Fluent Bit output plugin which sends logs to Aliyun Simple Log Service(SLS). You can do realtime analysis and archiving using other Aliyun products. Check Aliyun documents for detailed usage.
Currently we only provide Docker image for Linux machines at Docker Hub. If you're not using Docker, you can compile the plugin from source.
Docker supports fluentd as a log driver. You can launch fluent-bit-aliyun
in a container
and ask Docker to send logs to it.
$ docker run -d --network host -e ALIYUN_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY -e ALIYUN_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET -e ALIYUN_SLS_PROJECT=YOUR_PROJECT -e ALIYUN_SLS_LOGSTORE=YOUR_LOGSTORE -e ALIYUN_SLS_ENDPOINT=cn-hangzhou.log.aliyuncs.com kubeup/fluent-bit-aliyun:v0.1.0 /fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit -c /fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit-forwarder.conf -e /fluent-bit/out_sls.so
$ docker run --log-driver=fluentd -d nginx
You can also set fluentd as your default log driver by adding --log-driver=fluentd
to Docker daemon.
We use DaemonSet
to deploy fluent-bit-aliyun
on all nodes which will collect Docker
logs from all pods on each machine. The kubernetes
filter will add tags from pod metadata.
First we create a Secret
containing all the configurations.
$ kubectl create secret generic fluent-bit-config --namespace=kube-system --from-literal=ALIYUN_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY --from-literal=ALIYUN_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET --from-literal=ALIYUN_SLS_PROJECT=YOUR_PROJECT --from-literal=ALIYUN_SLS_LOGSTORE=YOUR_LOGSTORE --from-literal=ALIYUN_SLS_ENDPOINT=cn-hangzhou.log.aliyuncs.com
Then we deploy the DaemonSet
$ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubeup/fluent-bit-aliyun/master/fluent-bit-daemonset.yaml
We could check the status.
$ kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system
You can config the plugin using environment variables. We support these configs:
You should consider creating a dedicated account in RAM just for logging for better security protection.