This guide will take you through using the HIAS MQTT BLE Agent.
You must have completed the HIAS MQTT BLE Agent installation guide.
Ensure HIAS, HIASBCH, HIASHDI and HIASCDI are running.
Now you are ready to fire up your HIAS MQTT BLE Agents, to do so use the following command:
sudo systemctl start HIAS-MQTT-BLE-Agent.service
To manage the agents you can use the following commands:
sudo systemctl restart HIAS-MQTT-BLE-Agent.service
sudo systemctl stop HIAS-MQTT-BLE-Agent.service
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- Adam Milton-Barker - Asociación de Investigacion en Inteligencia Artificial Para la Leucemia Peter Moss President/Founder & Lead Developer, Sabadell, Spain
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