This documentation contains backend development guide for interaction with key components behind KubeSphere logging system. KubeSphere logging system provides the functionality of log searching, downloading and store.
The listing below covers relevant code for logging.
└─options # initialize logging client when launching ks-apiserver
│ └─logging # declare api response structure
│ └─v1alpha2
│ └─tenant # register multi-tenant logging apis
│ └─v1alpha2
│ ├─handler.go
│ └─register.go
│ └─logging.go # interact with the logging client
├─interface.go # define logging client interfaces
└─elasticsearch # an elasticsearch implementation of logging client
├─api_body.go # defines elasticsearch api request/response body structures
├─options.go # elasticsearch client options
└─versions # implement logging interfaces by elasticsearch versions
There are two types of APIs in logging, one for multi-tenant log searching (See register.go), and the other for interacting with Fluent Bit Operator CRD to configure log collection. For more information about Fluent Bit Operator CRD, please go to the project repo.