import { Meta } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
This document explains different toolings that we use at Hasura console team.
Storybook is used to ease isolated component development. Idea is to have component stories for the new components with/without business logic.
A story captures the rendered state of a UI component. It’s a function that returns a component’s state given a set of arguments.
Stories can have mock data to render the component that handles different type of UI rendering and user events. Mocks are mainly used as props or network mocks to simulate constant data.
It can be considered as a documentation + example instances of a UI component.
When there are hooks inside the component (side effects) that fetches the data from network call, MSW is used to mock the API call.
npm run storybook
React-query is used for data fetching and related state management purpose.
Console code has enabled DevTools on development environment. This helps developers to understand the state of each queries with visualisation.
Redux is currently used in the console code for global state management, data fetching etc. but we are trying reduce redux usage and increase component level states and react query for API states.
Console development server can be debugged with the redux devtools for debugging redux state changes.
XState is introduced to simplify the state management, we use it mostly at the component level to make component development easier.
Tailwind CSS is used as the main CSS framework
MSW is used to mock network calls for testing purpose. It is mainly used to test hooks, components, and on component stories.
react-hook-form is used to build new form components.
Zod is used for schema validation.
Pre-commit git-hook that runs linter and formatter is by default disabled. You can enable it by adding HUSKY_PRE_COMMIT=true
to your .env
ESlint is used as the linter on console code. If you want to run a linter for all files, you can do:
npm run lint
Prettier is used as the code formatter on console code. To format all files, you can run:
npm run format
E2E Tests are written using Cypress .
- Run tests:
npm run cy:open
- Write your tests in the
- Run tests:
Unit tests are written using Jest Framework
- Tests are written inside
folder of respective services. - Unit testing is mostly applied on the utility functions.
- If you want to run tests, execute
npm run jest
ornpm run jest-watch
(for watch mode) - Snapshot testing is also used with unit tests.
- when you want to update the snapshot, you can run
npm run jest -- -u
or pressu
if you are in jest-watch mode.
- Tests are written inside
Chromatic is used for visual testing the stories. If you have a story you do not wish to snapshot in Chromatic, you can disable snapshotting with the disableSnapshot story parameter.
Webpack is used for module bundling. Different webpack configurations are used to optimise production build and development server.
Husky is used to configure pre-commit git-hook that runs linter and formatter. You can enable it by adding HUSKY_PRE_COMMIT=true
to your .env