diff --git a/InstanceTable.php b/InstanceTable.php
index 3463285..3a6c538 100644
--- a/InstanceTable.php
+++ b/InstanceTable.php
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class InstanceTable extends AbstractExternalModule
const ADD_NEW_BTN_YSHIFT = '0px';
const MODULE_VARNAME = 'MCRI_InstanceTable';
- const ACTION_TAG_DESC = 'Use with descriptive text fields to display a table of data from instances of a repeating form, or forms in a repeating event, with (for users with edit permissions) links to add/edit instances in a popup window.
* @INSTANCETABLE=my_form_name
* @INSTANCETABLE=event_name:my_form_name
There are some additional tags that may be used to further tweak the table behaviour. Take a look at the documentation via the External Modulers page for more information.';
+ const ACTION_TAG_DESC = 'Use with descriptive text fields to display a table of data from instances of a repeating form, or forms in a repeating event, with (for users with edit permissions) links to add/edit instances in a popup window.
* @INSTANCETABLE=my_form_name
* @INSTANCETABLE=event_name:my_form_name
There are some additional tags that may be used to further tweak the table behaviour. Take a look at the documentation via the External Modules page for more information.';
ERROR: "%s" is not a repeating form. Contact the project designer.';
ERROR: "%s" is not a repeating form for event "%s". Contact the project designer.';
@@ -365,14 +365,14 @@ protected function makeHtmlTable($repeatingFormDetails, $canEdit) {
foreach ($instanceData as $rowValues) {
foreach ($rowValues as $value) {
- $html.="".htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES)." | ";
+ $html.="".REDCap::filterHtml($value)." | "; // $html.="".htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES)." | ";
} else {
// $html.='No data available in table |
- // unnecessary and DT does not supprt colspan in bidy tr // https://datatables.net/forums/discussion/32575/uncaught-typeerror-cannot-set-property-dt-cellindex-of-undefined
+ // unnecessary and DT does not supprt colspan in body tr // https://datatables.net/forums/discussion/32575/uncaught-typeerror-cannot-set-property-dt-cellindex-of-undefined
@@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ public function getInstanceData($record, $event, $form, $fields, $filter, $inclu
if (!empty($recordData[$record]['repeat_instances'][$event][$formKey])) {
foreach ($recordData[$record]['repeat_instances'][$event][$formKey] as $instance => $instanceFieldData) {
+ $instance = \intval($instance);
$thisInstanceValues = array();
$thisInstanceValues[] = $this->makeInstanceNumDisplay($instance, $record, $event, $form, $instance);
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ public function getInstanceData($record, $event, $form, $fields, $filter, $inclu
$outValue = $value;
- $thisInstanceValues[] = htmlspecialchars($outValue, ENT_QUOTES);
+ $thisInstanceValues[] = \REDCap::filterHtml($outValue);
$instanceData[] = $thisInstanceValues;
@@ -815,7 +816,7 @@ public function redcap_every_page_before_render($project_id) {
$recordData = REDCap::getData('array',$_GET['id'],$_GET['page'].'_complete',$_GET['event_id']);
$currentInstances = array_keys($recordData[$_GET['id']]['repeat_instances'][$_GET['event_id']][$formKey]);
- $_GET['instance'] = 1 + end($currentInstances);
+ $_GET['instance'] = (is_null($currentInstances)) ? 1 : 1 + end($currentInstances);
} else if (PAGE==='Design/action_tag_explain.php') {
$lastActionTagDesc = end(Form::getActionTags());