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File metadata and controls

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Knot's Shim Docs


This documentation is, and always will be, incomplete.



This only applies to the native loader variant of the shim, not the one that uses Leaf. If you use the leaf variant, then instead of step two, you will need to copy the files in lib to a folder named assets/native, then you will need to delete the folders in lib and place the folders from libs in the shim there.

To start using the shim in your mod, you will either need to download prebuilt binaries or build it yourself using the Android NDK. We will assume you've downloaded the ZIP file for whatever the latest version is.

Step 1. You will need to patch for both architectures so that anti-tamper is removed. You can use Shatter's libsmashhit patching feature to do this.

Step 2. Copy the library to the APK. Open the lib folder in your APK (the one where you should see subfolders with names like arm64-v8a and armeabi-v7a). Then, open the ZIP file to the folder that has the same structure as the lib folder (e.g. arm64-v8a and etc), and copy those folders into the lib folder, merging them.

When you're done with this step, every subfolder in lib should have two files: and

Step 3. You need to change it so that is loaded before Open your APK's AndroidManifest.xml in a text editor and look for this line:

<meta-data android:name="" android:value="smashhit"/>

Hint: it's probably line 11

Now change smashhit to shim:

<meta-data android:name="" android:value="shim"/>

... save it (and your APK), and you're done! You should now have access to all of the functions provided below in any Lua script.

Known bugs

Unfortunately, KnShim introduces a few bugs to Smash Hit due to the way it is loaded.

  • On some devices, paticularly emulators, Smash Hit won't be able to open at all.
    • If you are using an emulator or an x86-based device, this probably means ARM emulation is borked rather than an issue with KnShim. Try using a different emulator.
    • If you are using a real, non-x86 device, then there is likely some other issue which needs to be fixed. Please report this issue in KnShim's GitHub repo.


One new function is provided: knLog(level, msg). It logs to the android debug stream, accessible with adb logcat. Level can be any one of:


And msg is any string to log. For example:

knLog(LOG_INFO, "Hello, world!")


The shim provides a few extra functions to make working with files easier.

knWriteFile(path, content)

Write a file with the given contents, which may contain embedded zeros. Returns true on success, or false on failure.


Read the contents of the given file. Returns a string with the contents on success, even if the file is empty, or nil on failure.

knRenameFile(oldPath, newPath)

Renames the file at oldPath to newPath, moving the file if needed. Returns true on success and false on failure.


Deletes the file at the given path. Returns true on success and false on failure.


Check if the file at the given path exists and can be read. Returns true if so, or false if not.


Creates the directory at dirName using mkdir(dirName, 0777). Returns true on success, false on failure. Note that if the directory already exists, this will return false.


The registry is functionally similar to mgSet and mgGet but you are able to write any values you want.

knRegSet(key, value)

Writes or replaces the value assocaited with key with the given value. Returns boolean indicating success.


Get the value assocaited with key from the registry.


Checks if the registry has a given key. Return true if there is a value assocaited with the given key, otherwise return false.


Removes a given key-value pair from the registry, when given its key.


Returns an array-like table containing all of the keys in the registry.


The database is essentially the same as the registry, except it is saved across restarts of the game and is suitible for things like save games.

The database saves all data to a file named in the user data folder.

knDbSet(key, value)

Create a mapping from the key to the value, and save the database.

Returns true if the mapping was created and the database was saved, or false if either the mapping was not created or the database was not saved successfully.


Return the value assocaited with the key.


Return true if there is a mapping of the given key in the database, or false if there is not.


Delete the mapping assocaited with the key, and save the database.

Returns true if the database was saved successfully, or false if it was not.

Game Control

The game control features allow you to control aspects of the gameplay and use internal utility functions directly from Lua.



Set the player's number of balls to balls.

For example, to set the player's number of balls to 100:



Gets the current number of balls. This is different from using mgGet(), since it is updated even if you use knSetBalls().


Set the player's streak.

For example, to set a four-ball multiball plus halfway to a five-ball multiball:



Gets the current streak. This is different from using mgGet(), since it is updated even if you use knSetStreak().


If mode is true, then the noclip cheat is enabled if not already enabled. If mode is false, then noclip is disabled if not already disabled.


Return true if currently in noclip mode, or false otherwise.



Causes the player to crash and loose balls.


Aborts the player's streak "properly", e.g. plays the sound in addition to dropping the streak.


Increments the player's streak "properly".


Adds balls to the player "properly".

Internal HTTP function wrappers

knDownloadFile(url, path)

This is a Lua wrapper of HttpThread::downloadFile(). It downloads a file from an HTTP URL and saves it at the path. The path is a resource manager path, so prepending it with knGetInternalDataPath() is not needed.

Note that this function is blocking, so the game will freeze until the request completes.

Returns true on success, or false on failure.

if knDownloadFile("", "") then
    -- success
    -- failure

knHttpPost(url, data)

This is a Lua wrapper of ResMan::httpPost(). It sends an HTTP POST request to the given URL with the given data. The HTTP Content-Type header will always be application/octet-stream.

Note that this function is blocking, so the game will freeze until the request completes.

Returns true on success, or false on failure.

if knHttpPost("", "score=12345") then
    -- success
    -- failure

Asset server

knConnectAssetServer(host, timeout)

Connects to the Smash Hit asset server at host, waiting up to timeout seconds to make a connection. Returns true on success, or false on failure.


Disconnect from the current asset server.


Returns true if an asset server is currently connected, for false if one is not.

Menu reloading


Install the hooks required to use knReload(). This only needs to be called once per game launch.


If on the main menu, this reloads the main menu on the next frame. The main menu script will continue to run as normal until then.

If in a level, this is nearly equivlent to mgCommand("level.restart").

System and Misc utilities


Return the shim version as an integer. Newer versions MUST always return higher values than older ones.


Return the absolute path to the internal data directory (where the savegames and the like are stored - equivlent to user://) with no trailing slash.


Return the absolute path to the external data directory. This isn't used for anything in the game but is provided by Android so it's included for completeness.


The HTTP extension allows making non-blocking HTTP requests.

Note that if you don't need non-blocking requests, you can use the much simpler knDownloadFile and knHttpPost functions instead.

Note: Due to the limited HTTP library being used, this does not support custom request headers or reading response headers and may have unexpected behaviour when network errors occur.

knHttpRequest(url, [data])

Initiate an GET or POST request to the given URL. If data is specified, then this is assumed to be a POST request, where data is the POST body. If not, this is assumed to be a GET request.

Returns a value of type userdata (the request object) on success or nil on failure.

Note: data is allowed to contain embedded zeros.


Reads any new data and further process the request, possibly finalising it. Returns:

  • KN_HTTP_PENDING if the request is still pending;
  • KN_HTTP_ERROR if the request has finished in error (status > 400 or network errors);
  • KN_HTTP_DONE if the request has succeeded.

This function must be called in a function like tick() or draw() (that is, every so often) until it no longer returns KN_HTTP_PENDING. When it does finish, it is recommended to do any processing, then release the request.

Note: Request memory is not automatically released and results in a memory leak if not manually freed, since I don't want to fuck with metatables ATM. Hopefully this will change later as it is stupid.


Returns the response data for a finished request as a string.


Returns the size of the response data in bytes.


Returns the MIME type of the response data for a finished request, as a string.


Return a string describing the HTTP error, or nil if there is none. Note that even if there is an error this may return nil, for example due to a lower-level network error.


Return an integer which is the HTTP status code of the response, or 0 if there is not one. This may be 0 even if there was some kind of error.


Release the memory associated with an HTTP request. Any further functions called on this request may return nil regardless of their documentation.

Tip: A common pattern for global request objects is to the variable they were stored in to nil after releasing them:

function finishRequest()
    someImportantThing = knHttpData(globalRequestObject)
    globalRequestObject = nil



  • Overlays are only meant for Hyperspace at the moment, and they aren't in a normal build of KnShim.
  • Gzip-compressed assets (.gz.mp3) are not supported. The assets can still be compressed within the ZIP file itself.
  • Files must not have the .mp3 suffix inside the ZIP.

Overlays allow you to load assets from a ZIP file as if it were the assets directory, loading assets from the mod's real assets directory if not found in the ZIP file.

For example, if you mount a zip file which has a level:

then playing the level forest will load from the ZIP file.

If a segment then depends on an obstacle like scoretop, but it is not in the ZIP file, then it is loaded from the mod's assets directory.


Mounts an overlay given the ZIP file path. Returns false on failure, or true on success.


Unmounts the currently mounted overlay. Returns false if an overlay wasn't mounted, or true if an overlay was mounted and has been unmounted.


The PeekPoke functions provide a way to read and write raw memory. This is probably the most powerful module as it basically allows making any changes to the game at runtime.

Note: Keep in mind that using this extension requires some knowledge of the phone's hardware details which can even vary (for example, ARMv7 vs ARMv8).


PeekPoke has some concept of typing so that you do not have to use bytes for every peek or poke operation. The following types are supported:

Type C Type Lua type
KN_TYPE_ADDR void * integer
KN_TYPE_BOOL bool (as char) boolean
KN_TYPE_SHORT short integer
KN_TYPE_INT int integer
KN_TYPE_FLOAT float number
KN_TYPE_STRING char * string (no embedded 0s)
KN_TYPE_BYTES void * + size string (allows embedded 0s)


Get the address of the symbol named by symbolName. This is useful for finding pointers to functions and global game data which can be used as a basis for reading and writing values in memory.

Returns the address assocaited with the symbol as an integer.

knPeek(addr, type, [size])

Read a value of any Supported Type from addr. The size argument is required when the types is bytes and is the number of bytes to read from memory. Note that passing invalid memory addresses will result in a crash.

Returns the value requested.

knPoke(addr, type, value)

Write the value of any Supported Type to the address addr. Note that passing an invalid memory address will result in a crash, and even writing to valid memory addresses which you have access to may still crash the game if it corrupts structures.

Returns the address of memory written on success or nil on failure.


Returns the CPU/ABI that this system is using as a string.

ABI Result value
ARMv8/64-bit arm64-v8a
ARMv7/32-bit armeabi-v7a
Others unknown


Invert the conditional branch (contional jump) at addr such that it preforms the logical NOT of the comparison it is making. Note that this does NOT work for unconditional branches.

Implementation differences

Arch Notes
ARMv8 On ARM v8, this function can invert branches of the forms B.cond and BC.cond (i.e. immidiate branches) only.
ARMv7 On ARM v7, this function can be used to invert any conditional instruction.