September 27, 2019
- update following deps to these versions:
"@google-cloud/storage": "^1.7.0",
"@smartrent/heretic": "^0.5.2",
"@smartrent/express-status-monitor": "^1.2.7",
"axios": ">= 0.18.1",
"body-parser": "^1.19.0",
"chalk": "^2.4.2",
"compression": "^1.7.4",
"cron": "^1.7.2",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"glob": "^7.1.4",
"helmet": "^3.21.1",
"lodash": ">= 4.17.15",
"lusca": "^1.6.1",
"knex": "^0.19.4",
"morgan": "^1.9.1",
"@babel/cli": "^7.6.2",
"ava": "^2.4.0",
- Remove support for
in favor of using JOI validation
October 24th, 2018
- Added Prettier, added Ava for unit tests
- Add new fn
- Add new fn
(format capitalization)
October 9th, 2018
- If REDIS_URL is specified, SocketIO will use Redis instead of in-memory for managing connections. This allows for horizontal scaling of the web process.
- Previously
would enable the express validator plugin, but this was intended to beoptions.enableExpressValidator
September 13th, 2018
- Support cached versions of toCamelCase / toSnakeCase for processes that repeat converting the same keys over and over. (more performant)
- Don't reinitialize existing database connections if they were already intialized
June 23rd, 2018
- Add
so that the payload is not logged to stdout. This is beneficial for sensitive data or large payloads - Fix a bug in the worker job logging where a variable was already outputting as "undefined"
June 23rd, 2018
- If we can't reach Sentry with a captured exception, write to STDOUT
- Allow engineers to specify
in the webserver config to overwrite the default Morgan Logger config that's set
May 22st, 2018
- No changes, publishing to try and get 4.0 onto the package regsitry
May 21st, 2018
- Remove node-sass-middleware
- Remove Logentries support
- Remove newrelic support. It needs to be required higher in the stack for optimal usage.
- Express Status Monitor is off by default but can be turned on with:
enableStatusMonitor: true,
- Express Validator is off by default but can be turned on with:
enableExpressValidator: true,
- Swagger isn't required by default if
isn't specified in the web server start options. To enable use a config similar to below:
const server = httpServer({
swaggerConfig: {
appRoot: "./",
yamlPath: path.join(__dirname, "path/to/swagger.yaml"),
swaggerDocOptions: {
host: '',
schemes: process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? ["http"] : ["https"],
- Pug, Twilio, CronJob, and GCS aren't required until the first time those libs are needed.
March 16th, 2018
now optionally takes{logErrors: false}
in the payload and prevents default logging
March 8th, 2018
- Hotfix for
function, previously was not working correctly
February 27th, 2018
- take the original email address and format into a dev email while still preserving intended recipient. (e.g. [email protected] -> [email protected])overrideEmail(email)
- if in a guarded environment, return a dev email instead of the original emailsendEmail(payload)
- Send an email through Sendgrid
logErr(err, extra)
- log an error to Sentry with extra contextual information to help engineers debug. On local env, logs to STDOUTassertKeys(variable, ['key1', 'key.2.value'])
- assertion on deeply nested keys on an object for existence otherwise send errors to Sentry
- make an axios request with additional logging such as payload and response time in milleseconds
establishing a socket connection on an Express serveremit()
emits a payload for a particular room
- fetch a bucket from GCS given the bucket nameuploadFile(payload)
- given a file, a bucket, and a path, upload a file to GCSdeleteFile()
- given a bucket and path, delete file from GCSstreamToBuffer()
- when fetching a file from a stream, load file into memory
renderPug(templatePath, pageVars)
- generate html from a pug template
- strip non-numeric characters from a phone numberformatPhone(phone)
- format phone as such:(111) 222-3333
- take a numeric price and format as such$1,000.00
- take a numeric value and format as such1,000
- return url with protocol, defaults tohttp://
if protocol not specified in original valuegetHostname(url)
- return just the hostname for a url
- sends a text message through Twilio
- wrap a Fn that returns a promise of html, if an uncaught error is thrown, render a generic internal server error while logging as much contextual debug info as possiblejw(asyncHandlerFn)
- wrap a Fn that returns a promise of json, if an uncaught error is thrown, render a generic JSON response, but try to read error messsage for usage in displaying common HTTP status error codes
- inits all caching, job queues, database connections, pugOptions, guarded email environments, etc
- Upgrade flow-bin from
- Add Helmet to Express middlewares by default
- Upgrade Express from
- Added packages:
- Remove unused flowtype definition
- Can add swagger "pre" middleware before the docs endpoint is exposed
- whenw()
captures an uncaught exception, render this generic template -
- array of strings where if that string is included in a line of a stack trace, that line is ignored during local development -
- send error to Sentry or STDOUT on local environments when there is an uncaught exception -
- send error to Sentry or STDOUT on local environments when there is an unhandled rejection -
- an array of environments where the toEmail(s) will be replaced by a devEmail if in that environment -
- when specified, sends email to that email address instead of the toAddress in guarded environments -
- enabled newrelic monitoring (also requires ENV var) -
- base64 encoded auth file to connect to GCP -
- specify which project to upload or delete files to/from -
for sending text messages with Twilio -
enabled newrelic monitoring
- Removed functions
in favor ofdistraught.init(opts)
June 15th, 2017
- Removed Rollbar in favor of Sentry (Raven is npm module)
- Removed Hapi in favor of express
- Removed most transpilation except for transform-flow-strip-types
- Removed GQL logic
- Changed ES6 classes to functions that receive options and return a new instance of that entity (workerServer, cronServer, httpServer, cache)
- Removed ES6 Imports in favor of CommonJS module loading
- Upgraded all outdated deps to the latest version
- Removed Sendgrid logic in favor of Nodemailer, which uses adapters to allow the engineer to choose which email service provider to use
- Add support for Express' Passport authentication.
- Removed use of Bluebird (.finally, .tap, .spread no longer available for use)
February 3rd, 2017
- Feature: GQL Errors pass back user object from Hapi's request in the GQL error context, which is passed to Rollbar.
February 2nd, 2017
- Bugfix: GraphQL Query Caching Was Not Hashing Filters (it was erroneously hashing fields), causing different queries on the same GQL object to return the same cached value.
January 24, 2017
- Feature: Use correct logic check for determining if server-side templating view system should be enabled on Hapi
January 15, 2017
Breaking Change: To enable swagger please pass
swagger: {}
to your WebServer options, otherwise it will be off by default -
Feature: Swagger can now be disabled
Feature: Swagger options are configurable but fallback to Distraught's previous defaults if none specified
Feature: Developers can now enable Hapi's server-side rendering via the
January 12, 2017
- Bugfix: Previously catbox-redis was properly received all options (including host/port)
January 6, 2017
Breaking Change: Swagger can be ran on Prod, requires user to be authenticated, however
Feature: Upgrade Flow to 0.37.4
Feature: Created constants
(in milleseconds) that can be imported -
Feature: Created
lib which is used by the WebServer, standalone, and withpgObject
Cleaned up WebServer code to be less tangled
Moved PGObject to its own file from
December 23, 2016
- Feature: Implement
for GQL collections and cleanup knex adapter code
December 22, 2016
- Feature: Can pause/resume worker queues from the WorkerServer
December 21, 2016
- Breaking Change: Distraught explictly ignores HTTP Status Code 422 errors
December 19, 2016
- Bugfix: Debug changes from v0.8.1 were incorrectly passing bindings as-is instead of in an array. This fixes knex debugging.
December 15, 2016
- Bugfix: user
to escape bound parameters in SQL debug output so they are valid queries
November 28, 2016
- Breaking Change: process.env.KNEX_DEBUG will toggle pure SQL output while process.env.KNEX_DEFAULT_DEBUG will toggle output of knex objects (default knex debug behavior)
November 30, 2016
- Feature: GQL Enums now have
Fn for situations where you have the value but need the GQL key
November 28, 2016
- Feature: Swagger communicates only on HTTPS on non-development environments
November 28, 2016
- Breaking Change: hapi-swagger plugin is enabled on all environments except production
November 21, 2016
- Feature: If a user doesn't request a count on a collection, it won't run the count query.
- Exposes fields in
in the resolve Fn
November 17, 2016
- Feature: Redis support for Websockets through Hapi Nes plugin if process.env.REDIS_URL is set
- Feature: WorkerServer uses startCase on queue name in effort to provide better logging for Rollbar
November 15, 2016
- Feature: Lock down graphql version to 0.7.* for now
- Feature: Upgrade to latest lodash
- Feature: Better knex logging
November 14, 2016
- Feature: Upgrade Flow to 0.35
- Feature: On enums, you can call gqlEnum.getValue(key) to easily retrieve the value from the object
- Feature: Uncaught WebServer errors will show the message, the stack, and a TError Payload if a TError was thrown but never caught (it will warn to use a TError if no TError payload exists)
- Feature: GQL Input Objects, Output Objects, and Enums use a singleton object to return the object if a matching name exists.
- Bugfix: fetch and fetchOne queries were not snake_casing the keys of the filters before applying them
November 8, 2016
- Feature: Improved worker rollbar reporting
November 8, 2016
- Feature: Modify worker rollbar reporting
November 8, 2016
- Feature: Logger that supports logentries, console, and chalk
- Upgrade hapi-graphql to provide additional context around a GQL error
- Rollbar errors supported for failed worker jobs and GQL errors
November 7, 2016
- Feature: Upgrade hapi-graphql to fix a bug where sometimes error.output wasn't defined which caused a runtime error
- Upgrade WorkerServer to accept alertAt, killAt, onKilled, and debug options
November 3, 2016
- Don't store Heretic outcomes in RabbitMQ
November 2, 2016
- Feature: GQL Input/Output Objects now have functionality from buildGeneric() (ability to chain the
commands) - Feature: Knex Helper Queries: fetchOne, fetchMany, create, createOne, update, updateOne
October 28, 2016
Feature: Added support for non-null, lists and enum
Feature: Created functions for inputObject/outputObject in GQL
Feature: Create pgMutation function
Feature: Created function for creating a GQL schema
Bugfix: If using GQL plugin but DisableJWTAuth was true, the server would fail with a non-descript error
- Moved all the GQL types to the root
object - Removed the GQL input helpers in favor of
- No longer export knexQuery, which was a helper function for GQL queries/mutations
- collectionArgs and recordArgs are no longer exported, they are used internally
October 17, 2016
- Bugfix: Re-add Hapi's vision as a plugin, we can use the version that comes with Hapi.
October 17, 2016
Feature: Upgrade knex to ^0.12.5
Feature: Add CronServer
Feature: Add WorkerServer
Feature: Better use of Chalk for complex console messages
Feature: Added GraphQL PGObjectType to simplify GraphQL Object definitions
Feature: Added GraphQL type methods for string, int, float, bool that all take descriptions as arg
Feature: Added encrypt/decrypt functions to helpers
Feature: Export Boom
Bugfix: Path for error-handler in rollbar was wrong
- Requires CRYPTO_ALGO and CRYPTO_KEY in .env
- Remove filter email from sgHelper.Email
- Remove Hapi's Vision library as an installed dep and plugin.
- knexQuery now takes
(filters, query, columns)
as args - collectionArgs now takes additionalArgs as an arg and then returns an _.assign
October 12, 2016
- Feature: Update Node engine to support >= 6.6.0
October 11, 2016
- Bugfix: TError was not exported correctly
October 11, 2016
- Bugfix: Error Reporting
October 11, 2016
- Initial Release, does not include CronServer or WorkerServer