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Figure Panel Description Script
1 a Experiment schematic. n/a
1 b Lifespan. lifespan.Rmd
1 c Schematic of data generation. n/a
1 d PCoA of all samples, genera. kraken.Rmd
2 a Volcano plot of age coefficients. kraken.Rmd
2 b Bifido versus age. kraken.Rmd
2 c Uniqueness versus age. kraken.Rmd
2 d Age prediction, AL, genera. prediction.Rmd
2 e Most important genera for age prediction. prediction.Rmd
3 a Schematic comparing DO AL mice, B6 mice, and human datasets. n/a
3 b Percent genera associated with age in DO AL, B6, and human datasets. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
3 c Correlation of age coefficients across DO AL, B6, and human datasets. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
3 d Uniqueness across DO AL, B6, and human datasets. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
3 e Schematic of cohousing experiment. n/a
3 f Cohousing PCoA. cohousing.Rmd
3 g Distance to uncohoused control. cohousing.Rmd
3 h Age prediction, cohousing experiment. cohousing.Rmd
3 i Uniqueness in cohousing experiment. cohousing.Rmd
4 a Heritability volcano plot. kraken.Rmd
4 b Percent heritable taxa across studies. perc_heritable_taxa_by_study.Rmd
4 c PVE for all experimental variables. kraken.Rmd
4 d Genome-wide QTL mapping. QTL.Rmd
5 a Barplots of DR coefficients. kraken.Rmd
5 b UMGS1815 increased by diets. kraken.Rmd
5 c Ligilactobacillus increased by diets. kraken.Rmd
5 d Magnitude of DR coefficients. kraken.Rmd
5 e Similarity of coefficients across diets. kraken.Rmd
5 f Genera affected by CR or fasting exclusively. kraken.Rmd
5 g Emergencia versus diet. kraken.Rmd
5 h Roseburia versus diet. kraken.Rmd
5 i Predicting binary DR status. prediction.Rmd
5 j Predicting dietary group. prediction.Rmd
5 k Predicting dietary group, stratified by diet. prediction.Rmd
5 l Predicting age, trained on AL. prediction.Rmd
5 m UBA11957 versus age. kraken.Rmd
5 n Ligilactobacillus versus age. kraken.Rmd
6 a Schematic of association and mediation analysis. n/a
6 b Microbiome-phenotype associations by domain. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
6 c Examples of genera associated with body weight. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
6 d Paramuribaculum v. percent fat. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
6 e Overlap of microbiome-phenotype association and mediation hits. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
6 f Heatmap of microbiome-phenotype associations. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
6 g Akkermansia v. EE. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
6 h Pathway associated with CO2 production. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
6 i Microbiome-phenotype associations by domain, cross-sectional analysis. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
ED1 a Number of read-pairs per sample, stratified by sample type. qc.Rmd
ED1 b PCoA including control samples. kraken_unaggregated.Rmd
ED1 c Stacked barplots of positive controls. metaphlan_poscons.Rmd
ED1 d PCoA without control samples (before aggregating by stool_ID). kraken_unaggregated.Rmd
ED1 e Same as d, but highlighting samples sequenced from the same DNA, different libraries. kraken_unaggregated.Rmd
ED1 f Same as d, but highlighting samples sequenced from the same library. kraken_unaggregated.Rmd
ED2 n/a Sample mix-ups: code not included (requires a file with 3M data points). n/a
ED3 a Histogram of pairwise sample distances, highlighting 13 outliers. qc.Rmd
ED3 b Kraken v. MPA, % unclassified. kraken_v_metaphlan.Rmd
ED3 c Kraken v. MPA, mean relab per genus. kraken_v_metaphlan.Rmd
ED3 d Example of community-wide and specialized pathways. humann.Rmd
ED3 e PCA of all samples, pathways. humann.Rmd
ED4 a Day of experiment versus age, colored by cohort. create_cross_sectional_slices.Rmd
ED4 b Number of age-associated features with time as a random effect, fixed effect, or omitted. effect_of_chronological_time.Rmd
ED4 c Correlation of age coefficients between longitudinal (time as fixef, time as ranef, no time) models and cross-sectional models. effect_of_chronological_time.Rmd
ED5 a Uniqueness versus age, for different numbers of mice per age. kraken.Rmd
ED5 b Alpha diversity versus age. kraken.Rmd
ED5 c Proportion age-associated features, genera versus species. kraken.Rmd
ED5 d Uniqueness versus age, species-level data. kraken.Rmd
ED5 e Kraken v. MPA, age coefficients. kraken_v_metaphlan.Rmd
ED5 f Volcano plot of age coefficients, pathways. humann.Rmd
ED5 g Example pathway that decreases with age. humann.Rmd
ED5 h Example of community-wide age-associated pathway. humann.Rmd
ED5 i Example of specialized age-associated pathway. humann.Rmd
ED5 j Example pathway that increases with age. humann.Rmd
ED5 k Functional uniqueness versus age. humann.Rmd
ED5 l Age prediction, all mice, genera. prediction.Rmd
ED5 m Age prediction, AL mice, species. prediction.Rmd
ED5 n Age prediction, AL mice, pathways. prediction.Rmd
ED5 o Most important pathways for age prediction. prediction.Rmd
ED6 a Percent pathways associated with age in DO AL, B6, and human datasets. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
ED6 b Uniqueness across human studies. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
ED6 c Blautia across human studies. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
ED6 d ɑ-diversity across human studies. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
ED6 e Correlation of pathway age coefficients across DO AL, B6, and human datasets. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
ED6 f Flavin biosynthesis pathway across DO AL, B6, and human datasets. compare_DO_to_B6_to_humans.Rmd
ED6 g Correlations with genera for universal age-associated pathways. humann.Rmd
ED6 h Schematic of germ-free cohousing experiment. n/a
ED6 i PCoA of germ-free cohousing experiment. germfree_cohousing.Rmd
ED7 a Volcano plot of pathway heritability. humann.Rmd
ED7 b Correlations with genera for example heritable pathways. humann.Rmd
ED7 c Proportion heritable features, genera versus species. kraken.Rmd
ED7 d Kraken v. MPA, heritability. kraken_v_metaphlan.Rmd
ED7 e Heritability, ASReml versus lme4qtl. asreml_v_lme4qtl.Rmd
ED7 f Heritability, our study versus Schlamp 2021. compare_to_schlamp.Rmd
ED7 g Cross-sectional versus longitudinal heritability. asreml_longitudinal_v_cross_sectional_age.Rmd
ED7 h PVE for all experimental variables, pathways. humann.Rmd
ED7 i Allele effects for top 6 QTL. QTL.Rmd
ED8 a Barplots of DR coefficients, pathways. humann.Rmd
ED8 b L-lysine biosynthesis II increased by DR. humann.Rmd
ED8 c L-lysine biosynthesis II is a specialized pathway. humann.Rmd
ED8 d Urea cycle decreased by DR. humann.Rmd
ED8 e Urea cycle is a community-wide pathway. humann.Rmd
ED8 f Magnitude of DR coefficients, pathways. humann.Rmd
ED8 g Similarity of DR coefficiencts, pathways. humann.Rmd
ED8 h Pathways affected by CR or fasting exclusively. humann.Rmd
ED8 i Predicting DR status, pathways. prediction.Rmd
ED8 j Most important genera for binary DR prediction. prediction.Rmd
ED8 k Most important pathways for binary DR prediction. prediction.Rmd
ED8 l Predicting dietary group, pathways. prediction.Rmd
ED8 m Predicting dietary group, pathways, stratified by diet. prediction.Rmd
ED8 n Proportion DR-associated features, genera versus species. kraken.Rmd
ED8 o Kraken v. MPA, DR coefficients. kraken_v_metaphlan.Rmd
ED9 a Predicting age, trained on AL, pathways. prediction.Rmd
ED9 b Predicting age, trained on 40% CR. prediction.Rmd
ED9 c PCoA of just AL and 40% CR 10 and 28-month-old samples. kraken.Rmd
ED10 n/a Histogram of microbiome-phenotype assocation p-values. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd
ED10 n/a Histograms of microbiome-phenotype p-values. pheno_assoc_and_mediation.Rmd