All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Upgraded
to v0.0.11.- fix: A state handling bug prevented the promise returned by login() from working on first call to function.
- Custom connect and account dialog components using wagmi directly instead of using RainbowKit.
- Upgraded wagmi to v2.5.7. This introduces TanStack Query as an additional dependency.
- Upgraded viem to v2.8.4
- Removed RainbowKit as a dependency.
- Use new convenience state variables from ic-use-siwe-identity.
isPreparingLogin: state.prepareLoginStatus === "preparing",
isPrepareLoginError: state.prepareLoginStatus === "error",
isPrepareLoginSuccess: state.prepareLoginStatus === "success",
isPrepareLoginIdle: state.prepareLoginStatus === "idle",
isLoggingIn: state.loginStatus === "logging-in",
isLoginError: state.loginStatus === "error",
isLoginSuccess: state.loginStatus === "success",
isLoginIdle: state.loginStatus === "idle",
- Use v0.0.4 of the ic_siwe_provider canister.
- Preloading of SIWE messages! When a users wallet is connected, a SIWE message is requested from the provider canister. This means, when user clicks on the "Login" button, the SIWE message is already there and the user can sign it immediately. No more waiting for the message to be fetched from the provider canister.
- Upgraded to
and refactored some code to reflect the changes in the new version.
- First released.