Releases: lsgs/redcap-instance-table
1.5.0 New feature - filter - and bug fixes
New Feature: @INSTANCETABLE_FILTER action tag enables specifying a logic expression to filter displayed instances.
Bug fixes:
- Remeber popup save button state
- Empty table in survey view
- PHP 8 and empty checkbox group
1.4.0 New features and bug fixes
New tags for:
- Page size
- Hide instance column
- List of variables
Fixes for: - Popup window button behaviors
- Linking instances on repeating forms in the same event (@INSTANCETABLE_REF)
1.3.0 New features
New features added:
- Auto-refresh table after add/edit/delete in popup
- "Save & Exit" button closes popup
- @INSTANCETABLE_REF tag to facilitate filtering of table instances to value of current instance selected in field on other repeating form
- Add "All" as a paging option
- Updated
1.2.0 features and fixes
New Features
- Use @INSTANCETABLE_HIDEADD action tag to hide the Add New button from the table display
- State saving (e.g. for column sort, page)
Bug Fixes - Display label and value (not just value) for ontology field
- If user's rights to repeating form are read only then show readonly data (instead of nothing!)
- Recognise event names with letter after arm number e.g. long_event_name_arm_1b
1.1.1 ScrollX, bug fix
Use @INSTANCETABLE_SCROLLX action tag to get a horizontal scroll-bar instead of allowing wide instance table to cause the container to grow.
Bug fix for SQL fields.
1.0.4 Bug fix
Change to "add new" instance loading to avoid a redirect(), which is causing an EM framework exception.
1.0.3 Bug fixes
Add new button now always takes you to a new instance.
Label as well as value now displayed in instance table for yesno and truefalse fields.
1.0.2 Bug fix
Increment new instance number using maximum existing instance number not the current instance count, so accounting for deleted instances.
1.0.1 Bug fix
Fix problem with DAG-autonumbered record ids being incorrect in add/edit popup window url. Treat DAG-autonumbered record ids as string, e.g. 1234-1 as '1234-1', not 1233.
1.0.0 Initial release to REDCap Repo
1.0.0 Initial release to REDCap Repo