HTTPS redirect middleware for Nestjs.
Check the main page for Kittgen for further information.
npm i @kittgen/nestjs-https-redirect
Further explanations about middlewares can be found in the Nestjs documentation.
export class ApplicationModule {
configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer) {
consumer.apply(HttpsRedirectMiddleware({ enabled: true })).forRoutes({
path: '*',
method: RequestMethod.ALL,
If you're behind a reverse proxy (e.g. Heroku or nginx) make sure to enable trust proxy
for your express app:
app.enable('trust proxy');
# start in watcher mode
npm start
# builds to the 'dist' folder
npm run build
# runs the tests
npm test
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Kittgen is licensed under MIT. See LICENSE.
Kittgen is developed by Otto von Wesendonk and Edgar Müller.