Verso - Node.js LoopbackAPI-based storage middleware
Installing PM2
$ npm install pm2 -g
We use 'bibliomata' as a name for this particular application, so you may want to install everything in a common directory, e.g. {path}/bibliomata/
Navigate to your directory you created (e.g. /bibliomata).
$ git clone
$ cd verso
$ npm install
$ sudo pm2 start server/server.js --name verso
To check:
$ sudo pm2 status
You should get a status screen (with a short uptime).
$ sudo pm2 save
This will save a copy of the PM2 config in /root/.pm2/dump.pm2
To restart the cluster with the dump file:
$ sudo pm2 resurrect
Note: the data is preserved in a file verso/bfpilot.json.