Confidentiality - Only authorized people have access Integrity - Data must not be changed in transit Availability - Consistently accessible for authorized parties
- Technical Control Firewall, IDS, IPS, Antivirus...
- Administrative Control Expected risk, lowering risk...
- Operational Control Educating or training employees
- Pyhysical Control Security badges, cameras, alarams...
Identity Provider (IDP)
- Identification
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Accunting
- Usernames Name fot the individuals account
- Attributes Unique property in users account
- Smart Cards Physical card with unique certificate embedded
- Certificates Digital cerificate with 2 created keys
- Tokens Digital token (SAML Token for Federation Service)
- SSH Keys ssh-keygen -t RSA
- Private Keys openssl genrsa -out rsa.private 4096
- Mandatory Access Control (MAC) Limiting access to resources based on the sensitivity of information (Top Secret, Secret, Confidential, Restricted).
- Discretionary Access Control (DAC) Restricting access to objects based on the identify of subject.
- Rule Based Access Control (RBAC) High level rules which determine how, where and when employee can access spaces or resources.
- Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) Evaluates attributes rather than roles to determine access.
- Group Based Access Control (GBAC) Give access to group of individuals to the data that they need.
Presentive Controls Corrective Controls Compensating Controls
*) Granted or
- User Account Limited access, 2 types (loca, domain), can not install.
- Administrator Account Configure, install and manage, elevated privilege.
- Privileged Account More access than standard user accounts
- Service Account Type of admin account used for running software or application
- Guest Account Rarely used in companies, access without an account created
- Sponsored Guest Account Used for persentations, for speech..
- Shared Account Multiple individuals use it to perform same task.
- Generic Accounts For range of devices (IoT, Network Devices), by manufacturer