This is a plugin that contains generated python files out of .proto files. Ansible plugin uses them to parse and validate json that we want to submit to etcd database. These files need to be regenerated in case of changes in .proto files
Install prerequisits for protoc:
apt-get install autoconf automake libtool curl make g++ unzip
download the protobuf-all[VERSION].tar.gz.
Extract the contents and change in the directory
Run following commands (This might take several minutes)
./configure make make check sudo make install sudo ldconfig # refresh shared library cache.
Check your installation:
protoc --version
Expect similar output to this:
libprotoc 3.6.1
Run script to update automatically created python files if needed. This script will generate python objects used with ansible plugin to pout directory that will replace pout.
In case we need to use new .proto files they need to be added to the script. and python validation module needs to be written in a similar way as
First we need the etcd database to be started and running. Once it is running we can start the exmaple ansible playbook with following command:
ansible-playbook example.yaml