First ensure you have all dependencies installed:
yarn install
environment variables set:
Some scripts will send output to Slack. If you want this output to post to Slack, ensure you have the SLACK_BOT_OAUTH_TOKEN
environment variables set:
If you don't want to post to Slack, the script will print the output to the console.
This script will fetch all scheduled runs and either send them to Slack or print them to the console.
yarn get:scheduled_runs
This script will fetch and log all links which are currently scheduled, or interrupted and awaiting human intervention.
yarn get:used_links
This script will invoke the graph to generate a post. It defaults to a LangChain blog post, and typically used to demonstrate how the Social Media Agent works.
yarn generate_post
This script will delete runs and associated threads. It requires setting the run ID(s) and thread ID(s) in the script.
yarn graph:delete:run_thread
This script will backfill your deployment with links. It contains two functions, one for backfilling from Slack, and one for backfilling from a list of links. You'll need to uncomment one/both of the functions to use them.
yarn graph:backfill
This script will create a cron job to run the ingest_data
yarn cron:create
This script will delete a cron job.
yarn cron:delete
This script will list all cron jobs.
yarn cron:list