Events in JS/TS with easy typing/autocompletion.
class MusicPlayer {
onPlay = new Callbacks<() => void>();
// ...
play() {
// ...
// Call/invoke the callbacks:
const player = new MusicPlayer();
// ...
player.onPlay.add(() => {"player play");
Ref with onChanged
class MusicPlayer {
refState = new Ref<"stopped" | "playing" | "paused">("stopped");
// ...
play() {
// ...
this.refState.value = "playing";
const player = new MusicPlayer();
// ...
player.refState.onChanged.add(() => {"player current state:", player.refState.value);
// Limit the concurrency of downloads
const downloadLimit = new Semaphore({ maxCount: 5 });
async function download() {
// Will block/await here if >= 5 downloads currently running,
await downloadLimit.enter();
try {
await actuallyDownload();
} finally {
Or shorter version with run()
const downloadLimit = new Semaphore({ maxCount: 5 });
function download() {
return () => {
await actuallyDownload();
function strPadLeft(str: string, len: number, ch?: string): string;
function formatDuration(sec: number | any): string;
function formatFileSize(size: number | any): string;
function formatDateTime(date: Date): string;
function numLimit(num: number, min: number, max: number): number;
function createName(
nameFunc: (num: number) => string,
existsFunc: (str: string) => boolean
): string;
function base64EncodeUtf8(str: any): string;
function sleepAsync(time: number): Promise<void>;
function arrayRemove<T>(array: T[], val: T): void;
function arrayInsert<T>(array: T[], val: T, pos?: number): void;
function arrayMap<T, TRet>(
arr: Iterable<T>,
func: (item: T, idx: number) => TRet
): TRet[];
function arrayForeach<T>(
arr: Iterable<T>,
func: (item: T, idx: number) => void
): void;
function foreachFlaten<T>(arr: T[], func: Action<T>): void;
function arrayFind<T>(
arr: Iterable<T>,
func: (item: T, idx: number) => any
): T | null;
function arraySum<T>(
arr: Iterable<T>,
func: (item: T) => number | null | undefined
): number;
function objectApply<T>(
obj: Partial<T>,
kv?: Partial<T>,
keys?: Array<keyof T>
): Partial<T>;
function objectInit<T>(obj: T, kv?: ObjectInit<T>, keys?: Array<keyof T>): T;
function mod(a: number, b: number): number;
function readBlobAsDataUrl(blob: Blob): Promise<string>;