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FML language and runtime

FML is an imperative, object-oriented toy language based on Feeny. FML has ML-like syntax. The features are selected to make the language small and quick to implement, but to make the runtime implementation non-trivial.


  • object-oriented
  • inheritence
  • dynamically typed
  • overrideable operators
  • dynamic dispatch
  • pass by reference

The name FML is accidental, but turned out to be archetypal nevertheless.

Installation guide

FML is a rust project hosted on Github.


Getting Rust (

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Getting the code

git clone


cd FML;
cargo build --release


cargo run --release



If you're going to use the interpreter, I recommend using it through rlwrap.

rlwrap cargo run --release


rlwrap target/release/fml


Run an FML program:

fml run examples/hello_world.fml

Full stack

The execution always parses the FML source code, compiles it into bytecode, and then executes the bytecode. These steps can be done separately to get intermediate results.

Parse the FML source into an AST in the form of a LISP S-expression:

fml parse examples/hello_world.fml -o examples/hello_world.ast --format=lisp       

Other formats include JSON and YAML.

Compile LISP S-expression into bytecode:

fml compile examples/hello_world.ast -o examples/hello_world.bc --input-format=lisp --output-format=bytes

Execute bytecode:

target/release/fml execute examples/hello_world.bc

Language elements

A run down of all language elements in some sort of order.


FML has C-style end-of-line comments and block comments.

End of line comments start with // end end with an end of line:

// Here, I will write all my secrets!

Block comments start with /* and end with */ and can span multiple lines. Comments do not nest.

/* in Naniwa Bay, 
   now the flowers are blossoming. 
   after lying dormant all winter, 
   now the spring has come 
   and the flowers are blossoming. */

Comments support UTF-8.

// 👍 


FML has five types: integer, boolean, unit, objects, and arrays.

Integers represent numbers. Integers are always signed 32 bit values.


Note: The semicolon ; is used to separate two expressions, it's not a part of the literal.

Integers have the following operators defined on them:

5  + 7;   //    12
5  - 7;   //    -2
5  * 7;   //    35
5  / 7;   //     0
5  % 7;   //     5
5 <= 7;   //  true
5 >= 7;   // false
5  < 7;   //  true
5  > 7;   // false
5 == 7;   // false
5 != 7;   //  true

Comparison of an integer to a value of a different type with == and != is also possible and it results in false and true respectively.

Note: FML does not have floating point numbers, just integers.

Boolean type represents logical expressions. Booleans can have the following two values:


Booleans support the following operators:

true  & false;   // false
true  | false;   //  true
true == false;   // false
true != false;   //  true

Comparison of a boolean to a value of a different type with == and != is also possible and it results in false and true respectively.

Note: Feeny did not have booleans.

Unit represents things that don't have a value or where we don't care about the value. It is represented with the literal:


Unit supports comparisons via == and != to itself and other types.

Note: We will refer this as null and unit interchangeably, which is a misnomer. The term unit is used for a separate type that means "nothing is expected to be here, ever", whereas null is a value that can be assigned to any type and means "there is no value here right now". As FML is a dynamic language, this distinction is blurred in practice and unit often plays both roles.

Objects are programmer-defined structures containing data and associated methods and operators that can be executed on them. They are described in a separate section below.

Arrays are contain collections of multiple values of any type. They are described in a separate section below.


FML has a print instruction, for, well, printing things on screen.

print("ahoj przygodo!\n")

Note: FML does not have a string type, so that string literal is just a feature of print.

The printer has a limited formatter where each placeholder ~ is replaced by consecutive arguments to print:

print("~ and ~ and ~ and ~\n", 1, 2, 3, 4)  // prints: 1 and 2 and 3 and 4

The result of print is unit.


FML uses the let keyword and = for declaration. A variable is given a name and an initial value.

let answer = 42;

A variable cannot be created without an initial value, which is where nulls/units come in handy.

let butts = null;

A variable can be assigned the result of any expression.

let result = some_function();

A variable declaration returns (a reference to) the initial value;

let a = let b = 2;
print("~ ~\n", a, b)    // 2 2

By the way, the language has parens that can be used to disambiguate expressions:

let a = (let b = 2); 
print("~ ~\n", a, b)    // 2 2

Since variables are variable, their value can be changed with the asssignment operator <-.

let answer = null;
answer <- 42;

Blocks of expressions

In FML a block of expression is defined between a begin and an end with semicolons separating statements inside:

  let x = 1;
  let y = 2;
  print("~ ~\n", x, y)

A block can be used anywhere instead of a single statement. It returns the result of the last executed statement inside.

let x = begin 1; 2; 3 end
print("~\n", x)                 // 3

Blocks inherit the environment of their parent, but everything defined inside is limited to the scope of the environment:

let x = 1;
let y = 1;
  let y = 1;
  let z = 1;
  x <- 2;
  y <- 2;
  z <- 2;
print("~\n", x);        // 2
print("~\n", y);        // 1
print("~\n", z);        // no such global: z

Environments can be nested.

Conditional expressions

FML has two principle mechanisms of controlling the flow of execution: conditionals and loops.

A conditional expressions us the keywords if, then, else representing the condition, the consequent branch, and the alternative branch. if is followed by an expression that should evaluate to boolean. then and else are followed by expressions that execute depending on the result of the condition. It's all pretty standard, really.

if true 
then print("true")
else print("false") 

If you need more than one expression in any of the branches, use a block:

if true
then begin
else begin

The conditional statement returns the result of the last executed expression:

let p = true;
let q = false;
let x = if p & q then 1 else 0;
print("p & q = ~\n", x);         // p & q = 0

The else block is optional:

if true
  then print("true\n")

If the else block is missing, and the alternative branch is invoked, the conditional returns unit:

print("~\n", if true  then true)   // true
print("~\n", if false then true)   // null

The condition, and both brancheds is integrated into the parent scope:

if let x = true then let y = true else let z = true;
print("~\n", x);                    // true
print("~\n", y);                    // true
print("~\n", z);                    // no such global: z

Note to self: I could fix this, but then y'all would have to fix this too.


FML has while loops and nothign else. It has a condition that is re-evaluated on each iteration and an expression for a body.

while false
do print("forever\n")

A loop printing numbers from 0 to 10.

let i = 0;
while i < 10 
do begin
  print("~\n", i);
  i <- i + 1;

Loops can be used as expressions but always return unit.


Another control flow abstraction we have in FML is functions, which execute a snippet of code and return to the callsite with a result. Functions are named and have a list of zero or more parameters. A function returns the result of the statement sconsittuting its body.

function f(x,y) -> 2 * x + y;

Functions are called (applied) with a list of arguments that are assigned to parameters positionally:

let x = f(2, 1);     
print("~\n", x)      // 2 * 2 + 1 = 5

If a function's body requires more than one expression, use a block:

function ff(x, y) -> begin let a = 2 * x; let b = y; a + b end;

FML functions pass arguments in by reference (or rather, the reference is copied)---it's explained later where it matters.

Note: There's no return statement in FML. It simplifies some things.

Functions can only be defined anywhere in the top level.


Arrays are structures that hold indexable references to multiple other entities. Arrays in FML have constant sizes, but have mutable elements. They have a single dimension. The simplest way to construct an array is by specifying its size and an initial value for all the elements:

array(7, null)        // [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ]

The size can be specified using any expression:

array(let size = 7, null);
print("size: ~\n", size);         // size: 7

The initial value can also be specified using an expression, however, this expression will be re-executed for every element. This means that a sort of array comprehension is possible:

let i = 1;
let a = array(10, begin let x = i; i <- i + 1; x; end);
print("~\n", a)                   // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ]

Note: You can thank/curse your colleagues from the beta edition of this course for introducing this feature.

Array elements can be accessed by a get operator [..]. Arrays are 0-indexed.

print("~..~\n", a[0], a[9]);      // 1..10

Array elements can be modified with a [..] <- operator.

a[5] <- -1;
print("~\n", a)                   // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1, 7, 8, 9, 10, ]

Remember only references to arrays get passed around:

let a = array(3, null);
let b = a;
b[1] <- 42;
print("~\n", a);                // [null, -42, null, ] 
print("~\n", b);                // [null, -42, null, ]

And this:

function f (arr) -> 
  arr[1] <- 42

let a = array(3, null);
print("~\n", a);                // [null, -42, null, ] 


Objects are declared by defining an anonymous instance with optional inheritence declarations and a possibly-empty list of members.

object /* optional inheritence declaration goes here */
  /* optional members go here */

This declaration is an expression that returns a reference to the object instance. This can be assigned to variables:

let obj = object begin end;

Hint: it can also be returned from functions as if they are a ur-constructors:

function new() -> object begin end;

Let's look at members first. Members can be fields, methods, or operators.


Fields are defined just like variables:

let point = object 
  let x = 0;
  let y = 1;
  let z = 2;

Fields are public. They can be accessed by the dot operator:

print("x=~, y=~, z=~\n", point.x, point.y, point.z); // x=0, y=1, z=2

(A field cannnot be called print. This is a bug, but it's too annoying to fix.)


Methods are defined just like functions:

let point = object 
  let x = 0;
  let y = 1;
  let z = 2;
  function print() -> 
    print("x=~, y=~, z=~\n", this.x, this.y, this.z);

Methods can get fields and call methods on the this object which is a reference to the host object of the method.



It is possible to deifne functions that overload operators.

function new(x) ->
    let inner = 2;
    function + (operand) -> this.inner + operand.inner

Most operators work as infix binary operators:

let x = new(1);
let y = new(2);
let r = x + y;
print("~\n", r);

They can also be called like ordinary methods, if that's how you like to entartain yourself:

let x = new(1);
let y = new(2);
let r = x.+(y);
print("~\n", r);

Here's a list of all supported binary operators in FML:

  function  | (operand) -> begin end;
  function  & (operand) -> begin end;
  function == (operand) -> begin end;
  function != (operand) -> begin end;
  function  > (operand) -> begin end;
  function  < (operand) -> begin end;
  function >= (operand) -> begin end;
  function <= (operand) -> begin end;
  function  + (operand) -> begin end;
  function  - (operand) -> begin end;
  function  / (operand) -> begin end;
  function  * (operand) -> begin end;
  function  % (operand) -> begin end;

Operator precedence

FML has straighforward operator precedense:

priority group operators
1 factor *, /, %
2 additive +, -
3 comparison ==, !=
4 conjunction &
5 disjunction `

So the following are equivalent:

false |     2*2  +  2/2   ==  8 - 3   & true;
false | ((((2*2) + (2/2)) == (8 - 3)) & true);

Array operators

In addition to those, FML also has two array operators:

let arr = array(1, null);
arr[0] <- true;             // assignment operator aka set
arr[0];                     // access operator aka get

We can impement those for any object by implementing methods called get and set:

  function get(index)        -> begin end;
  function set(index, value) -> begin end;

They can also be called as methods:

let arr = array(1, null);
arr.set(0, true);


The FML language supports inheritence. An object's parent is specified after the object keyword with the extends keyword.

let pseudo_one = object extends 1 begin end;
let pseudo_two = object extends 2 begin end;
print("~\n", pseudo_one + 2);
print("~\n", pseudo_two + 1);

But not pseudo_one + pseudo_two, because pseudo_one delagates to 1, and `1

  • pseudo_two` will fail.

Method dispatch looks at methods in the current object. If none are found, it looks in the parent object, and continues looking until there is no parent object to look up in.

function immutable_array(len, value) ->
    object extends array(len, value)
      function set(index, value) -> 
        print("Cannot set value: immutable array\n");

let arr = immutable_array(10, 42);
arr[0] <- 6;       // Cannot set value: immutable array
print("~\n", arr); // object(..=[42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42, 42])

We can also compose functionality from current and parent object:

function math_array(len, value) -> 
    object extends array(len, value)
      let length = len;
      function + (value) -> 
        let i = 0;
        let result = array(this.length, null);
        while i < this.length do
          result[i] <- this[i] + value;
          i <- i + 1;

let arr1 = math_array(10, 5);
let arr2 = arr1 + 1;
arr2[0] <- 7;
print("~\n", arr2); // [7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]

If the extends phrase is omitted, the parent is null.

Note: there's no super keyword.