The following is a list of past security reviews.
Each review is focused on a different part of the codebase, and at a different point in time. Please see the report for the specific details.
Date | Reviewer | Focus and Scope | Report Link | Commit | Subsequent Release |
2020-10 | Trail of Bits | Rollup | 2020_10-TrailOfBits.pdf | ||
2020-11 | Dapphub | ECDSA Wallet | 2020_11-Dapphub-ECDSA_Wallet.pdf | ||
2021-03 | OpenZeppelin | OVM and Rollup | 2021_03-OVM_and_Rollup-OpenZeppelin.pdf | ||
2021-03 | ConsenSys Diligence | Safety Checker | 2021_03-SafetyChecker-ConsenSysDiligence.pdf | ||
2022-05 | Zeppelin | Bedrock Contracts | 2022_05-Bedrock_Contracts-Zeppelin.pdf | ||
2022-05 | Trail of Bits | OpNode | 2022_05-OpNode-TrailOfBits.pdf | ||
2022-08 | Sigma Prime | Bedrock GoLang | 2022_08-Bedrock_GoLang-SigmaPrime.pdf | ||
2022-09 | Zeppelin | Bedrock and Periphery: All contracts in packages/contracts-bedrock/contracts |
2022_09-Bedrock_and_Periphery-Zeppelin.pdf | 93d3bd411a8ae75702539ac9c5fe00bad21d4104 | op-contracts/v1.0.0 |
2022-10 | Spearbit | Drippie: Drippie.sol |
2022_10-Drippie-Spearbit.pdf | 2a7be367634f147736f960eb2f38a77291cdfcad | op-contracts/v1.0.0 |
2022-11 | Trail of Bits | Invariant Testing: OptimismPortal.sol |
2022_11-Invariant_Testing-TrailOfBits.pdf | b31d35b67755479645dd150e7cc8c6710f0b4a56 | op-contracts/v1.0.0 |
2022-12 | Runtime Verification | Deposit Transaction: OptimismPortal.sol |
2022_12-DepositTransaction-RuntimeVerification.pdf | op-contracts/v1.0.0 | |
2023-01 | Trail of Bits | Bedrock Updates: SystemConfig.sol |
2023_01-Bedrock_Updates-TrailOfBits.pdf | ee96ff8585699b054c95c6ff4a2411ee9fedcc87 | op-contracts/v1.0.0 |
2023-01 | Sherlock | Bedrock: All contracts in packages/contracts-bedrock/src |
Sherlock Bedrock Contest (site, repo) | 3f4b3c328153a8aa03611158b6984d624b17c1d9 | op-contracts/v1.0.0 |
2023-03 | Sherlock | Bedrock Fixes: All contracts in packages/contracts-bedrock/src |
Sherlock Bedrock Contest: Fix Review (site, repo) | 9b9f78c6613c6ee53b93ca43c71bb74479f4b975 | op-contracts/v1.0.0 |
2023-12 | Trust | Superchain Config Upgrade: SuperchainConfig.sol , L1CrossDomainMessenger.sol , L1ERC721Bridge.sol , L1StandardBridge.sol , OptimismPortal.sol , CrossDomainMessenger.sol , ERC721Bridge.sol , StandardBridge.sol |
2023_12_SuperchainConfigUpgrade_Trust.pdf | d1651bb22645ebd41ac4bb2ab4786f9a56fc1003 | op-contracts/v1.2.0 |
2024-02 | Runtime Verification | Pausability | Kontrol Verification | ||
2024-02 | Cantina | MCP L1: OptimismPortal.sol , L1CrossDomainMessenger.sol , L1StandardBridge.sol , L1ERC721Bridge.sol , OptimismMintableERC20Factory.sol , L2OutputOracle.sol , SystemConfig.sol |
2024_02-MCP_L1-Cantina.pdf | e6ef3a900c42c8722e72c2e2314027f85d12ced5 | op-contracts/v1.3.0 |
2024-03 | Sherlock | Fault Proofs | Sherlock Optimism Fault Proofs Contest (site, repo) | ||
2024-08 | Cantina | Fault proof MIPS: MIPS.sol |
2024_08_Fault-Proofs-MIPS_Cantina.pdf | 71b93116738ee98c9f8713b1a5dfe626ce06c1b2 | op-contracts/v1.4.0 |
2024-08 | Spearbit | Fault proof no-MIPS: All contracts in the packages/contracts-bedrock/src/dispute directory |
2024_08_Fault-Proofs-No-MIPS_Spearbit.pdf | 1f7081798ce2d49b8643514663d10681cb853a3d | op-contracts/v1.6.0 |
2024-10 | 3Doc Security | Fault proof MIPS: MIPS.sol | | 52d0e60c16498ad4efec8798e3fc1b36b13f46a2 | op-contracts/v1.8.0 |
2024-12 | MiloTruck (independent) | DeputyPauseModule | 2024_12-DPM-MiloTruck.pdf | 2f17e6b67c61de5d8073d556272796d201bc740b | |
2024-12 | Radiant Labs | DeputyPauseModule | 2024_12-DPM-RadiantLabs.pdf | 2f17e6b67c61de5d8073d556272796d201bc740b | |
2025-01 | Offbeat Labs | Incident Response Improvements | 2025_01-IRI-OffbeatLabs.pdf | 984bae9146398a2997ec13757bfe2438ca8f92eb | |
2025-01 | Spearbit | 64-bit Multithreaded Cannon: MIPS64.sol |
2025_01-MT-Cannon-Spearbit.pdf | cc2715c3d6ebef374451b598f48980ad817e0a0e | |
2025-01 | Coinbase Protocol Security | Multi-thread & 64-bit Cannon | 2025_01-MT-Cannon-Base.pdf | b8c011f18c79d735e01168345fc1c6f02fac584f |