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409 lines (351 loc) · 16.8 KB

linWinPwn - Swiss-Army knife for Active Directory Pentesting using Linux


linWinPwn is a bash script that wraps a number of Active Directory tools for enumeration (LDAP, RPC, ADCS, MSSQL, Kerberos), vulnerability checks (noPac, ZeroLogon, MS17-010, MS14-068), object modifications (password change, add user to group, RBCD, Shadow Credentials) and password dumping (secretsdump, lsassy, nanodump, DonPAPI). The script streamlines the use of a large number of tools: impacket, bloodhound, netexec, enum4linux-ng, ldapdomaindump, lsassy, smbmap, kerbrute, adidnsdump, certipy, silenthound, bloodyAD, DonPAPI and many others.


Git clone the repository and make the script executable

git clone
cd linWinPwn; chmod +x

Install requirements using the script (using standard account)

chmod +x

Alternatively, build a Docker image and run the Docker container

docker build -t "linwinpwn:latest" .
docker run --rm -it linwinpwn:latest



The linWinPwn script can be executed in interactive mode (default), or in automated mode (enumeration only).

1. Interactive Mode (Default) - Open interactive menu to run checks separately

./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> [-d <AD_domain> -u <AD_user> -p <AD_password> -H <hash[LM:NT]> -K <kerbticket[./krb5cc_ticket]> -A <AES_key> -C <cert[./cert.pfx]> -o <output_dir>]

2. Automated Mode - Using the --auto parameter, run enumeration tools (no exploitation, modifications or password dumping)

When using the automated mode, different checks are performed based on the authentication method.

  • Unauthenticated (no credentials provided)
    • Anonymous enumeration using netexec, enum4linux-ng, ldapdomaindump, ldeep
    • RID bruteforce using netexec
    • kerbrute user spray
    • Pre2k authentication check on collected list of computers
    • ASREPRoast using collected list of users (and cracking hashes using john-the-ripper and the rockyou wordlist)
    • Blind Kerberoast
    • CVE-2022-33679 exploit
    • Check for DNS unsecure updates for AS-REQ abuse using krbjack
    • SMB shares anonymous enumeration on identified servers
    • Enumeration for WebDav, dfscoerce, shadowcoerce and Spooler services on identified servers
    • Check for ms17-010, zerologon, petitpotam, nopac, smb-sigining, ntlmv1, runasppl weaknesses
./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> --auto [-o <output_dir>]
  • Authenticated (using password, NTLM hash, Kerberos ticket, AES key or pfx Certificate)
    • DNS extraction using adidnsdump
    • BloodHound data collection
    • Enumeration using netexec, enum4linux-ng, ldapdomaindump, bloodyAD, sccmhunter, rdwatool, sccmhunter, GPOwned
    • Generate wordlist for password cracking
    • netexec find accounts with user=pass
    • Pre2k authentication check on domain computers
    • Extract ADCS information using certipy and
    • kerbrute find accounts with user=pas
    • ASREPRoasting (and cracking hashes using john-the-ripper and the rockyou wordlist)
    • Kerberoasting (and cracking hashes using john-the-ripper and the rockyou wordlist)
    • Targeted Kerberoasting (and cracking hashes using john-the-ripper and the rockyou wordlist)
    • SMB shares enumeration on all domain servers using smbmap, FindUncommonShares and cme's spider_plus
    • Enumeration for WebDav, dfscoerce, shadowcoerce and Spooler services on all domain servers (using cme, Coercer and RPC Dump)
    • Check for ms17-010, ms14-068, zerologon, petitpotam, nopac, smb-signing, ntlmv1, runasppl, certifried weaknesses
    • Check mssql privilege escalation paths
    • Check mssql relay possibilities
proxychains ./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP>  -d <AD_domain> -u <AD_user> [-p <AD_password> -H <hash[LM:NT]> -K <kerbticket[./krb5cc_ticket]> -A <AES_key> -C <cert[./cert.pfx]>] [-o <output_dir>] --auto


Auto config - Run NTP sync with target DC and add entry to /etc/hosts before running the modules

./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> --auto-config

LDAPS - Use LDAPS instead of LDAP (port 636)

./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> --ldaps

Force Kerberos Auth - Force using Kerberos authentication instead of NTLM (when possible)

./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> --force-kerb

Verbose - Enable all verbose and debug outputs

./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> --verbose

Interface - Choose attacker's network interface

./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> -I tun0
./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> --interface eth0

Targets - Choose targets to be scanned (DC, All, IP=IP_or_hostname, File=./path_to_file)

./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> --targets All
./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> --targets DC
./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> -T IP=
./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> -T File=./list_servers.txt

Custom wordlists - Choose custom user and password wordlists

./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> -U /usr/share/seclists/Usernames/xato-net-10-million-usernames.txt
./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP> -P /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/xato-net-10-million-passwords.txt


linWinPwn can be particularly useful when you have access to an Active Directory environment for a limited time only, and you wish to be more efficient in the enumeration process and in the collection of evidence. In addition, linWinPwn can replace the use of enumeration tools on Windows in the aim of reducing the number of created artifacts (e.g., PowerShell commands, Windows Events, created files on disk), and bypassing certain Anti-Virus or EDRs. This can be achieved by performing remote dynamic port forwarding through the creation of an SSH tunnel from the Windows host (e.g., VDI machine or workstation or laptop) to a remote Linux machine (e.g., Pentest laptop or VPS), and running linWinPwn with proxychains.

On the Windows host, run using PowerShell:

ssh.exe kali@<linux_machine> -R 1080 -NCqf

On the Linux machine, first update /etc/proxychains4.conf to include socks5 1080, then run:

proxychains ./ -t <Domain_Controller_IP>  -d <AD_domain> -u <AD_user> [-p <AD_password> -H <hash[LM:NT]> -K <kerbticket[./krb5cc_ticket]> -A <AES_key> -C <cert[./cert.pfx]>] [-o <output_dir>] [--auto]

Interactive Mode Menus

Main menu

1) Re-run DNS Enumeration using adidnsdump
2) Active Directory Enumeration Menu
3) ADCS Enumeration Menu
4) Brute Force Attacks Menu
5) Kerberos Attacks Menu
6) SMB shares Enumeration Menu
7) Vulnerability Checks Menu
8) MSSQL Enumeration Menu
9) Password Dump Menu
10) AD Objects or Attributes Modification Menu

AD Enum menu

1) BloodHound Enumeration using all collection methods (Noisy!)
2) BloodHound Enumeration using DCOnly
1bis) BloodHoundCE Enumeration using all collection methods (Noisy!)
2bis) BloodHoundCE Enumeration using DCOnly
3) ldapdomaindump LDAP Enumeration
4) enum4linux-ng LDAP-MS-RPC Enumeration
5) GPP Enumeration using netexec
6) MS-RPC Enumeration using netexec (Users, pass pol)
7) LDAP Enumeration using netexec (Users, passnotreq, userdesc, maq, ldap-checker, subnets)
8) Delegation Enumeration using findDelegation and netexec
9) bloodyAD All Enumeration
10) bloodyAD write rights Enumeration
11) bloodyAD query DNS server
12) SilentHound LDAP Enumeration
13) ldeep LDAP Enumeration
14) windapsearch LDAP Enumeration
15) LDAP Wordlist Harvester
16) LDAP Enumeration using LDAPPER
17) Adalanche Enumeration
18) GPO Enumeration using GPOwned
19) Enumeration of RDWA servers
20) SCCM Enumeration using netexec
21) SCCM Enumeration using sccmhunter
22) Open p0dalirius' LDAP Console
23) Open p0dalirius' LDAP Monitor
24) Open garrettfoster13's ACED console
25) Open LDAPPER custom options
26) Open breads console
27) Run adPEAS enumerations
28) Run ADCheck enumerations

ADCS menu

1) ADCS Enumeration using netexec
2) ADCS Enumeration
3) Certipy ADCS Enumeration
4) Certifried check
5) Certipy LDAP shell via Schannel (using Certificate Authentication)
6) Certipy extract CA and forge Golden Certificate (requires admin rights on PKI server)
7) Dump LSASS using masky
8) Dump NTDS using certsync

BruteForce menu

1) RID Brute Force (Null session) using netexec
2) User Enumeration using kerbrute (Null session)
3) User=Pass check using kerbrute (Noisy!)
4) User=Pass check using netexec (Noisy!)
5) Identify Pre-Created Computer Accounts using netexec (Noisy!)
6) Pre2k computers authentication check (Noisy!)
7) User Enumeration using ldapnomnom (Null session)
8) Password spraying using kerbrute (Noisy!)
9) Password spraying using netexec - ldap (Noisy!)

Kerberos Attacks menu

1) AS REP Roasting Attack using GetNPUsers
2) Kerberoast Attack using GetUserSPNs
3) Cracking AS REP Roast hashes using john the ripper
4) Cracking Kerberoast hashes using john the ripper
5) NoPac check using netexec (only on DC)
6) MS14-068 check (only on DC)
7) CVE-2022-33679 exploit / AS-REP with RC4 session key (Null session)
8) AP-REQ hijack with DNS unsecure updates abuse using krbjack
9) Run custom Kerberoast attack using Orpheus
10) Generate Golden Ticket (requires: hash of krbtgt or DCSync rights)
11) Generate Silver Ticket (requires: hash of SPN service account or DCSync rights)
12) Generate Diamond Ticket (requires: hash of krbtgt or DCSync rights)
13) Generate Sapphire Ticket (requires: hash of krbtgt or DCSync rights)
14) Privilege escalation from Child Domain to Parent Domain using raiseChild (requires: DA rights on child domain)
15) Request impersonated ticket using Constrained Delegation rights (requires: hash of account allowed for delegation or DCSync rights)

SMB Shares menu

1) SMB shares Scan using smbmap
2) SMB shares Enumeration using netexec
3) SMB shares Spidering using netexec 
4) SMB shares Scan using FindUncommonShares
5) SMB shares Scan using manspider
6) Open console on target
7) Open p0dalirius's smbclientng console on target

Vuln Checks menu

1) zerologon check using netexec (only on DC)
2) MS17-010 check using netexec
3) Print Spooler check using netexec
4) Printnightmare check using netexec
5) WebDAV check using netexec
6) shadowcoerce check using netexec
7) SMB signing check using netexec
8) ntlmv1 check using netexec
9) runasppl check using netexec
10) smbghost check using netexec
11) RPC Dump and check for interesting protocols
12) Coercer RPC scan
13) PushSubscription abuse using PrivExchange
14) RunFinger scan

MSSQL Enumeration menu

1) MSSQL Enumeration using netexec
2) MSSQL Relay check
3) Open console on target

Password Dump menu

1) LAPS Dump using netexec
2) gMSA Dump using netexec
3) DCSync using secretsdump (only on DC)
4) Dump SAM and LSA using secretsdump
5) Dump SAM and SYSTEM using reg
6) Dump NTDS using netexec
7) Dump SAM using netexec
8) Dump LSA secrets using netexec
9) Dump LSASS using lsassy
10) Dump LSASS using handlekatz
11) Dump LSASS using procdump
12) Dump LSASS using nanodump
13) Dump dpapi secrets using netexec
14) Dump secrets using DonPAPI
15) Dump secrets using hekatomb (only on DC)
16) Search for juicy credentials (Firefox, KeePass, Rdcman, Teams, WiFi, WinScp)
17) Dump Veeam credentials (only from Veeam server)
18) Dump Msol password (only from Azure AD-Connect server)
19) Extract Bitlocker Keys

Command Execution menu

1) Open CMD console using smbexec on target
2) Open CMD console using wmiexec on target
3) Open CMD console using psexec on target
4) Open PowerShell console using evil-winrm on target

Modification menu

1) Change user or computer password (Requires: ForceChangePassword on user or computer)
2) Add user to group (Requires: GenericWrite or GenericAll on group)
3) Add new computer (Requires: MAQ > 0)
4) Add new DNS entry
5) Change Owner of target (Requires: WriteOwner permission)
6) Add GenericAll rights on target (Requires: Owner permission)
7) Targeted Kerberoast Attack (Noisy!)
8) Perform RBCD attack (Requires: GenericWrite or GenericAll or AllowedToAct on computer)
9) Perform RBCD attack on SPN-less user (Requires: GenericWrite or GenericAll or AllowedToAct on computer & MAQ=0)
10) Perform ShadowCredentials attack (Requires: AddKeyCredentialLink)
11) Abuse GPO to execute command (Requires: GenericWrite or GenericAll on GPO)
12) Add Unconstrained Delegation rights (Requires: SeEnableDelegationPrivilege right)
13) Add CIFS and HTTP SPNs entries to computer with Unconstrained Deleg rights (Requires: Owner of computer)
14) Add userPrincipalName to perform Kerberos impersonation (Requires: GenericWrite or GenericAll on user)

Auth menu

1) Generate and use NTLM hash of current user (requires: password) - Pass the hash
2) Crack NTLM hash of current user and use password (requires: NTLM hash)
3) Generate and use TGT for current user (requires: password, NTLM hash or AES key) - Pass the key/Overpass the hash
4) Extract NTLM hash from Certificate using PKINIT (requires: pfx certificate)
5) Request and use certificate (requires: authentication)

Config menu

1) Check installation of tools and dependencies
2) Synchronize time with Domain Controller (requires root)
3) Add Domain Controller's IP and Domain to /etc/hosts (requires root)
4) Update resolv.conf to define Domain Controller as DNS server (requires root)
5) Update krb5.conf to define realm and KDC for Kerberos (requires root)
6) Download default username and password wordlists (non-kali machines)
7) Change users wordlist file
8) Change passwords wordlist file
9) Change attacker's IP
10) Switch between LDAP (port 389) and LDAPS (port 636)
11) Show session information


  • HackTheBox Forest

Interactive Mode: asciicast

Automated Mode: asciicast

  • TryHackme AttacktiveDirectory



  • Add more enumeration and exploitation tools...


Legal Disclamer

Usage of linWinPwn for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It's the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. Only use for educational purposes.