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File metadata and controls

59 lines (38 loc) · 4.13 KB

Git organization and Pull Request process

This project uses a Gitflow-like organization for code:

  • The master branch represents a stable version of the project at any given time.
  • Releases are tags on the master branch.
  • All features and bug fixes are performed against the develop branch.
  • New features are allocated their own branch based on the develop branch, and pull requests are made from the new feature branch to the develop branch.

Developers who wish to submit a pull request should perform the following protocol:

  1. Fork the project on GitHub
  2. Create a special-purpose branch from the develop branch, e.g. 'fix-filevault' or 'disable-apple-mail'
  3. Implement the changes in the branch
  4. Follow the guidelines in the sections below depending on whether you are modifying configuration checks, Python code, or any combination therefore
  5. Make a pull request from your feature branch to the develop branch.

Modifying default configuration checks

All default configuration checks -- that is, the set of configurations that will be checked and fixed if insecure when the user runs -- are expressed in the osx-config.hjson file. This file is written in Hjson to make it easy to read and modify.

In order to avoid requiring non-developer users of the tool to install the Hjson Python module, a pure JSON file is also included in this repository: osx-config.json. Contributors MUST follow these rules:

  • You MUST NOT directly modify the osx-config.json file.
  • If you modify the osx-config.hjson file, you MUST include any appropriate updates to the osx-config.json file in your commit. Adding or modifying elements such as comments and whitespace will typically not result in changes to pure JSON file, but many other changes will.

An updated version of the osx-config.json file SHOULD be generated using the script:

$ python

Use of this script requires the hjson Python module. To install it on your system, you can use:

$ pip install hjson


$ sudo pip install hjson

If you'd like to make sure your changes to osx-config.hjson are automatically reflected in osx-config.json, you MAY install a git pre-commit hook to do so. Use this file: hooks/pre-commit

To "install" this pre-commit hook, copy it to the .git/hooks directory contained in your local copy of this repository. More resources on Git hooks can be found here.

Modifying Python files

You SHOULD use pylint on any Python files you modify before submitting your modifications. Please attempt to avoid lowering the pylint score of these files.


The osx-config-check project aims to use Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

  1. A major version number is incremented when an incompatible change is made either to the Hjson syntax for a config check or when an incompatible change is made to functions (e.g. a function is removed or its prototype modified).
  2. A minor version number is incremented when a feature is added that is backwards-compatible, including:
  • A new element is added to the Hjson syntax that is compatible with existing config checks
  • A new function is added to
  1. A patch version number is incremented when a bug is fixed in a backward-compatible way, including:
  • Changes to bash commands
  • Changes to the contents of scripts
  • Typos in code or documentation

New versions are produced by merging stable changes from the develop branch to the master branch, and by tagging them as a new release.