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Developing with Tilt

This guide show how you can use Tilt for interactive development/debugging.

Install Pre-requisites

Get the source

Historically there have been issues with some of the code generation tools used when running them on projects outside the GOPATH. Therefore the instructions below use the GOPATH.

  1. Fork the CAPMVM repo.

  2. Open a terminal and get the source code for your fork:

    cd $(go env GOPATH)
    mkdir -p src/
    cd src/
    git clone [email protected]:<GITHUBUSERNAME>/cluster-api-provider-microvm.git
    cd cluster-api-provider-microvm
    git remote add upstream [email protected]:weaveworks-liquidmetal/cluster-api-provider-microvm.git
    git fetch upstream
  3. Open a second terminal window and get the source code for CAPI:

    cd $(go env GOPATH)
    mkdir -p src/
    cd src/
    git clone [email protected]:kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api.git

Configure Tilt

In your cluster-api folder create a file called tilt-settings.json:

    "default_registry": "",
    "provider_repos": ["PATH/TO/YOUR/CAPMVM"],
    "enable_providers": ["microvm", "kubeadm-bootstrap", "kubeadm-control-plane"],
    "kustomize_substitutions": {
        "EXP_MACHINE_POOL": "true",
        "EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET": "true"
    "extra_args": {
        "microvm": ["--v=4"],
        "kubeadm-control-plane": ["--v=4"],
        "kubeadm-bootstrap": ["--v=4"],
        "core": ["--v=4"]
    "debug": {
        "microvm": {
            "continue": true,
            "port": 30000

For a full list of the options see the docs.

Create a cluster & start tilt

We will run tilt in a kind based cluster.

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Change directory to the cluster-api folder

  3. Run the following:

    # if you have any GITHUB_TOKEN or cred set in the environment, unset that first
    export CAPI_KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=capmvm-test
    kind create cluster --name $CAPI_KIND_CLUSTER_NAME
    tilt up

When tilt is started you can press the spacebar to open up a browser based UI.

Start flintlock

Ensure that you have an instance of flintlock (and containerd) configured and running. Be sure to start flintlock with --grpc-endpoint= or the CAPMVM controller will not be able to connect to the server from within the Kind cluster.

Create cluster definition

Create the declaration for your cluster. We will use the template in the repo.

  1. Open a terminal and go to your cluster-api-provider-microvm folder

  2. Get the IP address of your running flintlock server

  3. Create a cluster declaration from the template

    export KUBERNETES_VERSION=v1.23.5
    export CLUSTER_NAME=mvm-test
    # NOTE: change to be the IP address from step 2
    export HOST_ENDPOINT=
    cat templates/cluster-template.yaml | envsubst > cluster.yaml
  4. Edit cluster.yaml to make any changes or comment out sections.

  5. Do a dry run for the manifests:

    kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml --dry-run=server
  6. If you are happy apply and watch the logs in the tilt ui.

    Tilt uses hot reloading so you can make code changes to CAPMVM and it will automatically rebuild/deploy capmvm.

  7. To delete the cluster do not use kubectl delete -f cluster.yaml. Run kubectl delete mvm-test.


If you want to attach a debugger to capmvm this section in tilt-settings.json configures tilt to start the provider using delve and listen on port 30000.

If you don't intent on debugging then you can remove this section.

You can connect to the running instance of delve. If you are using vscode then you can use a launch configuration like this:

        "name": "Connect to tilt",
        "type": "go",
        "request": "attach",
        "mode": "remote",
        "remotePath": "",
        "port": 30000,
        "host": "",
        "showLog": true,
        "trace": "log",
        "logOutput": "rpc"

Or you can connect using delve on the command line (so the legend goes, I have not been able to get it to work yet):

dlv connect