Doofinder's management API allows you to perform the same administrative tasks you can do on your search engines using the Doofinder control panel, directly from your code.
- API version: 2.0
For more information, please visit
- Requirements
- Installation & Usage
- Tests
- Quick & Dirty
- Documentation for Client's Methods
- Documentation For Models
- Generate php client with Swagge codegen
- Changes in code generated by Swagger codegen
- Documentation For Authorization
- api_token
- jwt_token
- Author
PHP 5.6 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, run the following:
composer install
composer dump-autoload
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
define('YOUR_HOST', '');
define('YOUR_API_KEY', '384fdag73c7ff0a59g589xf9f4083bxb9727f9c3');
$client = new Doofinder\Management\ManagementClient(YOUR_HOST, YOUR_API_KEY);
// Search Engine example body
$se_body = '{
"inactive": false,
"indices": [],
"language": "en",
"name": "my new search engine",
"search_url": "",
"site_url": "",
"stopwords": false
// Create a Search Engine
// List Search Engines
// Get a Search Engine
$hashid = "cc79e589e94b0350fb244e477e0f5b7a"; // string | Unique id of a search engine.
// Create an Index
// Indice example body
$index_body = '{
"options": {
"exclude_out_of_stock_items": false,
"group_variants": false
"datasources": [
"options": {
"url": "https://yourserver/your_data_feed.xml"
"type": "file"
"name": "product",
"preset": "product"
$client->createIndex($hashid, $index_body);
// Create an item
$index_name = "product";
$item_body = '{
"id": "1234",
"link": "",
"image_link": "",
"availability": "in stock",
"description": "Lorem ipsum",
"title": "Cadillac"
$client->createItem($hashid, $index_name, $item_body);
// Create a bulk of items
$bulk_body = '[{
"id": "1234",
"link": "",
"image_link": "",
"availability": "in stock",
"description": "Lorem ipsum",
"title": "Cadillac"
"id": "1235",
"link": "",
"image_link": "",
"availability": "in stock",
"description": "Lorem ipsum",
"title": "Hummer"
$client->createBulk($hashid, $index_name, $bulk_body);
// Delete an item
$item_id = "1234"
$client->deleteItem($hashid, $item_id, $index_name);
// Delete a bulk of items
$index_name = "product";
$bulk_body = '[{"id": "1234"}, {"id": "1235"}]';
$result = $client->deleteBulk($hashid, $index_name, $bulk_body);
// Process your index
// First, create a temporary index
$client->createTemporaryIndex($hashid, $index_name);
// Reindex the content of the real index into the temporary one
$client->reindex($hashid, $index_name);
// Replace the real index with the temporary one
$client->replace($hashid, $index_name);
Method | Description | Return type |
[returnReindexingStatus] | Return the status of the current reindexing task. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\ReindexingTask Object. |
[createIndex] | Creates an index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Index Object. |
[deleteIndex] | Deletes an Index. | Void. |
[listIndices] | Lists all indices. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Indices Array. |
[getIndex] | Gets an Index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Index Object. |
[updateIndex] | Updates an index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Index Object. |
[reindex] | Reindex the content of the real index into the temporary one. | Object. |
[replace] | Replace the real index with the temporary one. | Object. |
[createTemporaryIndex] | Creates a temporary index. | Object. |
[deleteTemporaryIndex] | Deletes the temporary index. | Object. |
[createItem] | Creates an item. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Item Object. |
[deleteItem] | Deletes an item from the index. | Void. |
[scrollsItems] | Scrolls through all index items | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Scroller Array. |
[getItem] | Gets an item from the index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Item Object. |
[createTempItem] | Creates an item in the temporal index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Item Object. |
[deleteTempItem] | Deletes an item in the temporal index. | Void. |
[getTempItem] | Gets an item from the temporal index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Item Object. |
[updateTempItem] | Partially updates an item in the temporal index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Item Object. |
[updateItem] | Partially updates an item in the index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\Item Object. |
[createBulk] | Creates a bulk of item in the index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\BulkResult Array. |
[deleteBulk] | Deletes a bulk of items from the index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\BulkResult Array. |
[updateBulk] | Partial updates a bulk of items in the index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\BulkResult Array. |
[createTempBulk] | Creates a bulk of items in the temporal index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\BulkResult Array. |
[deleteTempBulk] | Deletes items in bulk in the temporal index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\BulkResult Array. |
[updateTempBulk] | Partial updates a bulk of items in the temporal index. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\BulkResult Array. |
[processSearchEngine] | Process all search engine's data sources. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\ProcessingTask Object. |
[getProcessStatus] | Gets the status of the process task. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\ProcessingTask Object. |
[createSearchEngine] | Creates a new search engine. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\SearchEngine Object. |
[deleteSearchEngine] | Deletes a search engine. | Void. |
[listSearchEngines] | Lists search engines. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\SearchEngines Array. |
[getSearchEngine] | Gets a search engine. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\SearchEngine Object |
[updateSearchEngine] | Updates a search engine. | \DoofinderManagement\Model\SearchEngine Object |
- BulkRequest
- BulkResult
- BulkResultResults
- DataSource
- DataSources
- Hashid
- Index
- IndexUpdate
- Indices
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- Item
- Items
- ItemsIds
- ItemsIdsInner
- OneOfDataSourceOptions
- OneOfDataSourceUrl
- OneOfIndexUpdateOptions
- OneOfhashid
- OneOfqueryName
- ProcessingTask
- QueryName
- ReindexingTask
- Scroller
- SearchEngine
- SearchEngines
- StatsBannersResult
- StatsBannersResultResults
- StatsClicksResult
- StatsClicksResultInner
- StatsRedirectsResult
- StatsRedirectsResultResults
- StatsTimeResult
- StatsTimeResultResults
- StatsTopSearchesResult
- StatsTopSearchesResultResults
You have to download the java package inside the swagger folder along side the other files there. You can download it from here
Run the script
This will generate a new php client with some fixes inside some models.
The method deserialize() of ObjectSerializer class does not check array type data. There is a problem with the class Item too that swagger can not deserialize so we have to add the conditional like below:
} elseif ($class === 'object' or is_array($data)) { // Add this conditional to return an array type data
settype($data, 'array');
return $data;
} elseif ($class === '\DoofinderManagement\Model\Item') { // Add this conditional to return Item objects
$data = (object)$data;
return $data;
} elseif ($class === '\DateTime') {
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header