If you noticed our templates news/create.html and news/edit.html have a lot of duplication. Let's use core:include tag to extract some common template code into separate files. <core:include>
works almost just like php include() function.
First we extract news/form_fields.html template with the following contents:
<label for="title">Title</label> : <input name='title' type='text' size='60' title='Title'/><br/>
<label for="date">Date</label> : <input name='date' type='text' size='15' title='Date'/><br/>
<label for="annotation">Annotation</label> : <textarea name='annotation' rows='2' cols='40' title='Annotation'></textarea><br/>
<label for="content">Content</label> : <textarea name='content' rows='5' cols='40'></textarea><br/>
Second is news/form_errors.html with the code that renders form errors:
<form:errors target='errors'/>
<list:list id='errors'>
<tr valign="top">
<td width="20%"> </td>
<td width="80%"><FONT COLOR="RED">{$ErrorMessage}</FONT></td>
Now we modify news/create.html and news/edit.html to use two new templates:
<title>Limb3 tutorial</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" >
<h1>Create news</h1>
<form id='news_form' name='news_form' method='post' runat='server'>
<core:include file="news/form_errors.html" />
<core:include file="news/form_fields.html" />
<input type='submit' value='Create' runat='client'/>
<title>Limb3 tutorial</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" >
<h1>Edit news</h1>
<form id='news_form' name='news_form' method='post' runat='server'>
<core:include file="news/form_errors.html" />
<core:include file="news/form_fields.html" />
<input type='submit' value='Edit' runat='client'/>
Much better! But we can do more with WACT and make our templates even more compact.
Note: WACT compiles templates as a whole. That means what <core:include>
usage doesn't slow template rendering unlike Smarty.
The template code in news/create.html and news/edit.html before starting <form>
and after closing </form>
tags are duplicating too. With other template engine we would extract something like header.html and footer.html and would use <core:include>
for them. eader/footer way has a big disadvantage that it breaks the template into two components that complicate common understanding of the template as a whole. But WACT has better means.
Let's use <core:wrap>
tag that allows to insert a part of the current template into some special placeholder in some other template (core or parent template). This process we call wrapping.
Ok, let's create a template crud/template/page.html with the following contents:
<title>Limb3 tutorial</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" >
<core:PLACEHOLDER id="page_placeholder"/>
Note <core:placeholder>
tag that declares a place where some part of over template can be inserted into.
Now it's time to modify news/create.html and news/edit.html as follows:
<core:wrap file="page.html" in="page_placeholder">
<h1>Create news</h1>
<form id='news_form' name='news_form' method='post' runat='server'>
<core:include file="news/form_errors.html" />
<core:include file="news/form_fields.html" />
<input type='submit' value='Create' runat='client'/>
<core:wrap file="page.html" in="page_placeholder">
<h1>Edit news</h1>
<form id='news_form' name='news_form' method='post' runat='server'>
<core:include file="news/form_errors.html" />
<core:include file="news/form_fields.html" />
<input type='submit' value='Edit' runat='client'/>
tag has file attribute, that names a relative template path of the core template and in attribute, that names a placeholder identifier (id attribute). <core:wrap>
has both opening and closing tags that marks a part of the current template that must be inserted into the parent template.
In fact <core:wrap>
and <core:include>
tags give you a lot of opportunities for templates optimization like multiple wrapping, parameter passing etc. but these opportunities and the principles of their usage is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
The news list can be too large to display on a single page. In this case, the list can be splitted into pages (so called pagination) with a certain number of news on one page. Pagination is fairly simple with WACT.
Let's create a new template crud/template/pager.html with the following contents:
<pager:NAVIGATOR id="pager" items="3">
Shown: from <b>{$BeginItemNumber}</b> to <b>{$EndItemNumber}</b>
<pager:FIRST><a href="{$href}">|--</a></pager:FIRST>
<pager:CURRENT><b><a href="{$href}">{$number}</a></b></pager:CURRENT>
<pager:NUMBER><a href="{$href}">{$number}</a></pager:NUMBER>
<pager:LAST><a href="{$href}">--|</a></pager:LAST>
Total: <b>{$TotalItems}</b>
The main tag here is <pager:NAVIGATOR>
that bounds the pager. items attribute of <pager:NAVIGATOR>
sets a number of items of a single page. The rest of the <pager:…>
tags just outputs links to first (<pager:FIRST>
tag), previous (<pager:PREV>
tag, now used here), current(<pager:CURRENT>
tag), next(pager:NEXT tag, not used here) and last(<pager:LAST>
tag) pages, and also links to pages in between (<pager:NUMBER>
With output expressions {$TotalItems}, {$BeginItemNumber} and {$EndItemNumber} that can be used inside <pager:NAVIGATOR>
we render the total number of items in the list and number of the first and the last items on the current page. {$TotalItems}, {$BeginItemNumber} and {$EndItemNumber} are so called tag properties. In order to distinct tag properties from regular output expressions with variables it's better to use slightly modified syntax: {$:TotalItems}, {$:BeginItemNumber} and {$:EndItemNumber}.
Now we need to include pager.html into news/display.html and to wire newsline record set with pager in order to start pagination. We also modified news/display.html to wrap it into page.html as with news/create.html and news/edit.html:
<core:WRAP file="page.html" in="page_placeholder">
<route_url params="action:create">Create news</route_url>
<active_record:fetch using='src/model/News' target="news" navigator='pager'/>
<core:include file='pager.html' />
<list:LIST id="news">
<table border="1">
<route_url params="action:edit,id:{$id}">Edit</route_url>
<route_url params="action:delete,id:{$id}">Delete</route_url>
<td colspan='4'>
Note new navigator attribute of <active_record:fetch>
tag that names the identifier of our <pager:navigator>
tag. This is how we wired bind fetched record set with pager.
If you did everything right, then you should get something like this: