This is my shameless extension of Mazen Elzanaty's EmBombPlus! ( This is a very useful script for red teaming, penetration testing, research... I'm running out of ideas... lol. I want to put some additions onto the code without messing up Mazen's git repository. So I will just reflect those changes here, then send them over until or if, when, whatever integration is possible.
DaBomb adds an option for any other SMTP relay, and some other additions coming soon. May write a more formal task list, but for the time being, here's what I'm thinking:
- Integration with PDFBomb
- Integration with some type of open relay service, or short-term email service
- Python3 update
- Email composure options
- Support Gmail
- Support Yahoo
- Support Hotmail/Outlook (DaBomb adds SMTP relay, and more to come...)
EmBomber should work on all Linux distros running Python 2.7 First, clone it by entering the following command in the terminal
git clone
Now navigate to EmBomber directory
cd EmBomber
Now you can run EmBomber
You need to enable less secure apps on Gmail and Yahoo