The following will all be simpler once the Kalabax Behat plugin is released. Until then:
Behat is installed in vendor. We run the tests using the Webdriver API to automate a browser.
Locally, you'll run install and start the selenium server as seen in the continuous integration config.
Create a project clone to mimic the working directory. This is where we
will composer install
dev dependencies.
create copy of working dir
mkdir dev-dependencies
rsync -vah ../site-working-dir/ dev-dependencies/
cd dev-dependencies
composer require drupal/drupal-extension:"^3.1" --no-interaction
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:"^6.0@dev" --no-interaction
- Set your drupal_root in behat.yml (e.g. /my/path/to/drupal/install)
- Start selenium server:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.50.1.jar
(other versions probably work) - enable devel_mail_log:
drush en -y devel
To run tests, make sure you have latest features in the dev-dependecies dir
cd dev-dependencies
rsync -vah ../site-working-dir/features/ features/
# as a one-liner
rsync -vah ../site-working-dir/features/ features/ && ./vendor/bin/behat
This solution is imperfect. If we composer install
dev dependencies to site-working-dir/vendor
git will show a ton of changes since vendor can't be gitignored. So our local working
directory is a mess. Pantheon doesn't have a great way to deploy vendored files at build time.
To keep this project clean, we keep vendor/
perfectly in sync with Pantheon's Drupal 8 upstream. We then install dev dependencies to a cloned version
of the working directory.
We use mocha to test js. See [circle.yml] for the npm commands to install and run js tests.
Adding the @javascript tag to a test is helpful to watch selenium walk through tests
and break using Firefox. This is great when you're debugging something and want to look
at a page mid-way through the test. But having javascript enabled
means that you have to jump through hoops
to select items from pulldown menus that us the chosen
widget. One thing you can do is
drush pm-uninstall chosen
while you are debugging tests so that selecting from pulldowns
with or without javascript is the same. Once you finish debugging, you can
re-enable chosen.
List behat steps available:
$ ./vendor/bin/behat -dl
default | Given I am on :urlPath with a random querystring
default | Then I should see my page with a random querystring
default | Then I should see :urlPath with a random querystring
default | When I fill in :label with randomized text :text
For extended info
$ ./vendor/bin/behat -dl
$ vendor/bin/behat --definitions='content'
Add breakpoint
Then I break
Behat help
$ ./vendor/bin/behat -h
We use CircleCI to test against the Pantheon environment where our live site is hosted. The tests run against cloned versions of the live site.
Environment variables to set up CircleCI
- PANTHEON_REPO (from Pantheon dashboard): ssh://get.from.pantheon.dashboard:2222/~/repository.git
- SITE_NAME lexky-d8
- FROM_ENV (env to clone for tests) live
- MACHINE_TOKEN (From Pantheon): create a machine token for a user with 'developer' permissions. Then can only use multi-dev and dev environments
Set up SSH permissions so that CircleCI can push to Pantheon:
- Generate an SSH key
- Login to Pantheon as MACHINE_TOKEN user, add public SSH key
- CircleCI > Settings for the project > Org > Repo > Permissions > SSH Permissions > Add private SSH Key