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Development notes

Hyunseok edited this page Aug 7, 2023 · 7 revisions

Development with VSCode Editor

Install extention for Microsoft C#(ms-dotnettools.csharp)' in Extensions view.

For ubuntu(linux),

dotnet sdk => refer to link

mono => refer to link.

  1. sudo apt install dotnet-sdk-6.0

  2. sudo apt install mono-devel

SDFormat for C#(Unity)


Mainly these are following the specification from It is designed as 4-parts of modules. And those codes are not fully meet the specification yet.

SDF Parser

It parses .sdf files to retrieve each value from the elements. And separate the elements per class. All parsing works begins from SDF.Root class.

SDF Importer

SDF Importer generates hierarchical object tree

  • model -> link -> (visual/collision -> geometry ) / sensor

There are two steps to import objects as a GameObject.

  • ImportXXXXXX() and PostImportXXXXXX()
    • ex) ImportVisual() , PostImportVisual()

SDF Implementation

Realize 3D objects on 3D world through Unity API. It implements detail physical properties, visual objects from specific SDF parameters when it importing each SDF elements.

SDF Plugins

It helps handling or post-process specific SDF elements like model, link or pose inside Unity GameObject.

Build guide is only for developer.

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