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Building a Graphing Calculator with HTML5

This repository contains resources that go along with a tutorial given by Curran Kelleher at University of Massachusetts Lowell on 11/12/2013 and 11/14/2013 as part of the undergraduate course "GUI Programming" with Professor Jesse Heines.

The tutorial covers:

  • Creating and using a Canvas element
  • Drawing a sine wave path consisting of many lines
  • Transforming between math coordinates and pixel coordinates
  • Animation with requestAnimationFrame
  • Using Math.js to evaluate mathematical expressions
  • Plotting a Math.js expression
  • Using a TextField to drive the math expression
  • Using the URL hash fragment to store and share plots

References and Starter examples:

  • HTML5 Canvas Spec Documentation for the HTML5 Canvas API.
  • canvasExample (run it, source code) Demonstrates the HTML5 Canvas API by drawing a square, circle, line and text.
  • animationExample (run it, source code) Demonstrates animation using HTML5 Canvas and requestAnimationFrame.
  • mathJSExample (run it, source code) Parses and evaluates a math expression with variables using Math.js.
  • textFieldExample (run it, source code) Initializes and reads text from an HTML form input field as it changes.
  • hashExample (run it, source code) Demonstrates how to work with fragment identifiers.

On Tuesday 11/12/2013, we wrote the basic function plotter.

On Thursday 11/14/2013, we completed the core functionality of the graphing calculator.

Please use the grapher.html and grapher.js as the starting point for the assignment.

Detailed Tutorial Content

  • Using JSBin
    • CTRL [ for indentation
  • Using the Canvas Element
    • Introduced by Apple in 2004
    • Great browser coverage except old IE
  • Inspecting the DOM using Chrome Dev Tools
  • Using console.log() for debugging
  • Better not to use jQuery until you really need it
  • document.getElementById()
  • ctx as a common convention for the Canvas contexts, I prefer c
  • Filling a rectangle using the Canvas API
  • Pixel coordinates vs. math coordinates (Y is flipped)
  • Separating the JavaScript from the HTML in JSBin
  • Canvas features: lines, colors, circles, text
  • Approximating a continuous curve with discrete line segments
  • Using the Canvas API documentation
  • Default color is black, default line width is 1 pixel
  • Using Canvas lineTo() to draw a polyline
  • Documenting single-letter variable names is critical
  • Combining multiple var declarations into a single statement
  • Variables are scoped to function closures, not curly brace blocks
  • Better to declare i and j loop indices at the top of the function
  • Defining a path using the Canvas API and a for loop
  • Projecting the i loop index to Canvas coordinates
  • Using canvas.width and canvas.height
  • Defining the width and height of the Canvas in HTML attributes
  • Refactoring to encapsulate specific tasks as functions
  • Which way should the code read?
    • IMO more readable when functions are first used, then defined
    • this coding style reads more like a story or a book
  • Defining a mathematical window in terms of (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
  • Linear interpolation (projection and inverse projection between intervals)
  • Using symbolic algebraic manipulation to invert linear interpolation
  • Using Math.js to parse and evaluate math expression strings
  • Using CDNjs
  • Libraries typically introduce a single global variable
  • The importance of naming variables well
  • Putting a text field onto the page and listening for changes
  • Updating the plot when the user changes the expression string
  • Clearing the canvas using clearRect()
  • Flipping the Y coordinate to match math convention
  • Overview of JSLint
  • Why eval is evil
  • Animation with requestAnimationFrame()
  • Why it is better than setTimeout()
  • Introducing a 'time' variable in the math expression
  • Aside on 3D graphics for the Web
  • Using the URL hash
  • Empty string is falsy
  • It's a sign to rafactor if you copy and paste chunks of complex code
  • Using the hashchange event to get the back and forward buttons to work