+from astroquery.mast import Observations
+import pandas as pd
+from typing import Union, Optional
+import re
+import logging
+import warnings
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from astropy import units as u
+from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
+from astropy.table import Table
+from astropy.time import Time
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from copy import deepcopy
+from .utils import SearchError, SearchWarning, suppress_stdout
+from . import conf, config
+pd.options.display.max_rows = 10
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MASTSearch(object):
Generic Search Class for data exploration that queries mast for observations performed by the: Kepler, K2, TESS
Missions, and returns the results in a convenient table with options to download.
By default only mission products are returned.
target: Optional[Union[str, tuple[float], SkyCoord]] = None
The target to search for observations of. Can be provided as a name (string),
coordinates in decimal degrees (tuple), or astropy `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Object.
obs_table:Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None
Optionally, can provice a Astropy `~astropy.table.Table` Object from
AstroQuery `~astroquery.mast.Observations.query_criteria` which will be used to construct the observations table
prod_table:Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None
Optionally, if you provide an obs_table, you may also provide a products table of assosciated products. These
two tables will be concatenated to become the primary joint table of data products.
table:Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None
Optionally, may provide an stropy `~astropy.table.Table` Object that is the already merged joint table of obs_table
and prod_table.
search_radius:Optional[Union[float,u.Quantity]] = None
The radius around the target name/location to search for observations. Can be provided in arcsonds (float) or as an
AstroPy `~astropy.units.u.Quantity` Object
exptime:Optional[Union[str, int, tuple]] = (0,9999)
Exposure time to filter observation results on. Can be provided as a mission-specific string,
an int which forces an exact match to the time in seconds, or a tuple, which provides a range to filter on.
mission: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = ["Kepler", "K2", "TESS"]
Mission(s) for which to search for data on
pipeline: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = ["Kepler", "K2", "SPOC"]
Pipeline(s) which have produced the observed data
sequence: Optional[Union[int, list[int]]] = None,
Mission Specific Survey value that corresponds to Sector (TESS) AND Campaign (K2). Not valid for Kepler.
Setting sequence is not recommented for MASTSearch.
table = None
def __init__(
target: Optional[Union[str, tuple[float], SkyCoord]] = None,
obs_table: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
prod_table: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
table: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
search_radius: Optional[Union[float, u.Quantity]] = None,
exptime: Optional[Union[str, int, tuple]] = (0, 9999),
mission: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = ["Kepler", "K2", "TESS"],
pipeline: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = ["Kepler", "K2", "SPOC"],
sequence: Optional[Union[int, list[int]]] = None,
self.search_radius = search_radius
self.search_exptime = exptime
self.search_mission = np.atleast_1d(mission).tolist()
if pipeline is not None:
pipeline = np.atleast_1d(pipeline).tolist()
self.search_pipeline = pipeline
if ("kepler" in (m.lower() for m in mission)) & (sequence != None):
f"Sequence not valid when searching for Kepler data. Setting sequence to None"
sequence = None
self.search_sequence = sequence
# Legacy functionality - no longer query kic/tic by integer value only
if isinstance(target, int):
raise TypeError(
"Target must be a target name string, (ra, dec) tuple, "
"or astropy coordinate object"
self.target = target
if isinstance(table, type(None)):
self.table = self._fix_table_times(self.table)
# If MAST search tables are provided, another MAST search is not necessary
self._searchtable_from_table(table, obs_table, prod_table)
for col in self.table.columns:
if not hasattr(self, col):
setattr(self, col, self.table[col])
def __len__(self):
"""Returns the number of products in the SearchResult table."""
return len(self.table)
def __repr__(self):
if isinstance(self.table, pd.DataFrame):
if len(self.table) > 0:
out = f"{self.__class__.__name__} object containing {len(self.table)} data products \n"
return out + self.table[self._REPR_COLUMNS].__repr__()
return "No results found"
return "I am an uninitialized MASTSearch result"
# Used to call the pandas table html output which is nicer
def _repr_html_(self):
if isinstance(self.table, pd.DataFrame):
if len(self.table) > 0:
out = f"{self.__class__.__name__} object containing {len(self.table)} data products \n"
return out + self.table[self._REPR_COLUMNS]._repr_html_()
return "No results found"
return "I am an uninitialized MASTSearch result"
def __getitem__(self, key):
# TODO: Look into class mixins & pandas for this?
strlist = False
intlist = False
if isinstance(key, list):
if all(isinstance(n, int) for n in key):
intlist = True
if all(isinstance(n, str) for n in key):
strlist = True
if hasattr(key, "__iter__") or isinstance(key, pd.Series):
if len(key) == len(self.table):
return self._mask(key)
if isinstance(key, (slice, int)) or (intlist):
if not intlist:
mask = np.in1d(
np.arange(len(self.table)), np.arange(len(self.table))[key]
mask = np.in1d(self.table.index, key)
return self._mask(mask)
if isinstance(key, str) or strlist:
# Return a column as a series, or a dataframe of columns
# Note that we're not returning a Search Object here as
# we havce additional Requiered columns, etc.
return self.table[key]
def ra(self):
"""Right Ascension coordinate for each data product found."""
return self.table["s_ra"].values
def dec(self):
"""Declination coordinate for each data product found."""
return self.table["s_dec"].values
def exptime(self):
"""Exposure times for all returned products"""
return self.table["exptime"].values
def mission(self):
"""Kepler quarter or TESS sector names for each data product found."""
return self.table["mission"].values
def year(self):
"""Year the observation was made."""
return self.table["year"].values
def pipeline(self):
"""Pipeline name for each data product found."""
return self.table["pipeline"].values
def target_name(self):
"""Target name for each data product found."""
return self.table["target_name"].values
def uris(self):
"""Location Information of the products in the table"""
uris = self.table["dataURI"].values
cloud_uris = self.cloud_uris
mask = cloud_uris != None
uris[mask] = cloud_uris[mask]
return uris
def cloud_uris(self):
"""Returns the cloud uris for products in self.table.
~numpy.array of URI's from ~astroquery.mast
an array where each element is the cloud-URI of a product in self.table
if "cloud_uri" not in self.table.columns:
self.table = self._add_s3_url_column(self.table)
return self.table["cloud_uri"]
def timeseries(self):
"""return a MASTSearch object with self.table only containing products that are a time-series measurement"""
mask = self._mask_product_type("lightcurve")
return self._mask(mask)
def cubedata(self):
"""return a MASTSearch object with self.table only containing products that are image cubes"""
mask = self._mask_product_type("target pixel")
# return self._cubedata()
return self._mask(mask)
def dvreports(self):
"""return a MASTSearch object with self.table only containing products that are data validation pdf files"""
mask = self._mask_product_type(filetype="dvreport")
return self._mask(mask)
# @cached
def _searchtable_from_target(self, target: Union[str, tuple[float], SkyCoord]):
takes a target to search and
- parses that target to search
- searches mast to create a table from merged Obs/Prod Tables
- filters the joint table
target : Union[str, tuple[float], SkyCoord]
the target to search for, either a name (str) or coordinate - (tupe[float]/SkyCoord)
None - sets self.table equal to the masked/filtered joint table
self.table = self._search(
self.table = self._update_table(self.table)
filetype = [
"target pixel",
mask = self._filter(
self.table = self.table[mask].reset_index(drop=True)
def _searchtable_from_table(
table: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
obs_table: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
prod_table: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None,
"""creates a unified table from either:
- a passed joint-table
- this is just passed through
- an obs_table from astroquery.mast.query_critera.to_pandas()
- this uses obs_table to create a prod_table and merges tables
- an obs_table AND a prod_table from from astroquery.mast.get_products.to_pandas()
- this meges obs_table and prod_table
self.table is then set from this table
table : Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional
pre-merged obs_table, prod_table by default None
obs_table : Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional
table from astroquery.mast.query_critera.to_pandas(), by default None
prod_table : Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional
table from astroquery.mast.get_products.to_pandas(), by default None
# see if function was passed a joint table
if isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame):
self.table = table
# If we don't have a name or a joint table,
# check to see if tables were passed
elif isinstance(obs_table, pd.DataFrame):
# If we have an obs table and no name, use it
self.obs_table = obs_table
if isinstance(prod_table, type(None)):
# get the prod table if we don't have it
prod_table = self._search_products(self)
self.prod_table = prod_table
self.table = self._join_tables()
raise (ValueError("No Target or object table supplied"))
# def _downsize_table(self, ds_table):
def _mask(self, mask):
"""Masks down the product and observation tables given an input mask, then returns them as a new Search object.
deepcopy is used to preserve the class metadata stored in class variables"""
new_MASTSearch = deepcopy(self)
new_MASTSearch.table = new_MASTSearch.table[mask].reset_index(drop=True)
return new_MASTSearch
def _update_table(self, joint_table: pd.DataFrame):
"""updates self.table for a handfull of convenient column renames and streamlining choices
joint_table : ~pandas.DataFrame
a dataframe from a merged astroquery.mast.query_criteria & astroquery.mast.get_products tables
joint_table : ~pandas.DataFrame
the updated & re-formatted data-frame
# Modifies a MAST table with user-friendly columns
if "t_exptime" in joint_table.columns:
joint_table = joint_table.rename(columns={"t_exptime": "exptime"})
if "provenance_name" in joint_table.columns:
joint_table["pipeline"] = joint_table["provenance_name"].copy()
if "obs_collection_obs" in joint_table.columns:
joint_table["mission"] = joint_table["obs_collection_obs"].copy()
# rename identical columns
"obs_collection_prod": "obs_collection",
"project_prod": "project",
"dataproduct_type_prod": "dataproduct_type",
"proposal_id_prod": "proposal_id",
"dataRights_prod": "dataRights",
return joint_table
def _fix_table_times(self, joint_table: pd.DataFrame):
"""fixes incorrect times and adds convenient columns to the search table
MAST returns the min and max time for each observation in the table.
Turn this value into the standard JD format
Also extract the observation year for sorting purposes
joint_table : ~pandas.DataFrame
the meged obs, prod search table
the input table with updated values and additional columns
if isinstance(joint_table.index, pd.MultiIndex):
# Multi-Index leading to issues, re-index?
joint_table = joint_table.reset_index(drop=True)
year = np.floor(Time(joint_table["t_min"], format="mjd").decimalyear)
# `t_min` is incorrect for Kepler pipeline products, so we extract year from the filename for those
for idx, row in joint_table.iterrows():
if (row["pipeline"] == "Kepler") & (
"Data Validation" not in row["description"]
year[idx] = re.findall(r"\d+.(\d{4})\d+", row["productFilename"])[0]
joint_table["year"] = year.astype(int)
joint_table["start_time"] = Time(self.table["t_min"], format="mjd").iso
joint_table["end_time"] = Time(self.table["t_max"], format="mjd").iso
return joint_table
def _search(
search_radius: Union[float, u.Quantity] = None,
exptime: Union[str, int, tuple] = (0, 9999),
mission: Union[str, list[str]] = ["Kepler", "K2", "TESS"],
pipeline: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
sequence: int = None,
"""from a parsed target input in self.target/self.SkyCoord -
creates an obs_table & prod_table from self._search_obs() & self._search_prod(,
and performs an outer joint to merge them
search_radius : Union[float, u.Quantity], optional
radius (in arcseconds if units not specified)
around target/coordinates to search, by default None
exptime : Union[str, int, tuple], optional
exposure time of products to search for by default (0, 9999)
pipeline : Union[str, list[str]], optional
pipeline to search for products from, by default None
sequence : int, optional
sequence number (e.g. Cadence/Sector/Campaign) to search for
products from, by default None
A DataFrame resulting from an outer join on a table from
~astroquery.mast.Observations.query_criteria and its assosciated
self.obs_table = self._search_obs(
filetype=["lightcurve", "target pixel", "dv"],
self.prod_table = self._search_prod()
joint_table = self._join_tables()
return joint_table
def _parse_input(self, search_input: Union[str, tuple[float], SkyCoord]):
"""Parses the provided target input search information based on input type
- If SkyCoord, sets self.Skycoord &
creates a search string based on coordinates
- If tuple, assumes RA dec - sets search string based on coordinates &
creates self.SkyCoord
- if str, assumes target name - sets search string to input string &
creates self.SkyCoord from SkyCoord.from_name
search_input : Union[str, tuple, SkyCoord]
The provided user target search input
Raise an error if we don't recognise what type of data was passed in
# If passed a SkyCoord, convert it to an "ra, dec" string for MAST
self.exact_target = False
if isinstance(search_input, SkyCoord):
self.target_search_string = f"{search_input.ra.deg}, {search_input.dec.deg}"
self.SkyCoord = search_input
elif isinstance(search_input, tuple):
self.target_search_string = f"{search_input[0]}, {search_input[1]}"
self.SkyCoord = SkyCoord(*search_input, frame="icrs", unit="deg")
elif isinstance(search_input, str):
self.target_search_string = search_input
self.SkyCoord = SkyCoord.from_name(search_input, frame="icrs")
target_lower = str(search_input).lower()
target_str = self._check_exact(target_lower)
if target_str:
self.exact_target_name = self._target_to_exact_name(target_str)
self.exact_target = True
raise TypeError(
"Target must be a target name string or astropy coordinate object"
def _check_exact(self, target):
"""We dont check exact target name for the generic MAST search -
TESS/Kepler/K2 have different exact names for identical objects"""
return False
def _target_to_exact_name(self, target):
"""We dont check exact target name for the generic MAST search -
TESS/Kepler/K2 have different exact names for identical objects"""
return NotImplementedError("Use mission appropriate search for exact targets")
def _add_s3_url_column(self, joint_table: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
self.table will updated to have an extra column of s3 URLS if possible
joint_table : ~pandas.DataFrame
Dataframe of merged ~astroquery.mast.Observations observations table and product table
input dataframe with a column added which countaings the cloud uris of assosciated producs
cloud_uris = Observations.get_cloud_uris(
joint_table.loc[pd.notna(joint_table["dataURI"]), "cloud_uri"] = cloud_uris
return joint_table
def _search_obs(
search_radius: Union[float, u.Quantity, None] = None,
filetype: Union[str, tuple[str]] = ["lightcurve", "target pixel", "dv"],
mission=["Kepler", "K2", "TESS"],
pipeline: Union[str, tuple[str], type[None]] = None,
exptime: Union[int, tuple[int]] = (0, 9999),
sequence: Union[int, list[int], type[None]] = None,
"""Assuming we alreads have a pased target search input,
parse optional inputs and then query mast using
search_radius : Union[float, u.Quantity, None], optional
radius to search around the target, by default None
filetype : Union[str, tuple, optional
type of files to search for, by default ["lightcurve", "target pixel", "dv"]
mission : list, optional
mission to search for data from, by default ["Kepler", "K2", "TESS"]
pipeline : Union[str, tuple, optional
pipeline to search for data from, by default None
exptime : Union[int, tuple[int]], optional
exposure time of data products to search for, by default (0, 9999)
sequence : Union[int, list[int], type, optional
mission dependent sequence (e.g. segment/campaign/sector) to search for
data from, by default None
observations table from ~astroquery.mast.Observations.query_criteria().to_pandas()
- If a ffi filetype is searched, use TESSSearch instead
If no data is found
if filetype == "ffi":
raise SearchError(
f"FFI search not implemented in MASTSearch. Please use TESSSearch."
# Ensure mission is a list
mission = np.atleast_1d(mission).tolist()
if pipeline is not None:
pipeline = np.atleast_1d(pipeline).tolist()
# If pipeline "TESS" is used, we assume it is SPOC
pipeline = np.unique(
[p if p.lower() != "tess" else "SPOC" for p in pipeline]
# Speed up by restricting the MAST query if we don't want FFI image data
# At MAST, non-FFI Kepler pipeline products are known as "cube" products,
# and non-FFI TESS pipeline products are listed as "timeseries"
extra_query_criteria = {}
filetype_query_criteria = {"lightcurve": "timeseries", "target pixel": "cube"}
extra_query_criteria["dataproduct_type"] = [
for file in filetype
if (file.lower() in filetype_query_criteria.keys())
observations = self._query_mast(
f"MAST found {len(observations)} observations. "
"Now querying MAST for the corresponding data products."
if len(observations) == 0:
raise SearchError(f"No data found for target {self.target}.")
return observations
def _query_mast(
search_radius: Union[float, u.Quantity, None] = None,
project: Union[str, list[str]] = ["Kepler", "K2", "TESS"],
pipeline: Union[str, list[str], None] = None,
exptime: Union[int, float, tuple, type(None)] = (0, 9999), # None,
sequence_number: Union[int, list[int], None] = None,
"""Attempts to find mast observations using ~astroquery.mast.Observations.query_criteria
search_radius : Union[float, u.Quantity, None], optional
radius around target/location to search, by default None
project : Union[str, list[str]], optional
project (mission) to search for data from, by default ["Kepler", "K2", "TESS"]
pipeline : Union[str, list[str], None], optional
providence(pipeline) of processed data, by default None
exptime : Union[int, float, tuple, type, optional
exposure time of data products to search, by default (0, 9999)
sequence_number : Union[int, list[int], None], optional
mission dependent identifier (e.g. Cadence/Campaign/Sector) to search for data products from, by default None
an observations_table from query_criteria in pandas DataFrame format
When unable to resolve search target
from astroquery.exceptions import NoResultsWarning, ResolverError
# Constructs the appropriate query for mast
log.debug(f"Searching for {self.target} with {exptime} on project {project}")
# We pass the following `query_criteria` to MAST regardless of whether
# we search by position or target name:
query_criteria = {"project": project, **extra_query_criteria}
if pipeline is not None:
query_criteria["provenance_name"] = pipeline
if sequence_number is not None:
query_criteria["sequence_number"] = sequence_number
if exptime is not None:
query_criteria["t_exptime"] = exptime
if self.exact_target and (search_radius is None):
f"Started querying MAST for observations with exact name {self.exact_target_name}"
# do an exact name search with target_name=
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=NoResultsWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="t_exptime is continuous")
obs = Observations.query_criteria(
target_name=self.exact_target_name, **query_criteria
if len(obs) > 0:
# astroquery does not report distance when querying by `target_name`;
# we add it here so that the table returned always has this column.
obs["distance"] = 0.0
return obs.to_pandas()
if search_radius is None:
search_radius = 0.0001 * u.arcsec
elif not isinstance(search_radius, u.quantity.Quantity):
f"Search radius {search_radius} units not specified, assuming arcsec"
search_radius = search_radius * u.arcsec
query_criteria["radius"] = str(search_radius.to(u.deg))
"Started querying MAST for observations within "
f"{search_radius.to(u.arcsec)} arcsec of objectname='{self.target}'."
f"Via {self.target_search_string} search string and query_criteria: "
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=NoResultsWarning)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="t_exptime is continuous")
obs = Observations.query_criteria(
objectname=self.target_search_string, **query_criteria
return obs.to_pandas()
except ResolverError as exc:
# MAST failed to resolve the object name to sky coordinates
raise SearchError(exc) from exc
return obs.to_pandas()
def _search_prod(self):
"""uses ~astroquery.mast.Observations.get_product_list to get data products assosicated
with self.obs_table
product table from ~astroquery.mast.Observations.get_product_list.to_pandas
# Use the search result to get a product list
products = Observations.get_product_list(Table.from_pandas(self.obs_table))
return products.to_pandas()
def _join_tables(self):
"""perform an outer join on self.obs_table on obs_id,
and self.prod_table and return joined table
joined table
joint_table = pd.merge(
self.obs_table.reset_index().rename({"index": "obs_index"}, axis="columns"),
{"index": "prod_index"}, axis="columns"
suffixes=("_obs", "_prod"),
).set_index(["obs_index", "prod_index"])
log.debug(f"MAST found {len(joint_table)} matching data products.")
return joint_table
def _add_kepler_sequence_num(self):
"""adds sequence number to kepler data in the self.table["sequence_number"]
column since these are not populated in mast
seq_num = self.table["sequence_number"].values.astype(str)
# Kepler sequence_number values were not populated at the time of
# writing this code, so we parse them from the description field.
mask = (self.table["project"] == "Kepler") & self.table[
re_expr = r".*Q(\d+)"
seq_num[mask] = [
re.findall(re_expr, item[0])[0] if re.findall(re_expr, item[0]) else ""
for item in self.table.loc[mask, ["description"]].str.values
def _mask_product_type(
filetype: str,
"""convenience function to filter the productFilename column in self.table
using the pandas .endswith function
filetype : str
the filetype to filter for
numpy boolean array
boolean mask for the column/table
mask = np.zeros(len(self.table), dtype=bool)
# This is the dictionary of what files end with that correspond to each allowed file type
ftype_suffix = {
"lightcurve": ["lc.fits"],
"target pixel": ["tp.fits", "targ.fits.gz"],
"dvreport": ["dvr.pdf", "dvm.pdf", "dvs.pdf"],
for value in ftype_suffix[filetype]:
mask |= self.table.productFilename.str.endswith(value)
return mask
def _mask_by_exptime(self, exptime: Union[int, tuple[float]]):
"""Helper function to filter by exposure time.
Returns a boolean array"""
if "t_exptime" in self.table.columns:
exposures = self.table["t_exptime"]
exposures = self.table["exptime"]
if isinstance(exptime, (int, float)):
mask = exposures == exptime
elif isinstance(exptime, tuple):
mask = (exposures >= min(exptime)) & (exposures <= max(exptime))
elif isinstance(exptime, str):
exptime = exptime.lower()
if exptime in ["fast"]:
mask = exposures < 60
elif exptime in ["short"]:
mask = (exposures >= 60) & (exposures <= 120)
elif exptime in ["long", "ffi"]:
mask = exposures > 120
elif exptime in ["shortest"]:
mask = exposures == min(exposures)
elif exptime in ["longest"]:
mask = exposures == max(exposures)
mask = np.ones(len(exposures), dtype=bool)
log.debug("invalid string input. No exptime filter applied")
elif isinstance(exptime, list):
mask = np.zeros(len(exposures), dtype=bool)
for et in exptime:
mask = mask | (exposures == et)
return mask
def query_table(
criteria: str,
inplace: bool = False,
"""Filter the Search Result table using pandas query
criteria : str
string containing criteria to filter table. Can handle multiple criteria,
e.g. "exptime>=100 and exptime<=500".
inplace : bool
if True, modify table in MASTSearch object directly. If False, returns a
new MASTSearch object with the resulting table
MASTSearch : MASTSearch object
Only returned if inplace = False
filtered_table = self.table.query(criteria).reset_index()
if inplace:
self.table = filtered_table
new_MASTSearch = deepcopy(self)
new_MASTSearch.table = filtered_table
return new_MASTSearch
def _filter(
target_name: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
pipeline: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
mission: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
exptime: Union[int, float, tuple[float]] = None,
distance: Union[float, tuple[float]] = None,
year: Union[int, list[int], tuple[int]] = None,
description: Union[str, list[str], tuple[str]] = None,
filetype: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
sequence_number: Union[int, list[int]] = None,
"""filter self.table based on your product search preferences
target_name : str, optional
Name of targets.
pipeline : str or list[str]], optional
Pipeline provenance to search for data from.
mission : str or list[str], optional
Mission projects to search, options are "Kepler", "K2", and "TESS".
exptime : int or float, tuple[float]], optional
Exposure time of data products to search.
An int, float, or list will look for exact matches,
a tuple will look for a range of times,
and string values "fast", "short", "long", "shortest", and "longest"
will match the appropriate exposure times.
distance : float or tuple[float]], optional
Distance from given search target to get data products.
A float searches for products within the given distance,
a tuple searches between the given values.
year : int or list[int], tuple[int], optional
Year of creation.
A list will look for all years given,
a tuple will look in the range of years given.
description : str or list[str], optional
Key words to search for in the description of the data product.
A list will look for descriptions containing any keywords given,
a tuple will look for descriptions containing all the keywords.
filetype : str or list[str], optional
file types to search for, options are "target pixel", "lightcurve", "dvreport".
sequence_number : int or list[int]], optional
Sequence number to filter by. Corresponds to sector for TESS, campaign for K2, and quarter for Kepler.
mask : np.ndarray
cumulative boolean mask for self.table based off of
the product of individual filter properties
mask = np.ones(len(self.table), dtype=bool)
if target_name is not None:
target_name = np.atleast_1d(target_name).astype(str)
mask = mask & self.table["target_name"].isin(target_name)
if not isinstance(filetype, type(None)):
allowed_ftype = ["lightcurve", "target pixel", "dvreport"]
filter_ftype = [
for file in np.atleast_1d(filetype).astype(str)
if file.lower() in allowed_ftype
if len(filter_ftype) == 0:
filter_ftype = allowed_ftype
log.warning("Invalid filetype filtered. Returning all filetypes.")
file_mask = np.zeros(len(self.table), dtype=bool)
for ftype in filter_ftype:
file_mask |= self._mask_product_type(ftype)
mask = mask & file_mask
if exptime is not None:
mask = mask & self._mask_by_exptime(exptime)
if distance is not None:
if isinstance(distance, float):
mask = mask & self.table.eval("distance <= @distance")
elif isinstance(distance, tuple):
mask = mask & self.table.eval(
"(distance >= @distance[0]) & (distance <= @distance[1])"
"Invalid input for `distance`, allowed inputs are float and tuple. Ignoring `distance` search parameter."
if year is not None:
if isinstance(year, str):
year = int(year)
if hasattr(year, "__iter__"):
year_type = type(year)
year = [int(y) for y in year]
year = year_type(year)
if (
isinstance(year, np.int_)
or isinstance(year, int)
or isinstance(year, list)
mask = mask & self.table["year"].isin(np.atleast_1d(year))
elif isinstance(year, tuple):
mask = mask & self.table.eval("year>=@year[0] & year<=@year[1]")
"Invalid input for `year`, allowed inputs are str, int, and tuple. Ignoring `year` search parameter."
if pipeline is not None:
pipeline = list(map(str.lower, np.atleast_1d(pipeline).astype(str)))
mask = mask & self.table["pipeline"].str.lower().isin(pipeline)
if description is not None:
if isinstance(description, str):
mask = mask & self.table["description"].str.lower().str.contains(
elif isinstance(description, tuple):
# Looks for descriptions which contain *all* of the given keywords
for word in description:
mask = mask & self.table["description"].str.lower().str.contains(
elif hasattr(description, "__iter__"):
# Looks for descriptions which contain *any* of the given keywords
desc_mask = np.zeros(len(self.table), dtype=bool)
for word in description:
desc_mask = desc_mask | self.table[
mask = mask & desc_mask
"Invalid input for `description`, allowed inputs are str and list[str]. Ignoring `description` search parameter."
if sequence_number is not None:
mask = mask & self.table.sequence_number.isin(
if mission is not None:
mission = list(map(str.lower, np.atleast_1d(mission).astype(str)))
mask = mask & self.table["mission"].str.lower().isin(mission)
return mask
def filter_table(
target_name: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
pipeline: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
mission: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
exptime: Union[int, float, tuple[float]] = None,
distance: Union[float, tuple[float]] = None,
year: Union[int, list[int], tuple[int]] = None,
description: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
filetype: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
sequence: Union[str, list[str]] = None,
limit: int = None,
"""Filter the search by keywords
target_name : str, optional
Name of targets. A list will look for multiple target names.
pipeline : str or list[str]], optional
Data pipeline. A list will look for multiple pipelines.
mission : str or list[str]], optional
Mission. A list will look for muliple missions.
exptime : int or float, tuple[float]], optional
Exposure Time. A tuple will look for a range of times.
distance : float or tuple[float]], optional
Distance. A float searches for products with a distance less than the value given,
a tuple will search between the given values.
year : int or list[int], tuple[int]], optional
Year. A list will look for multiple years, a tuple will look in the range of years.
description : str or list[str]], optional
Description of product. A list will look for descriptions containing any keywords given,
a tuple will look for descriptions containing all the keywords.
filetype : str or list[str]], optional
Type of product. A list will look for multiple filetypes.
sequence : int or list[int]], optional
Sequence number refers to "quarter" for Kepler, "campaign" for K2, and "sector" for TESS.
limit : int, optional
_description_, by default None
inplace : bool, optional
_description_, by default False
MASTSearch or None
Returns a filtered MASTSearch object or None if `inplace=True`
mask = self._filter(
if limit is not None:
cusu = np.cumsum(mask)
if max(cusu) > limit:
mask = mask & (cusu <= limit)
if inplace:
self.table = self.table[mask].reset_index()
return self._mask(mask)
def _download_one(
row: pd.Series,
cloud_only: bool = False,
cache: bool = True,
download_dir: str = ".",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Helper function that downloads an individual row.
This may be more efficient if we are caching, but we can sent a full table
to download_products to get multiple items.
# Make sure astroquery uses the same level of verbosity
# We don't want to query cloud_uri if we don't have to
# First check to see if we're not downloading on a cloud platform
# If not - cloud_uris should have already been queried - in that case
# check to see if a cloud_uri exists, if so we just pass that
download = True
if not conf.DOWNLOAD_CLOUD:
if pd.notna(row["cloud_uri"]):
download = False
if conf.DOWNLOAD_CLOUD or download:
manifest = Observations.download_products(
Table().from_pandas(row.to_frame(name=" ").transpose()),
manifest = manifest.to_pandas()
manifest = pd.DataFrame(
"Local Path": [row["cloud_uri"]],
"Status": ["COMPLETE"],
"Message": ["Link to S3 bucket for remote read"],
"URL": [None],
return manifest
def download(
cloud: bool = conf.PREFER_CLOUD,
cache: bool = True,
cloud_only: bool = conf.CLOUD_ONLY,
download_dir: str = config.get_cache_dir(),
remove_incomplete: str = True,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""downloads products in self.table to the local hard-drive
cloud : bool, optional
enable cloud (as opposed to MAST) downloading, by default True
cloud_only : bool, optional
download only products availaible in the cloud, by default False
download_dir : str, optional
directory where the products should be downloaded to,
by default default_download_dir
cache : bool, optional
passed to `~astroquery.mast.Observations.download_products`, by default True
if False, will overwrite the file to be downloaded (for example to replace a corrrupted file)
remove_incomplete: str, optional
remove files with a status not "COMPLETE" in the manifest, by default True
table where each row is an ~astroquery.mast.Observations.download_products()
if len(self.table) == 0:
warnings.warn("Cannot download from an empty search result.", SearchWarning)
return None
if cloud:
if (not conf.DOWNLOAD_CLOUD) and ("cloud_uri" not in self.table.columns):
self.table = self._add_s3_url_column(self.table)
manifest = [
self._download_one(row, cloud_only, cache, download_dir)
for _, row in tqdm(
desc="Downloading products",
manifest = pd.concat(manifest)
status = manifest["Status"] != "COMPLETE"
if np.any(status):
"Not All Files Downloaded Successfully, Check Returned Manifest.",
if remove_incomplete:
for file in manifest.loc[status]["Local Path"].values:
if os.path.isfile(file):
warnings.warn(f"Removed {file}", SearchWarning)
warnings.warn(f"Not a file: {file}", SearchWarning)
manifest = manifest.reset_index(drop=True)
return manifest