#Other documentation Please visit the Curatescape project wiki for additional information regarding configuration, content framework and more.