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Pedro edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

How to render equations in a github flavoured markdown

Single line equations

Using raw html

  1. Go to codecogs
  2. Type your equation
  3. Set output format to .svg
  4. Copy <img src=[...] /> part of html (at the end of the page)
  5. Paste in markdown file


  1. Replace parenthesis ( and ) for %28 and %29
  2. When writing transposed tensors/matrices ^\top is a pain. Use ^\text{T} or just ^T


This input

    title="Green-Lagrange strain tensor" 

Will generate this equation

Using markdown links

  1. Go to codecogs
  2. Type your equation
  3. Set output format to .svg
  4. At the end of the page, set output code to URL Encoded
  5. Paste in markdown file as ![](https://latex.codecogs[...])


This input

![](;%5Cnabla%5Cmathbf%7Bu%7D%5E%7B%5Ctext%7BT%7D%7D%5Cright%29 "Green-Lagrange strain tensor")

Will generate this equation

Multi-lined equations

If you need complicated stuff like cases or align environments, use Texify app for Github.

Other options you might want to checkout



  • 2DSimple

Implementation notes

Templates and Tutorials


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