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72 lines (52 loc) · 2.37 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (52 loc) · 2.37 KB


Build Status

An app for those who use the Bicicas bike-sharing service in Castellón de la Plana, Spain. Provides supplementary information about the status of stations and individual bicycles. Try it out at!


Getting Started

  • Getting the code

  • Installing dependencies

    • Make sure you have installed everything listed in the dependencies section below.
    • Install gem dependencies:
      • Install bundler by running gem install bundler from the project's root directory.
      • Install all required gems by running bundle install.
  • Creating the database

    • Run rake db:create from the project's root directory.
  • Initializing the database

    • Run rake db:migrate from the project's root directory.
  • Running the app locally

  • Deploying

    • Run git push heroku master from the project's root directory.


  • Running all tests
    • Run rake without any arguments from the project's root directory.



Data manipulations

Load production data locally

You can download a fresh backup and load it into your local database using the following commands:

heroku pg:backups:capture
heroku pg:backups:download
rake db:drop
rake db:create
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U lucasbraun -d bicimas_development latest.dump

You may need to alter privileges on the database to get it to work:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE bicimas_development to rails;
ALTER DATABASE bicimas_development OWNER TO rails;

Dump or load YAML data

The app includes the gem yaml_db which allows you to use the following commands:

rake db:dump
rake db:load