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Weather App (Expert App)

This script displays the correct icons for the current weather conditions in an expert app. To achieve this, the icons of ioBroker.openweathermap are mapped to icons stored on the device.

Thanks to Andy200877 (ioBroker forums) for the idea.


Load the following icons on your device by using the web interface of the device:

  • 11201 (01d clear sky) - Clear sky day
  • 52163 (01n clear sky) - Clear sky night
  • 22315 (02d few clouds) - Few clouds day
  • 26088 (02n few clouds) - Few clouds night
  • 22378 (03d scattered clouds) - Scattered clouds day
  • 21907 (03n scattered clouds) - Scattered clouds night
  • 13852 (04d broken clouds) - Broken clouds day
  • 52159 (04n broken clouds) - Broken clouds night
  • 43706 (09d shower rain) - Shower rain day
  • 43739 (09n shower rain) - Shower rain night
  • 22257 (10d rain) - Rain day
  • 72 (10n rain) - Rain night
  • 43733 (11d thunderstorm) - Thunderstorm day
  • 43748 (11n thunderstorm) - Thunderstorm night
  • 43732 (13d snow) - Snow day
  • 26090 (13n snow) - Snow night
  • 43708 (50d mist) - Mist day
  • 43741 (50n mist) - Mist night

New expert app

Create a new expert app with the name weather.


// v0.2
const displayTemp = true;

const appName = 'weather';
const objIdIcon = 'openweathermap.0.forecast.current.icon';
const objIdText = 'openweathermap.0.forecast.current.state';
const objIdTemp = 'openweathermap.0.forecast.current.temperature';

const iconMapping = {
    '01d': '11201', // clear sky day
    '01n': '52163', // clear sky night
    '02d': '22315', // few clouds day
    '02n': '26088', // few clouds night
    '03d': '22378', // scattered clouds day
    '03n': '21907', // scattered clouds night
    '04d': '13852', // broken clouds day
    '04n': '52159', // broken clouds night
    '09d': '43706', // shower rain day
    '09n': '43739', // shower rain night
    '10d': '22257', // rain day
    '10n': '72',    // rain night
    '11d': '43733', // thunderstorm day
    '11n': '43748', // thunderstorm night
    '13d': '43732', // snow day
    '13n': '26090', // snow night
    '50d': '43708', // mist day
    '50n': '43741', // mist night

async function refreshExpertApp() {
    try {
        const iconState = await getStateAsync(objIdIcon);
        if (iconState && iconState.ack && iconState.val) {
            const icon = /([0-9]{2}[d|n]{1})/.exec(iconState.val)[0];
            if (iconMapping[icon]) {
                await setStateAsync(`awtrix-light.0.apps.${appName}.icon`, { val: iconMapping[icon] });

        let temp = 0;
        const tempState = await getStateAsync(objIdTemp);
        if (tempState && tempState.ack && tempState.val) {
            temp = tempState.val;

        if (temp > 30) {
            await setStateAsync(`awtrix-light.0.apps.${appName}.textColor`, { val: '#bd2020' });
        } else if (temp < 0) {
            await setStateAsync(`awtrix-light.0.apps.${appName}.textColor`, { val: '#236fd9' });
        } else {
            await setStateAsync(`awtrix-light.0.apps.${appName}.textColor`, { val: '#ffffff' });

        const textState = await getStateAsync(objIdText);
        if (textState && textState.ack && textState.val) {
            if (displayTemp) {
                await setStateAsync(`awtrix-light.0.apps.${appName}.text`, { val: `${textState.val} - ${formatValue(temp, 2)} °C` });
            } else {
                await setStateAsync(`awtrix-light.0.apps.${appName}.text`, { val: textState.val });
    } catch (err) {

on({ id: [objIdIcon, objIdText, objIdTemp], change: 'ne' }, refreshExpertApp);

// Init on startup