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The following table suggests evidence for the different 'impact (pressure)' classes defined within the Global Change Taxonomy, with these based on comparisons of what are termed 'Environmental Descriptors' (or EDs) with consistent units or categories between time-separated periods (e.g., hours to years). These descriptors can be differentiated depending on whether they i) provide broad classifications of land covers according to established land cover taxonomies, such as the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Land Cover Classification System (LCCS; Version 2) (referred to as Overarching Environmental Descriptors (OEDs), ii) give more detail to these classes defined within these taxonomies (referred to as Essential Environmental Descriptors (EEDs)), or iii) give information beyond that used in these taxonomies (referred to as Additional Environmental Descriptors (AEDs)).

For each of the impact and pressures listed in the Global Change Taxonomy, EDs (OEDs, EEDs and AEDs) that provide evidence for each 'impact (pressure)' category are suggested. The directions of change (positive or negative for continuous variables) or simply the likelihood of a change (for categories) are also indicated.

Symbol Explanation Broad Class Full Name Numerical code
+ Increase in amounts CTV Cultivated Terrestrial Vegetation 111
□+ Likely increase in amounts NTV Natural Terrestrial Vegetation 112
- Decrease in amounts CAV Cultivated Aquatic Vegetation 123
-□ Likely decrease in amounts NAV Natural Aquatic Vegetation 124
A change in type (e.g., species, water state) AS Artificial Surface 215
BS Bare Surface 216
AW Artificial Water 127
NW Natural Water 128
WAT Artificial or Natural Water 220

Note: Both between class (in bold) and within class OED changes are represented (See Lucas et al. (2020)). Changes between OED classes are indicated numerically (e.g., 216128 represents a change from a bare surface to natural water) and within class changes are then not relevant. Where the OED class remains the same, within class changes in amounts (e.g., vegetation cover, water depth) or type (e.g., dominant plant species or water state) are suggested.

Scroll to the right to see the full list of EDs that can be compared to provide evidence for change. Some acronyms are used and these are listed below.

Acronym Explanation Acronym Explanation
PV Fraction Photosynthetic Vegetation Fraction LST Land Surface Temperature
NPV Fraction Non-photosynthetic Vegetation Fraction SST Sea Surface Temperature
Veg. Moist. Vegetation moisture content FWT Freshwater Surface Temperaturee
Dom. Sp. Dominant species Precip. Precipitation
Air Temp. Air Temperature
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Units Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category % m Category Time Category Category % m % m Category % m) Category Category Category Category Category Category Category Category % Category Category Category Category Category m/sec Time Time Category Category Time m NTU Category Category Category Category Mg/ha % % % % Y/N Y/N mg/g mg/g % m % % % pH g/L pH m/sec Variable Category Category Number Degrees Degrees Degrees m/sec mm Degrees Hours m Degrees Degrees Y/N Y/N
Accretion (sediment transport) 220220 -□ + - + +
Algal bloom (eutrophication) 220124
Algal bloom (high inland water temperatures) 220124
Algal bloom (increased temperature) 220124
Algal dieback (decreased temperature) 124220
Bare soil exposure (burning) 112216
Bare soil exposure (erosion) 112216
Bare soil exposure (ploughing) 111216
Bare soil exposure (tillage) 111216
Blackwater event (inundation following extended drought) 220220 + □+
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation Browning (decreased precipitation) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ -□ -□ -□ + -□ -
Building or infrastructure abandonment (dam removal) 215215 - - - - -
Building or infrastructure abandonment (flooding) 215215 - - - -
Building or infrastructure abandonment (increased wind) 215215 - - - -
Building or infrastructure abandonment (urban fire) 215215 - - - -
Compaction (increased traffic) 111111 112112 -□ - -□ - □+ -□ -
Compaction (overgrazing (stock)) 111111 123123 -□ -□ -□ -□ - -□ - □+ -□ -
Compaction (overgrazing (natural)) 111111 112112 124124 -□ -□ -□
Coral bleaching (increased acidity) 220220 + -□
Coral damage (pathogens) 220220 -□
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Coral bleaching (prolonged temperature increase) 220220 + -□ +
Coral damage (sedimentation) 220220 + -□
Coral damage (invasive or exotic species) 220220 -□
Coral recovery (decreased acidity) 220220 - □+
Coral recovery (prolonged temperature decrease) 220220 -
Crop change in cultivated lands (crop rotation) 111111 123123
Crop damage (drought) 111111 - -□ - - + - - +
Crop damage (excess precipitation) 111111 -□ -□ -□ -□ □+ □+
Crop damage (excess rain) 111111 -□ - -□ □+
Crop damage (flooding) 111111 -□ - -□ -□ □+ +
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Crop damage (grazing (natural)) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ - - -□ □+ -
Crop damage (grazing (stock)) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ - - -□ □+ -
Crop damage (increased wind) 111111 123123 -□
Crop damage (insect herbivory) 111111 123123 -□ -□ -□
Crop damage (strong winds) 111111 123123 -□
Crop establishment (planting) 216111
Cropland gain (agricultural expansion) 112111 124123
Cropland gain (farmland creation) 112111 124123
Cropland loss (agricultural loss) 111112 123124
Cropland loss (animal stock change) 111111
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Cropland loss (fallowing) 111111 □+ -□ □+
Cropland loss (farmland abandonment) 111112
Cropland loss (idle or fallow in rotation) 111111
Deglaciation (prolonged temperature increase) 210216
Desalinisation (gypsum application) 111111
Desertification (prolonged temperature increase) 112216
Elevation change (deposition) 216216 + +
Elevation change (earthquake) 111111 112112 123123 124124 215215 216216 227227 228228 220220 -□ -
Elevation change (landslide) 111111 112112 123123 124124 215215 216216 227227 228228 220220 -□ -□ -□ -□ □+ -□ - △-
Elevation change (mining) 111215 112215 123215 124215 215215 216216 220215 -□ -
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Elevation change (subsidence) 111111 112112 123123 124124 215215 216216 - -
Elevation change (waste dumping) 112215 112215 123215 124215 215215 216215 220215 +
Erosion (construction) 216216 - + +
Erosion (excess precipitation) 111216 112216 112216 124216 216216 -
Erosion (frost) 216216 + + -
Erosion (increased traffic) 111216 112216 216216 -□ -
Erosion (increased wind) 111216 112216 216216 -□
Erosion (sea level fluctuation) 124216 216216 + -□
Erosion (topsoil removal) 216216 - -
Erosion (water movement change) 112216 11216 123216 124216 215216 216216 -
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Erosion (wave action) 124216 216216 □+ -
Flooding (excess rain) 112220 112220 123220 124220 215220 216220 220220 + □+ + + +
Flooding (excess snow) 112220 112220 123220 124220 215220 216220 220220 + □+ + + +
Geomorphological change (mining) 111215 112215 123215 124215 215215 216215 -
Glaciation (prolonged temperature decrease) 112220 124220 216220
Greening (increased precipitation) 111111 112112 123123 124124 □+ □+ □+ + - □+ +
Increased sediment load (sediment transport) 220220 +
Inundation (flooding) 111220 112220 123220 124220 215220 216220 220220 + + + □+ + +
Inundation (sea level fluctuation) 111220 112220 123220 124220 215220 216220
Lava Flow (volcanic eruption) 111216 112216 123216 124216 215216 216216 220216 - +
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Leaf scorch (strong winds) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ - □+
Mine abandonment (reduced investment) 215215 -□ -□
Mine expansion (increased investment) 111215 112215 123215 124215 215215 216215 220215 □+ -
Natural surface gain (deposition) 216216 + +
Natural surface gain (urban rehabilitation) 215215 +
Natural surface loss (mining) 215215 -
Net snow gain (amount) (snowfall) 220220 □+ +
Net snow loss (amount) (snowmelt) 220220 □+ -
Net snow gain (extent) (snowfall) 111220 112220 123220 124220 215220 216220
Net snow loss (extent) (snowmelt) 220111 220112 220123 220124 220215 220216
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Net snow gain (hydroperiod) (prolonged temperature decrease) 220220 + -
Net snow loss (hydroperiod) (prolonged temperature increase) 220220 - +
Phenological change (natural diurnal and seasonal cycles) 112112 124124
Railway or road abandonment (reduced investment in infrastructure) 215112 215124 215215 -□ -□
Railway or road construction (increased investment in infrastructure) 111215 112215 123215 124215 215215 216215 220215 + +
Receding Flood (reduced runoff post flood) 220111 220112 220123 220214 220215 220216
Salinisation (evaporation) 220220 -□ +
Salinisation (sea level fluctuation) 111111 112112 123123 124124 216216
Sea ice decrease (prolonged temperature increase) 228228 220220 □+ +
Sea ice increase (prolonged temperature decrease) 228228 220220 -□ -
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Sea level fall (ocean-atmosphere oscillations) 228228 220220 -
Sea level rise (melting ice sheets/glaciers) 228228 220220 +
Sea level rise (thermal expansion) 228228 220220 + +
Sedimentation (dredging) 220220 + +
Sink hole (subsidence) 111111 112112 123123 124124 215215 216216 -
Snow accumulation (snowfall) 220220 +
Snow melt (increased temperature) 220220 -
Urban area loss (earthquake) 215216
Urban area loss (flooding) 215220
Urban area loss (tropical cyclone) 215216
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Urban damage (flooding) 215215 + + + + -□
Urban damage (increased wind) 215215 -□ +
Urban damage (urban fire) 215215 + + -
Urban decay (dam failure) 215215 - -
Urban decay (mine abandonment) 215215 -
Urban decay (subsidence) 215215 - -
Urban densification (construction) 215215 + □+
Urban development (levelling) 215215 -
Urban growth (construction) 111215 112215 123215 124215 216215 220215
Urban renewal (repairing damage) 215215 □+
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Urban sprawl (construction) 111215 112215 123215 124215 216215 220215
Vegetation damage (bushfire) 111111 112112 123123 124124 - -□ - □+ - + + □+ -□ □+
Vegetation damage (excess precipitation) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ - - - -□ □+
Vegetation damage (excess rain) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ -□ -□ □+ +
Vegetation damage (flooding) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ - - □+ +
Vegetation damage (frost) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ -□ -□ □+
Vegetation damage (increased wind) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -
Vegetation damage (mechanical intervention) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ - -□ - +
Vegetation damage (prescribed burn) 111111 112112 123123 124124
Vegetation damage (prolonged snow cover) 111111 112112 123123 124124 - -□ □+
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation damage (severe thunderstorm) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ - - □+ - □+ □+ □+
Vegetation damage (strong winds) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ - -□ □+ - □+ +
Vegetation dieback (anchoring) 124124 - -
Vegetation dieback (coldsnap) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□
Vegetation dieback (drought) 111111 112112 123123 124124 - -□ -□ □+ - □+ - +
Vegetation dieback (heatwave) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ - □+ -
Vegetation dieback (non-insect herbivory (natural)) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ -□ -□ - □+
Vegetation dieback (increased wind) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ - + - + -□ - +
Vegetation dieback (pathogens) 111111 112112 123123 124124 - □+ -□ □+ -□ +
Vegetation dieback (pollution) 111111 112112 123123 124124 - - □+ -□
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation dieback (prolonged inundation) 111111 112112 123123 124124 - - -□ + -□
Vegetation dieback (prolonged snow cover) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ - + -
Vegetation dieback (water salinisation) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ +
Vegetation dieback (sea level fluctuation) 111111 112112 123123 124124 - - -□ - +
Vegetation dieback (soil salinisation) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ +
Vegetation gain (amount) (thinning) 112112 124124 - - - - -□
Vegetation gain (amount) (afforestation) 111112 123124
Vegetation gain (amount) (bushfire recovery) 112112 + + + + □+ - + 1 1 □+
Vegetation gain (amount) (ecological restoration) 112112 124124 □+ + + □+ + + □+ -
Vegetation gain (amount) (encroachment) 111112 112112 123124 124124 □+ + + □+ + + □+
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation gain (amount) (farmland abandonment) 111112
Vegetation gain (amount) (fertilisation) 111111 123123 □+ □+ □+ + +
Vegetation gain (amount) (fertiliser application) 111111 123123 □+ □+ □+ + +
Vegetation gain (amount) (growth) 111111 112112 123123 124124 □+ □+ □+ □+ + □+ + + + + □+ □+
Vegetation gain (amount) (reduction or cessation of grazing) 111111 112112 + + □+ □+ □+ + + □+ - □+
Vegetation gain (amount) (reforestation (natural)) 111112 112112 123124 124124 + □+ + + +
Vegetation gain (amount) (reforestation (plantations)) 111111 123123 + + + + +
Vegetation gain (amount) (regrowth) 112112 124124 + + □+ □+ + + □+ - □+ □+
Vegetation gain (amount) (removal of herbivores) 112112 124124 □+ □+ □+ + + □+ □+ + + □+ - □+
Vegetation gain (amount) (revegetation) 111124 123124
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation gain (amount) (urban greening) 215111
Vegetation gain (amount) (vegetation thickening) 112112 + + + -□ -□ -□ + + □+ □+ □+ + + □+ □+
Vegetation gain (extent) (afforestation) 111124 111124 +
Vegetation gain (extent) (colonisation) 216112 216124
Vegetation gain (extent) (ecological restoration) 112112 124124 □+ □+ □+ □+ -□
Vegetation gain (extent) (greenspace construction) 215112 215124
Vegetation gain (extent) (mine site rehabilitation) 215112 215124 215216
Vegetation gain (extent) (planting) 216111 216112 216123 216124
Vegetation gain (extent) (rehabilitation) 112112 124124 □+ □+ □+ □+ -□
Vegetation gain (extent) (revegetation) 216112 216124
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation gain (extent) (snowmelt) 220111 220112 220123 220124
Vegetation gain (extent) (decreased wave action) 220124
Vegetation health deterioration (abandonment of fertilizer application) 111111 123123 - -□
Vegetation health deterioration (decreased nutrient supply in soil) 111111 112112 123123 124124 - -□ □+ -□
Vegetation health improvement (fertiliser application) 111111 123123 □+ □+
Vegetation health improvement (increased nutrient supply) 111111 112112 123123 124124 □+ □+ -□ □+
Vegetation health improvement (irrigation) 111111 123123 □+ □+
Vegetation loss (extent) (bushfire) 112216 124216
Vegetation loss (extent) (deforestation) 112111 112112 124123 112124 112215 112216 - -□
Vegetation loss (extent) (drought) 111216 112216
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation loss (extent) (excess rain) 111216
Vegetation loss (extent) (farmland abandonment) 111216
Vegetation loss (extent) (flooding) 112220
Vegetation loss (extent) (land reclamation) 112216 124216
Vegetation loss (extent) (sea defence construction) 111216 112216 123216 124216
Vegetation loss (extent)(severe thunderstorm) 111216 112216 123216 124216
Vegetation loss (extent) (strong winds) 111216 112216 123216 124216
Vegetation loss (extent) (vegetation clearance) 112216 124216
Vegetation loss (extent) (wave action) 123220 124220
Vegetation reduction (amount) (bushfire) 112112 -□ -□ - - - - - + - -
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation reduction (amount) (coppicing) 112112 -□ -□ - - - - -□ +
Vegetation reduction (amount) (decreased nutrient supply in soil) 112112 -□ -□ - -□
Vegetation reduction (amount) (farmland abandonment) 111124
Vegetation reduction (amount) (fuelwood collection) 112112 124124 -□ -□ - -□ - - -□
Vegetation reduction (amount) (harvesting) 111111 112112 -□ - - - - -□ +
Vegetation reduction (amount) (pesticide application) 112112 124124 - -□ -□ -□ + -
Vegetation reduction (amount) (herbivory (natural)) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ -□ - -□ - -□
Vegetation reduction (amount) (insect herbivory) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ -□
Vegetation reduction (amount) (mowing) 111111 112112 -□ -□ -□ - - - -□ - -
Vegetation reduction (amount) (overgrazing (stock)) 111111 -□ -□ -□ -□ -
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation reduction (amount) (overgrazing (natural)) 112112 -□ -□ -□ - - - -□ - -
Vegetation reduction (amount) (prescribed burn) 112112 -□ -□ -□ - - - - - + - -
Vegetation reduction (amount) (sedimentation) 124124 - -□ □+
Vegetation reduction (amount) (selective logging) 112112 -□ - - - - - □+ +
Vegetation reduction (amount) (stubble burn) 111111 -□ -□ - - - - + - + + -
Vegetation reduction (amount) (thinning) 111111 112112 124124 -□ - - - - -□ +
Vegetation reduction in understory (amount) (non-insect herbivory (natural)) 112112 124124 -□ -□ -□ - - - -□
Vegetation reduction in understory (amount) (grazing (natural)) 112112 124124 -□ -□ -□ -□ -□
Vegetation reduction in understory (amount) (grazing (stock)) 111111 112112 123123 124124 -□ -□ -□ -□ -□
Vegetation species change (amenity development) 111111
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation species change (atmospheric deposition) 112112 124124
Vegetation species change (control of invasive species) 112112
Vegetation species change (decreased acidity) 112112 124124
Vegetation species change (decreased alkalinity) 112112 124124
Vegetation species change (decreased nutrient supply in soil) 112112 124124 -□
Vegetation species change (flooding) 112112 124124 +
Vegetation species change (grazing (stock)) 112112 124124 - -□ - -
Vegetation species change (grazing (natural)) 112112 124124
Vegetation species change (ground water recharge) 112112 124124
Vegetation species change (ground water extraction) 112112 124124
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation species change (pesticide application) 112112 124124 - -□
Vegetation species change (increased acidity) 112112 124124
Vegetation species change (increased alkalinity) 112112 124124
Vegetation species change (increased nutrient supply in soil) 112112 124124 □+ +
Vegetation species change (invasive/exotic species) 111111 112112 124124
Vegetation species change (overgrazing (stock)) 111111 -□ -□ -□
Vegetation species change (overgrazing (natural)) 112112 -□ -□ -□ -□ - -
Vegetation species change (pathogens) 111111 112112 -
Vegetation species change (prolonged inundation) 112124 124124 +
Vegetation species change (burning) 112112 -□ -□ -□ -□ - - + - 1 1
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Vegetation species change (succession) 112112 124124 + + + □+ -□ □+
Vegetation species change (undergrazing (stock)) 111111 □+ □+ □+
Vegetation species change (undergrazing (natural)) 112112 □+ □+ □+ □+ + + □+ □+ □+
Water depth decrease (abstraction) 220220 -
Water depth decrease (dam failure) 220220 - +
Water depth decrease (dam removal) 220220 - +
Water depth decrease (deposition) 220220
Water depth decrease (evaporation) 220220 -□ - □+ +
Water depth increase (construction) 220220 + +
Water depth increase (dredging) 220220 + +
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Water depth increase (flooding) 220220 + □+ + + +
Water depth increase (sea level fluctuation) 220220 +
Water depth increase (snowmelt) 220220 -□ - + -
Water gain (extent) (aquaculture expansion) 124220
Water gain (extent) (excess precipitation) 111220 112220 123220 124220 216220
Water gain (extent) (flooding) 111220 112220 123220 124220 216220
Water gain (extent) (storm surge) 111220 112220 123220 124220 216220
Water gain (extent) (wetland restoration and/or construction) 111220 112220 123220 124220 216220
Water loss (extent) (aquaculture loss) 220111 220112 220124
Water loss (extent) (drying) 220112
IMPACT PRESSURE CTV NTV CAV NAV AS NS AW NW WAT LIFEFORM Woody Trees Shrubs Herbaceous Forbs Graminoids Lichens Mosses Algae Aqu. Forbs Cover Height Leaf type Phenology STRATA Trees (Cover) (Height) Shrubs (Cover) (Height) Herbaceous (Cover) (Height) CROPS (Combination) (Sequence) (Water Supply) (Time Factor) ARTIFICIAL Linear Non-linear Density BARE CONSOL. (Rock) (Boulders/Gravels) BARE UNCONSOL. WATER State Movement Persistence Seasonality Waterlogged Tidal SNOW Persistence WATER/SNOW Depth Sediment Loads SUBSTRATE Rock Soil Sand Biomass Woody Fraction PV Fraction NPV Fraction Veg Moist. Burn scar Active fire Chlorophyll Other foliar chem. Urban density Building height Bare Fraction Soil moisture Soil pH Salinity Water pH Water Velocity Water Quality Flora Indicators Dom. Sp. Sp. Richness LST SST FWT Wind speed Precip. Air Temp Daylength Elevation Slope Aspect Pathogens Management
Water loss (extent) (land reclamation) 220111 220112
Water loss (extent) (reduced snowfall) 220111 220112 220123 220124 220215 220216
Water loss (extent) (wetland drainage) 220111 220112 220216
Water quality change (fracking) 220220
Water quality change (nutrification) 220220
Water quality change (pollution) 220220 -