5700m default distance
domain changed from
autogenerates just in the second half of the /16 broadcast domain -
DHCP range starts from 10.%N1.20.0 (start = 20*256 = 5120)
DHCP range ends at 10.%N1.127.255 (limit = (127-20)*256 +255+1 = 27648)
removed unused lines (bmx*, olsr*, adhoc)
5 GHz channels removed list’s second entry, set to 48
5 GHz distance variable
ap_ssid main ESSID changed to
added a list with all the suggested LibreMesh packages
added also prometheus packages
added a uci-defaults script for enabling prometheus service
Avere una distro linux
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git ca-certificates subversion wget make gcc g++ libncurses5-dev gawk unzip file patch python3-distutils python3-minimal python-minimal
da Compiling LibreMesh from source code https://libremesh.org/development.html -
git clone https://github.com/LibreRouterOrg/openwrt
testato al commit : 863d464a4741a52494b197e6ca50abb2ac60f198 -
git clone https://github.com/libremesh/network-profiles.git
Update the packages from the feeds
scripts/feeds update -a
scripts/feeds install -a
Run the configuration menu
make menuconfig
metti in target profile: multidevices
seleziona i target device: cpe510v1-ubnt nano/loco m/ m xw
controlla che ci siano tutti i pacchetti che sono nel network profile PACKAGES
guarda .config
la buildroot ha una cartella files dove se ci mettiamo cose, ce le troviamo dentro al router.
quindi, usiamo un comando di rsync per eliminare i file dentro a files in openwrt ed aggiornare quelli che abbiamo nel profile
rsync -aPh --delete ~/network-profiles/valsamoggia.ninux.org/vs-ninux-generic/files/ ~/openwrt/files/
editare da openwrt
make -j$(nproc)