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OpenVINO Hetero plugin design overview

Subgraphs selection


For each plugin

  1. Select root node
    • Node not in subgraph previously constructed
    • Affinity is equal to plugin name
  2. Select adjacent node to any node in already subgraph which is not in rejected list
    • if there are no such nodes end
  3. Check selected node has same affinity
  4. Add node to subgraph if check was successful or add to rejected list otherwise
  5. Check global condition
    • Nodes in rejected list can never be added to subgraph
    • Nodes not in subgraph and not in rejected list can possibly be added later
    • Check subgraph topology (the only check now is there are no indirect subgraph self-references)
  6. If global condition was failed remove last node from subgraph, add it to rejected list and go to step 5
    • we can rollback multiple times here because rejected list is changed every time
  7. Go to step 2


graph TD;

Nodes [1,2,3,5,6,7] are supported in plugin, [4] is not

Possible roots: [1,2,3,5,6,7]

  1. Select root [1]
    • Subgraph: [1]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: ok
  2. Merge [2]
    • Subgraph: [1,2]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: ok
  3. Merge [3]
    • Subgraph: [1,2,3]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: ok
  4. Merge [5]
    • Subgraph: [1,2,3,5]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: There is possible self-references through node [4] but we do not know yet, ok
  5. Merge [6]
    • Subgraph: [1,2,3,5,6]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: There is possible self-references through node [4] but we do not know yet, ok
  6. Merge [7]
    • Subgraph: [1,2,3,5,6,7]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: There is possible self-references through node [4] but we do not know yet, ok
  7. Failed to merge [4]
    • Subgraph: [1,2,3,5,6,7]
    • Rejected: [4]
    • Global condition: There is self-references through node [4], reject
  8. Rollback [7]
    • Subgraph: [1,2,3,5,6]
    • Rejected: [4,7]
    • Global condition: There is self-references through node [4], reject
  9. Rollback [6]
    • Subgraph: [1,2,3,5]
    • Rejected: [4,6,7]
    • Global condition: There is self-references through node [4], reject
  10. Rollback [5]
    • Subgraph: [1,2,3]
    • Rejected: [4,5,6,7]
    • Global condition: ok
  11. There are nodes to merge end

Possible roots: [5,6,7]

  1. Select root [5]
    • Subgraph: [5]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: ok
  2. Merge [6]
    • Subgraph: [5,6]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: ok
  3. Merge [7]
    • Subgraph: [5,6,7]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: ok
  4. Merge [3]
    • Subgraph: [3,5,6,7]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: ok
  5. Merge [2]
    • Subgraph: [2,3,5,6,7]
    • Rejected: []
    • Global condition: There is possible self-references through node [4] but we do not know yet, ok
  6. Failed to merge [4]
    • Subgraph: [2,3,5,6,7]
    • Rejected: [4]
    • Global condition: There is self-references through node [4], reject
  7. Rollback [2]
    • Subgraph: [3,5,6,7]
    • Rejected: [2,4]
    • Global condition: ok
  8. There are nodes to merge end

Possible roots: [] no roots, END

Subgraphs: [1,2,3], [3,5,6,7]

Select best subgraph:

  • When we have multiple subgraphs larger ([3,5,6,7]) is always selected, always

Repeat previous steps with remaining nodes [1,2]

The final result is:

  • First plugin: [3,5,6,7], [1,2]
  • Second plugin: [4]

Subgraphs self reference detection

  1. For each node in network build a list of reachable node (transitive closure)
  2. For each pair of nodes in subgraph find path nodes (nodes through one node in pair reachable to other)
    • assume src - one node in pair, dst - other node in pair
    • get all nodes reachable from src
    • in those nodes find nodes through you can reach dst those will be our path node
  3. Results for pairs is cached.
  4. Check if there intersection between path nodes set and rejected nodes set for each nodes pair in subgraph
  5. In case of intersection we have a self-reference and subgraph is invalid

See also