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345 lines (246 loc) · 17.1 KB

File metadata and controls

345 lines (246 loc) · 17.1 KB

Contributions DOI Website PyPI Wheel CI pre-commit


Template repo for python repositories & PyPi integration

Version: "0.2.9"


  1. Change files according to overview in TODO below
  2. Develop package...
  3. Install package:
    • static/normal install: pip install .
    • editable install:pip install -e .
    • dev install: pip install -e .[dev] (some terminals require to escape brackets with \ as \[, esp. zsh)

File overview


  • LICENSE: license text

  • Github-flavored markdown file

  • templatepy: placeholder folder for any python package that is configured for install via setup.cfg and pyproject.toml

    • contains basic package info and example function that is called by console entrypoint (see setup.cfg)
    • a file to demonstrate that data files are included based on setup.cfg criteria
    • a file to demonstrate data exclusion via


  • tests: placeholder folder for unit/integration tests and associated data
  • pytest.ini: config for testing framework with pytest and coverage plugin (pytest-cov)

Packaging System (see: packaging and [pyproject.toml])

  • Defines additional files to include/exclude in the build (if not automatically detected).

  • pyproject.toml: Central configuration file that replaces the traditional setup.cfg and files:

    • Build System: Specifies the build system requirements and configuration, as defined in PEP 518 and PEP 621.
    • Package Metadata: Includes the project's metadata (name, version, dependencies, etc.).
    • Code Formatting: Configuration for tools like ruff and mypy (if used).
    • Optional Dependencies: Organizes extra dependencies for development or other environments.
  • Legacy file retained only for backward compatibility if needed (e.g., older tooling). New projects should avoid it entirely.

CI Workflow Overview

The CI workflow is triggered on push to main or when a tag is created. It ensures code quality and automates the release process:

  1. Linting and Testing:

    • lint: Checks code style with black and flake8, runs pre-commit hooks.
    • test: Runs tests with pytest and generates coverage reports.
  2. Tag Validation:

    • check-tag: Verifies that the tag is valid (not dev or rc) before proceeding.
  3. Release Creation:

    • release: Creates a GitHub release when the tag is valid.
  4. Deployment to PyPI:

    • deploy: Builds and uploads the package to PyPI using twine.

The pipeline ensures code quality, passing tests, and automated deployment on new releases.

Testing CI Locally

  • Install act:
    • macOS/Linux: brew install act / sudo apt install act
    • Windows: Download from act GitHub Releases and follow the installation instructions.
  • Ensure Docker is installed and running. Download from Docker Desktop.
  • Run the CI workflow with act:
    act push
    act push --verbose  # very verbose output !

Code maintenance (linting/formatting/github)

  • .pre-commit-config.yaml: use pre-commit to run code formatting (e.g. with [black] and flake8) and PEP compliance checks

    • Install pre-commit hook with pre-commit install (Note: only installs it in the current virtual environment)
    • Run it manually with pre-commit run --all or leave it to run on commit (requires to re-stage changed files!)
  • .github: folder that contains github automation workflows and issues templates

  • .gitignore: ignored files/folders in git tools

  • .bumpversion.cfg: config for bump2version

TODO for adapting template to new project

  • Change package name:
    • (1) Rename the templatepy folder.
    • (2) Update all occurrences of templatepy in
    • (3) Update the name field in pyproject.toml.
    • (4) (optional) Update .github/workflows files.
    • (5) Reset version references in pyproject.toml and templatepy/ to 0.0.0.dev0.
  • Update project author and metadata details in pyproject.toml,, and templatepy/
  • Update the license holder in the LICENSE file.
  • Update badge paths at the top.
  • Verify inclusions/exclusions of installable files/folders in and pyproject.toml under [tool.setuptools].
  • Ensure .gitignore contains relevant entries for the new project.
  • Add all version string locations to [tool.bump2version] in pyproject.toml.
    • Use syntax like [bumpversion:file:templatepy/] to specify locations for version updates.
  • To upload to PyPI, follow the instructions in the section below.
  • To upload to Zenodo (if the repository is for a publication):
    • (1) Connect Zenodo to your GitHub account.
    • (2) Enable Zenodo integration for the repository (Zenodo requires the repository to be public).
    • (3) Create a new GitHub release (manually or via .github/workflows/CI.yaml).
    • (4) Wait for Zenodo to sync and assign a DOI (this usually takes about a minute).
    • (5) Add the DOI badge to

Workflow for Automatically Uploading Package to PyPI or [Test PyPI]

  1. Generate a PyPI API Key:

    • Go to PyPI and create a new API key, either specific to the repository or a general-purpose key.
  2. Add the API Key to GitHub:

    • In your repository's settings on GitHub:
      • Navigate to Settings > Secrets and variables > Actions.
      • Add a new Actions secret with the name TWINE_API_KEY.
      • Paste the PyPI API key into the secret's value field.
  3. Create a New Release:

    • On GitHub, create a new release manually via the Releases page.
      • Use a version number without a release extension (e.g., x.y.z).
    • Alternatively, trigger the GitHub workflow configured for releasing by incrementing the version with bump2version (see info below)
    • Desperately, manually update the version strings in the relevant files and add git commit tag to trigger the release workflow on push

The package will then be automatically uploaded to PyPI or Test PyPI as configured in your CI/CD workflow.

Using bump2version for Versioning

bump2version is used to increment version numbers based on semantic versioning. Here’s how you can use it with the current setup to trigger a release:

  1. Bumping the Minor Version: Increment the minor version (e.g., from v1.2.3 to v1.3.0):
    # Bumping the minor Version:
    bump2version minor
    # Bumping the major version (e.g., from v1.2.3 to v2.0.0):
    bump2version major
    # Bumping for a release Version (e.g., from to v1.0.0.rc or v1.0.0):
    bump2version release

Workflows Summary

Workflow Triggers Purpose Outputs
Lint and Test Push to any branch Runs linting and testing for Python code Ensures code quality and functionality
Release to PyPI Push to prod branch with a tag (e.g., v1.0.0) Builds and uploads the package to PyPI Publishes a new release on PyPI
Squash Merge to prod Pull requests merged into main Squashes and merges commits into prod Maintains clean history in prod
AI Pull Request Review Pull request events (opened, synchronize) Provides AI-generated pull request reviews Adds review comments to the PR

Required Repository Secrets

Secret Purpose How to Obtain
TWINE_API_KEY Authentication for publishing to PyPI Generate from PyPI Account Settings under "API Tokens."
OPENAI_API_KEY Required for AI Pull Request Reviewer Generate from OpenAI API Settings.
GITHUB_TOKEN Built-in token for accessing the repository Automatically provided by GitHub (no setup needed).

Github Flow overview

  1. Create a new feature branch from main using git checkout -b.
  2. Make and commit a dummy change (e.g., adding a file).
  3. Use bumpversion to bump the version (you can adjust patch, minor, or major based on what change you want), and create a release tag.
  4. Push both the feature branch and the release tag to the remote repository.
  5. Open a pull request using GitHub CLI (gh pr create) or the GitHub UI to merge the feature branch into main.
  6. Review the pull request online or in the CLI (e.g.: gh pr list, gh pr view <nr>, gh pr merge <nr> --merge --delete-branch)
  7. After the PR is merged, delete the feature branch both locally and remotely.

Example commands for the workflow:

# 1. Checkout a new feature branch from main
git checkout main  # Ensure you are on the main branch
git pull origin main  # Fetch latest changes from main
git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature  # Create and switch to a new feature branch

# 2. Make a dummy commit (e.g., add a new file or change)
echo "Some feature work" > feature.txt  # Add a new file or make a change
git add feature.txt  # Stage the file for commit
git commit -m "Add feature.txt - dummy commit"  # Commit the changes

# 3. Bump the version and automatically tag the release
# (Bumpversion will handle both version bumping and tagging)
bumpversion patch  # Bumps version, e.g., from v0.1.0 to v0.1.1 (adjust based on version part you want)

# 4. Push the changes to remote (feature branch and the tag)
git push origin feature/my-new-feature  # Push the feature branch
git push origin --tags  # Push the new tag(s) created by bumpversion

# 5. Open a pull request from the feature branch to the main branch
# This can be done via GitHub UI, or using GitHub CLI
gh pr create \
  --base main \
  --head feature/my-new-feature \
  --title "pr_title" \
  --body "pr_body"

# 6.
gh pr list  # -> shows PRs and their IDs
gh pr view <id>

gh pr merge <id> --merge --delete-branch

# 7. After the PR is accepted and merged, delete the feature branch locally and remotely
git checkout main  # Switch back to main branch
git pull origin main  # Ensure your main branch is up-to-date
git branch -d feature/my-new-feature  # Delete the local feature branch
git push origin --delete feature/my-new-feature  # Delete the remote feature branch


New(er) Build System with pyproject.toml and setup.cfg

Historically, packaging in Python was governed by standards such as PEP-426, PEP-517, and PEP-518. These PEPs introduced various mechanisms for packaging and building Python projects, but with certain limitations, especially regarding flexibility and future-proofing.

  • PEP-426: Introduced the setup.cfg and files as the standard way to define package metadata and build configuration.
  • PEP-517: Introduced a standardized interface for building Python projects, separating the build process from the packaging process and allowing for more flexible build systems.
  • PEP-518: Defined how pyproject.toml should be used to declare build dependencies and system requirements, allowing tools like pip to know which backend to use for the build process.

While these PEPs were important milestones, the latest changes to the packaging ecosystem make pyproject.toml the preferred way to configure projects going forward.

  • pip:

    • Tested with pip install . --use-feature=in-tree-build for forward compatibility with pip 21.3 and later.
    • While is technically optional, an empty is still kept for enabling editable installs (pip install -e .), as this requires such a file for now.
    • wheel is added as a build-system dependency to maintain compatibility with versions of pip that do not yet fully implement PEP 517.
  • Replacing setup.cfg and with pyproject.toml:

    • In the modern packaging ecosystem, pyproject.toml is increasingly the standard for declaring build systems, dependencies, and metadata. This configuration file simplifies the process and eliminates the need for separate and setup.cfg files in many cases.

For further reading on the transition to pyproject.toml and the removal of, see the following discussions:

Using GitHub CLI in Workflow Actions

Easily integrate GitHub CLI into workflows to perform repository tasks. See the GitHub CLI in workflows documentation.

Example: Create a pull request

- name: Create a pull request
  run: gh pr create --title "My pull request" --body "This is an amazing PR" --label bug
    GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Common issues

bump2version fails on git tag with exit status 128

  • check a signing key is configured: git config --global user.signingkey (see below for generating a key)
  • repo is a detached HEAD? check out a branch: git checkout main
  • there are changes that need to be committed? git commit -am "commit message"
  • tag already exists? git tag to list tags, git tag -d <tag> to delete a tag

No gpg key for signing commits

  • generate a key with gpg --full-generate-key
    • standard options for keys: "(9) ECC (sign and encrypt) default" -> Curve 25519 -> expiry 2 years: "2y" -> name/email
  • list keys with gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG
  • set the key for signing commits with git config --global user.signingkey <key-id>
  • enable signing commits with git config --global commit.gpgsign true
  • set the key for signing tags with git config --global tag.gpgSign true
  • export the public key with gpg --armor --export <key-id>
    • and add it to your GitHub account: select 'New key' -> paste output of command above

Which one is the key id you might ask?

sec   4096R/<KEY_ID> 2024-11-22 [expires: 2025-11-22]
      uid                          Your Name <[email protected]>
ssb   4096R/<KEY_SUBKEY_ID> 2024-11-22

GPG hangs/errors and never asks for passphrase of key?

  • try: export GPG_TTY=$(tty)


Contributions are very welcome! Please see the contribution guidelines or check out the issues


This software is released under the BSD 3-Clause License