First, make sure that you have a Web3 wallet browser extension (i.e. MetaMask) installed to your browser. Without this, we cannot communicate with the contract through normal means. Next go to to start the application. The actual demo below is done via a local chain on a local server, but the one from the above URL will give you a working version with the contract deployed to the Ropsten testnet.
If you have properly installed your wallet extension, you should be greeted with the following loading screen and a prompt from your wallet. Make sure to allow the connection.
The lockdrop page will be dived into two sections; the input form and the global locks. The form is straight forward. You just have to input the amount you want to lock in ETH, the duration that you want to lock it for (the participant is able to choose from 30, 100, 300, and 1000 days), and the public address of your introducer. The last input requires special care as the form will only accept public addresses that are part of the affiliation program. If you leave this part empty, the introducer will default to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
. The introducer address input field will reject any invalid address hashes so please keep that in mind. The global lock section will listen to every Locked
event and display them as a list, giving participants immediate feedback for every lock.
Now let’s try locking some tokens! For this lock, I won’t provide any introducer to the form and only lock a certain amount for 300 days.
You can see that the wallet is asking for your permission to interact with the contract. Click confirm to make the transaction.
Given that everything went well, you can see a green toast popping on the side announcing that it was successfully locked.
You can also see that we have locked our tokens to the blockchain with the address of the lock by looking at the global lock tracker. Notice that because we didn’t provide any introducer, the list shows that we don’t have any.
This time, try locking a token with an introducer’s address. The address above is a mock affiliated address so it won’t work on the real thing.
If you try to input an address that is not affiliated with the program or your own public address, the client will not accept the input.
Now we can start locking, and as you can see our introducer is properly displayed on the list.
Private key manipulation utility is supplied in Plasm repository and could be installed with the following command.
cargo install --force --git --tag v0.7.1 subkey
Once you have finished installing the subkey utility, try using it. You will mainly be interested in the transfer command, which has the following options.
$ subkey transfer --help
Author and sign a Node pallet_balances::Transfer transaction with a given (secret) keyUSAGE:
subkey transfer <from> <to> <amount> <index> --genesis <genesis>FLAGS:
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version informationOPTIONS:
-g, --genesis [genesis] The genesis hash or a recognised chain identifier (plasm, dusty).ARGS:
<from> The signing secret key URI.
<to> The destination account public key URI.
<amount> The number of units to transfer.
<index> The signing account's transaction index.
By using the transfer command, it is possible to create RAW Extrinsics from a valid Ethereum account, which can be used for node RPC or the UI. The main benefit of this is that we can create extrinsics offline without having to provide our private key to the Plasm UI or any other nodes.
You can do this with the following command.
subkey -k transfer 0x2F9C34E12950FC8EC9F73EBC9337CBC6EA29556EB462E8AD30B981784B9F907E 5Cakru1BpXPiezeD2LRZh3pJamHcbX9yZ13KLBxuqdTpgnYF 42000000 0
Before we go to the results, please allow me to dissect this long string of command.
- The first hex that looks like this:
which is the lockdrop Ethereum private key. - The next line that looks like
is the destination Plasm Network account. 42000000
is the value of tokens (1 PLM = 10¹⁵), this value should be followed by a0
to show that this is the first transaction
{% hint style="info" %}
For Dusty network command should be extended by -g dusty
{% endhint %}
If you copy and paste the long command, you should get the following results printed in your terminal.
Using a genesis hash of ac0090073a92ae1a68c049e84d5b3671d9156833f18f30031c1066eb2f1278a6
Notice that the first line of hash is familiar. It’s the genesis hash! But the important part is the second line, which is the hex-encoded raw extrinsic. We’ll need this in a short while so please copy it.
To make things easy, please use the official UI Toolbox provided by Stake Technologies.
The link above should redirect you directly to the toolbox page shown in the following image.
Now we just copy the hex string to the extrinsic field and push the Submit RPC call button. The transfer transaction will be sent immediately. You can check the results from the account balances page.
This tutorial explores how the lockdrop for Plasm Network works and how to use the lockdrop application. You should be able to participate in the lockdrop, and get your hands on some fresh PLMs!
Any questions? Feel free to ask us on Discord Tech Channel.