✓ link: link the content of the repositories into the directory
✓ unlink: unlink the content of the repositories into the directory
✓ status: displays the status of the links
✓ Support for multiple repositories
✓ Layering of repositories allowing for a default layer and zero to many custom ones on top
✓ Ignored files in repositories via .symlyignore
✓ Replication of the repository files tree structure in the directory
✓ Symbolic link creation/update/deletion for simple files (default mode)
✓ Symbolic link creation/update/deletion for symbolic links (default mode)
✓ Symbolic link creation/update/deletion for directories (on demand only)
✓ Orphan links detection/deletion
✓ Optional forced link creation (overwriting destination file)
✓ Seamless integration with editors, use your preferred editor or command line tools to alter your files. They don’t even need to be aware of Symly
✓ Seamless integration with synchronization, diff and merge tools. No need to learn a new one
✓ Not limited to dotfiles, can be used for any other directory/file types