diff --git a/.github/workflows/load-test.yaml b/.github/workflows/load-test.yaml
index 634a056..eca1194 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/load-test.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/load-test.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,21 @@ concurrency:
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      fail-fast: false
+      matrix:
+        vus:
+          - name: vu
+            values:
+              - 1000
+        iterations:
+          - name: iteration
+            values:
+              - 1000
+        scripts:
+          - name: script
+            values:
+              - kyverno-pss.js
       - name: Checkout
         uses: actions/checkout@8ade135a41bc03ea155e62e844d188df1ea18608 # v4.1.0
@@ -26,28 +41,20 @@ jobs:
       - name: Run local k6 test
         shell: bash
         run: |
-          cd k6
-          export VUS=10
-          export ITERATIONS=1000
-          export SCRIPT=kyverno-pss.js
-          ./start.sh tests/$SCRIPT $VUS $ITERATIONS
-          grep "level=error" "$SCRIPT-${VUS}vu-${ITERATIONS}it-logs.txt"
-          # Store the exit code of the grep command
-          exit_code=$?
+          export VUS=${{ join(matrix.vus.values, ',') }}
+          export ITERATIONS=${{ join(matrix.iterations.values, ',') }}
+          export SCRIPT=${{ join(matrix.scripts.values, ',') }}
+          make kyverno-pss-block
+          cat ${SCRIPT}-${VUS}vu-${ITERATIONS}it-logs.txt
+      - name: Check errors:
+        shell: bash
+        run: |
+          make check-error
+      # - name: Debug
+      #   if: failure()
+      #   run: |
+      #     cat kyverno-pss.js-10vu-1000it-logs.txt
-          # Check if the exit code is 0 (match found) or 1 (no match found)
-          if [ $exit_code -eq 0 ]; then
-              echo "Error found in the file."
-              exit 1
-          elif [ $exit_code -eq 1 ]; then
-              echo "No error found in the file."
-              exit 0
-          else
-              echo "An error occurred while searching the file."
-              exit 1
-          fi
-          cat kyverno-pss.js-10vu-1000it-logs.txt
         # uses: grafana/k6-action@v0.3.0
         # with:
           # filename: k6/tests/kyverno-pss.js 10 100
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 934e5ca..49c11ba 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -50,4 +50,21 @@ kind-create-cluster: $(KIND) ## Create kind cluster
 	@$(KIND) create cluster --name $(KIND_NAME) --image $(KIND_IMAGE) --config ./configs/kind/default.yaml
 .PHONY: kind-deploy-kyverno
-kind-deploy-kyverno: helm-add-repo helm-install-kyverno ## Deploy kyverno helm chart
\ No newline at end of file
+kind-deploy-kyverno: helm-add-repo helm-install-kyverno ## Deploy kyverno helm chart
+# K6 #
+VUS          ?= 10 
+ITERATIONS   ?= 1000
+SCRIPT       ?= "kyverno-pss.js"
+.PHONY: kyverno-pss-block
+	cd k6 \
+	./start.sh ./tests/${SCRIPT} ${VUS} ${ITERATIONS}
+.PHONY: check-error
+    @grep -q "level=error" "${SCRIPT}-${VUS}vu-${ITERATIONS}it-logs.txt" || (echo "Error found in the file."; exit 1)
\ No newline at end of file