Releases: linkedin/kafka
Change default value of config to MAX_INT Change default value of config to MAX_INT. (#43)
2.3 pre-release
[LI-HOTFIX] add back old parseAndValidateAddresses API for backward c…
2.3 pre release
[LI-HOTFIX] add prepare-commit-msg hook to help format commit message
cherry-pick bug fixes from upstream 2.3 branch
debug travis bintray publication.
debug travis bintray publication.
li 2.3 pre release
Li 2.3 pre release
li 2.3 pre release
li 2.3 pre release
Include all commits from apache kafka 2.3 branch until Aug 20th and hotfixes from 2.0-li branch
KAFKA-8202: Clean up inFlightBatches in Sender when ProducerBatch split happens
The release contains the following patches:
- [LI-HOTFIX] Clean up inFlightBatches in Sender when ProducerBatch split happens
- Add logging to detect which application is trying to fetch metadata for nonexistent topics while auto.topic.create.enable is disabled
KAFKA-8052; Ensure fetch session epoch is updated before new request
This release contains the following patch:
[LI-CHERRY-PICK] [012880d] KAFKA-8052; Ensure fetch session epoch is updated before new request (apache#6582)
add atMinIsr metric
This release includes following patches:
[LI-CHERRY-PICK] [31d191f] KAFKA-7904; Add AtMinIsr partition metric and TopicCommand option (KIP-427)
[LI-HOTFIX] Clean up purgatory when leader replica is kicked out of replica list.
[LI-HOTFIX] Fix flush behavior
[LI-CHERRY-PICK] [c050503] KAFKA-7709: Fix ConcurrentModificationException when retrieving expired inflight batches on multiple partitions. (apache#6005)
[LI-CHERRY-PICK] [8d52b7e] MINOR: AbstractIndex.close should unmap (apache#5757)
[LI-CHERRY-PICK] [ea4078e] KAFKA-7311: Reset next batch expiry time on each poll loop
Fix for scala consumer and reduce UpdateMetadataRequest toString() result
This release includes following fixes:
- Fix lastCommittedPartitionsAndOffsets for old scala consumer
- Reduce UpdateMetadataRequest toString() result
- Cherry pick KAFKA-6835: Enable topic unclean leader election to be enabled without controller change