Python toolbox for basic analysis of GADGET data.
Author : Long Do Cao
Date of creation : 27th January 2015
- numpy
Package providing basic analysis for gadget data
This directory contains some simple script to generate some 2D plots using YT, adapted to Gadget-2.
First, you can gain access to the functions by putting at the top of your script:
import pygadgettools as gt
Then, the following functions are available directly :
gt.analysis gt.mean_molecular_weight
gt.angular_momentum gt.names
gt.change_coordinates gt.physics
gt.convert gt.profile
gt.create_grid gt.specific_angular_momentum
gt.filter gt.temperature
gt.geometry gt.units
You can get the description of each function by calling the help() command :
For example, let's say you want to compute the density profile along the z at points you want to define, you could do the following:
from pygadgetreader import *
import pygadgettools as gt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
## read the data
z=pos[:,2] #extract only the z-coordinates
##create the profile along which you want the profile
axis=np.linspace(0,1,100) #create an axis [0,1] with 100 points
profile=gt.profile.mean(z,rho,axis) #compute the profile as the mean of each shell
##make a figure