We see a few questions about "kubectl" YAML manifests and what you can and can't do syntactically, therefore we'll try to clear some of this up.
(and anything else in the ecosystem that needs to read YAML like kubelet
etc) is built using the standard GoLang YAML package, which apart from anything explicitly mentioned in the package's Compatibility paragraph is generally YAML 1.2 compliant (see gotchas below), and this is the dialect that kubectl
understands. There is no "special" kubectl
- In a nutshell
- Ordering of keys
- To quote or not to quote
- Indentation
- Dealing with Errors (kubectl)
- Gotchas
- YAML Practice lab
- Advanced features
YAML is a superset of JSON and has all the same concepts like objects (a.k.a. dictionary, map) and lists, and combinations of all these
myString: I am a string value
myNumber: 123
myBoolean: true
- value1
- value2
- valuen
myObject: # Every key-value indented beneath here is part of `myObject` dictionary
property1: value1
property2: value2
propertyn: valuen
Every item is a key-value pair, where the key name ends with a :
and the value follows.
A value may be of any valid type; a scalar (string, number, bool etc.), or a list or another object, so value1
, value2
, valuen
above can be any of these types, however here they are string literals.
This is exactly the same as this JSON
"myString": "I am a string value",
"myNumber": 123,
"myBoolean": true,
"myList": [
"myObject": {
"property1": "value1",
"property2": "value2",
"propertyn": "valuen"
Any valid JSON is also valid YAML, meaning you can mix and match
# Using JSON array for command parameters (known as YAML flow style)
command: ["sleep", "4800"]
is equivalent to
# Using YAML array for command parameters (known as YAML block style)
- sleep
- "4800"
In places where you need to declare an empty YAML object key, then you must use flow style to represent the value as an empty (JSON) object, such as
- name: my-volume
emptyDir: {}
This is because to put nothing after emptyDir:
would be a syntax error as the value would be missing. What we are doing is asking for an emptyDir
volume with no custom properties. There are properties that could be used with this but they are beyond the scope of the exams.
Both YAML and JSON have no restriction on the ordering of keys in an object declaration
All the following have exactly the same outcome. Key arrangement is a matter of personal preference, and many programs that save data to YAML files, including kubectl
will emit the keys in alphabetical order. It so happens when saving kube objects with -o yaml
that apiVersion
, kind
, metadata
, spec
are already in alphabetical order, but you'll notice that the keys for each container are sorted.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test
- name: test
image: busybox
name: test
- name: test
image: busybox
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
- image: busybox
name: test
apiVersion: v1
name: test
kind: Pod
YAML always parses literal values as strings, unless the value is wholly numeric (including canonical, integer, fixed point, exponential, octal or hex), a timestamp or a boolean (true
, false
). If you want to force a non-string to be parsed as a string, you must quote it. This rule applies to environment variable values and to command arguments which must both be passed to the underlying container as a string, hence
- sleep
- "4800"
If you are creating configmaps or secrets for use with environment variables, the same quoting rules apply.
We've seen posts that say "You must quote mount paths" or "You must quote pod capabilities". This is not the case. The rules are as stated above. At the end of the day you want to use as few keystrokes as possible when doing the exam! You only need to quote if the value is not a string and you want it to be treated as a string (as in environment variable example above), or if using flow-style e.g.
add: ["NET_ADMIN", "SYS_TIME"]
is exactly the same as
Beware of the pesky indentation rules. Whitespace is part of the syntax like Python, however TAB
characters are not. Each indentation level should be two spaces. If you mess this up you can get all kinds of different errors from kubectl
depending on where it was in the file when it encountered the error.
Lists may be introduced at the same level as the parent key, or indented. Both the following lists are valid
- value1
- value2
- Make sure vim is not inserting
instead of spaces, or you will get cryptic errors fromkubectl
! - Remember to use
INSERT (paste)
mode when pasting YAML from documentation, and toggle paste mode OFF before hitting tab on the keyboard.
The following vim settings in .vimrc work for me, but many people have posted other settings in blogs like Medium.
set nu
set ts=2
set sw=2
set et
set ai
set pastetoggle=<F3>
What these do, in order:
- Enable line numbers
- Set shift width 2 chars
- Expand tabs to spaces
- Set tab stop to 2 chars
- Enable auto indent
- NOTE - this was not working properly in the exam as of 2022-07-06. See Issues with Exam Portal.
Set F3 key to toggle paste mode. This is super important when pasting from the Kubernetes docs. Enter insert modei
then pressF3
so the bottom line readsINSERT (paste)
Once you've pasted, ensure to toggle paste mode OFF again, orTAB
key will start inserting tab characters andkubectl
will complain!
Paste mode may also be toggled from vi normal mode with the following commands:
:set paste
:set nopaste
When a manifest is read, it is a two-pass operation
The YAML is read in and converted to JSON. In this phase, errors specific to the grammar of YAML itself will be detected. If it gets past this phase, then the YAML is syntactically correct as far as YAML grammar goes. These errors have line number context and will be shown as
(yaml: line #: error message)
You should enable line numbers in
to help you get to these errors quickly. If line numbers are not showing, enter:set nu
before entering insert mode.If the manifest file being read has multiple documents, then the error line number is relative to the beginning of the document currently being read, not the beginning of the file. You can use relative line numbers in vi to get to the correct line of a document further down the manifest file.
Once the YAML has successfully been converted to JSON, then the JSON is marshalled to Go structures internally (i.e. the programmatic representation of pods, deployments, etc.). These errors are generally of the form
(json: cannot unmarshal _something_ into Go _something_else_ of type _sometype_)
This means that you have probably missed a key, or put a list or a string literal where there should have been a map. Basically what you've put for a pod is syntactically correct YAML, but that YAML does not correctly represent a pod.
You can get a clue as to where the error is from thesomething_else
. Say that isPodSpec.spec.containers
then it's in thecontainers:
section of the manifest. Say it'sVolume.spec.volumes.hostPath
then it's ahostPath:
within one of yourvolumes:
.Essentially you have supplied the wrong data type at the manifest path indicated by something_else. You can use this information in a
kubectl explain
to find out what should be there, so for the abovePodSpec.spec.containers
From the something_else omit the first
(if present and has capital S), then lowercase what remains, e.g.PodSpec
. -
Make an explain command
kubectl explain pod.spec.containers
A manifest parse stops at the first error encountered, as it loses context and cannot continue. This means if you have made multiple errors you have to fix one to be able to find the next, therefore getting it right is an iterative process!
Some common errors you'll get from Kubernetes components when your YAML is malformed are shown below. I'm showing the relevant portion of the error messages:
(yaml: line 67: found character that cannot start any token)
Usually indicative of
characters found where there should be spaces at the given line. -
Incorrect indention causing map when list is expected
(yaml: line 56: mapping values are not allowed in this context)
Here the error is caused by
spec: containers: name: nginx # <- line 56
is not an allowed key forspec
, which is how we've put it.name
is actually part of a container definition andcontainers
is a list of container defintions. Should have beenspec: containers: - name: nginx
Unknown field
Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating "some-pod": Pod in version "v1" cannot be handled as a Pod: strict decoding error: unknown field "spec.containers[0].dnsPolicy"
Again, usually an indentation problem (in this case), or it really is a field that doesn't exist e.g. you put
or some other nonsense, or you simply typoed the key name.apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test spec: containers: - image: busybox name: test command: - sleep - "1800" dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst #<- This is indented too far
In the example above
has been indented to be part of the first container (i.e.containers[0]
), and as such is an unknown field for a container specification. It should be part ofspec
for the pod itslf. -
Could not find expected key
(yaml: line 106: did not find expected key)
Most likely you inserted a new list item somewhere near the given line, but did not specify it as a list item, e.g.
volumes: hostPath: # <- you inserted this volume path: /etc/ssl/certs type: DirectoryOrCreate name: ca-certs - hostPath: path: /etc/ca-certificates type: DirectoryOrCreate name: etc-ca-certificates
But you forgot the
volumes: - hostPath: # <- note the difference path: /etc/ssl/certs type: DirectoryOrCreate name: ca-certs - hostPath: path: /etc/ca-certificates type: DirectoryOrCreate name: etc-ca-certificates
Missing list where Kubernetes expects one
(json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field PodSpec.spec.containers of type []v1.Container)
Any unmarshalling error that mentions
type []...
(doesn't matter what comes after[]
) means that a YAML list was expected but not found. In this particular case, it is telling usPodSpec.spec.containers
, so it is complaining about thecontainers:
section in your pod defintion not being a list. That means you probably did something likespec: containers: name: nginx image: nginx
When it should be
spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx
Missing map where Kubernetes expects one
(json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field Volume.spec.volumes.hostPath of type v1.HostPathVolumeSource)
In this case, the error is caused by
volumes: - hostPath: /tmp
We have specified a string
for the value ofhostPath
when a YAML map is expected. These are represented as Gostruct
internally.It should have been
volumes: - hostPath: path: /tmp
Argument error
The YAML is correct. The spec structure is correct after it's been converted to JSON and marshalled, however the argument to a spec property is invalid.
For instance, you've created a
with typeFile
which means that the indicated path must exist. If it does not, you will get an error similar toError: MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "audit" (UniqueName: "kubernetes.io/host-path/5a5fb26ce98b248d1257ea78eeb44853-audit") pod "kube-apiserver-controlplane" (UID: "5a5fb26ce98b248d1257ea78eeb44853") : hostPath type check failed: /etc/kubernetes/dev-audit.yaml is not a file
In general the categories of error fall under
- Incorrect indentation
- Misspelled or missing key
- Array when it should have been map
- Map when it should have been array
- Argument errors
While debugging a YAML file, have vi
open in one terminal window and the command prompt in another. With each edit, save the file without exiting vi
, using :w
. Then in the other terminal run kubectl create
or kubectl apply
as appropriate until the command is successful. Then exit vi
Here we list any bugs in the GoLang YAML parser. By "bugs" we mean deviations from the YAML 1.2 Standard, whereby the parser does not behave as per the specification. These are traps for the unwary!
Key duplication is not reported as an error.
As per section, a duplicate key should be reported as an error. Golang's parser (and thus
) does not do this. Consider the following. Can you see the issue, and predict what will happen?apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: run: test name: test spec: volumes: - name: data emptyDir: {} containers: - image: nginx name: test resources: requests: cpu: 200m volumeMounts: - name: data mountPath: /data resources: {} dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always
What's wrong with the above?
is defined twice. This should be reported as an error, but is not! -
What will happen?
The last value found for
is what will go into the pod, therefore you may think you set a CPU request, but in fact it will not be set, and if that's for an exam question, then it won't score!Try creating a pod from the above, and get it back with
kubectl get pod test -o yaml
and note the lack of resources!
Could be any key, and the one which is most likely to nip you (especially if you're doing CKS) would be
which can be defined at container and pod level. If you do a containersecurityContext
, then a pod one later in the manifest and get the indentation wrong, it would be interpreted as a second entry at container level and trump the first one.
A lecture and practice lab may be found in this free course. Note that the lecture is taken from the Ansible course, however all the main concepts of YAML syntax are discussed.
Note that you are not required to understand this for the exams. This section is provided just to demonstrate the power of YAML if you master it!
A single YAML file may contain multiple documents. Each resource in Kubernetes is described by a single document. Multiple documents in the same file are separated by the document separator which is
This means that you can declare for instance a deployment and a service to expose it in the same YAML file:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: nginx
name: nginx
namespace: default
replicas: 1
app: nginx
app: nginx
- image: nginx
name: nginx
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: nginx
name: nginx
namespace: default
- port: 8080
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8080
app: nginx
type: ClusterIP
The GoLang YAML parser supports funky stuff like Aliases and Anchors, which help you to avoid repetition. Consider the case where you have a load of containers in a single pod, and they all require the same environment. You can do this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx-with-anchors
- name: c1
image: nginx:1.14.2
env: &environment # <- anchor
- name: MY_NODE_NAME
fieldPath: spec.nodeName
- name: c2
image: nginx:1.14.2
env: *environment # <- alias (to above anchor)
- name: c3
image: nginx:1.14.2
env: *environment
- name: c4
image: nginx:1.14.2
env: *environment
- name: c5
image: nginx:1.14.2
env: *environment
Apply this pod, then get it back with
kubectl get pod nginx-with-anchors -o yaml
You will see that the environment for c1 is replicated to all the other containers. Neat huh?