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File metadata and controls

316 lines (233 loc) · 9.19 KB

File requests

Box file requests provide a nice interface to collect files from anyone, and place them in a Box folder of your choice.

Once created you can send the URL to the users via any form of notification, or you can embed the file request in your application.

On top of collecting files, the file request can collect more data, including email, description, and metadata.


The free Box accounts do not support files requests, so you will need to have a Box Business Plan, or a full developer account to be able to use this feature.


Within the Box Platform API we can't create a file request directly. We can however copy and customize an existing file request.

File requests API

References to our documentation:



Create a file on the root of the project and execute the following code:

"""create sample content to box"""
import logging
from utils.box_client_oauth import ConfigOAuth, get_client_oauth

from workshops.file_requests.create_samples import create_samples


conf = ConfigOAuth()

def main():
    client = get_client_oauth(conf)

if __name__ == "__main__":


INFO:root:Folder workshops with id: 234108232105
INFO:root:Folder file_requests with id: 241675595670
INFO:root:Folder template with id: 241675434602
INFO:root:Folder requested_files with id: 241674714563

Next, create a file on the root of the project that you will use to write your code.

"""Box Shared links"""
import logging

from utils.box_client_oauth import ConfigOAuth, get_client_oauth

# from utils.oauth_callback import open_browser


TEMPLATE_FOLDER = "241675434602"
REQUESTS_FOLDER = "241674714563"

def main():
    """Simple script to demonstrate how to use the Box SDK"""
    conf = ConfigOAuth()
    client = get_client_oauth(conf)

    user = client.users.get_user_me()
    print(f"\nHello, I'm {} ({user.login}) [{}]")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Resulting in:

Hello, I'm Rui Barbosa  [18622116055]

Create a file request template

To create a file request we need to use the Box web application. Navigate to workshops > file_requests > template and create a file request.

Creating a file request

Select the file request create link and you should see something like:

File request details Notice that a file request link has been create.

Pressing the edit button will allow you to customize the file request, and reveal the file_request_id, which we will need next.

Editing a file request

In my case the file request id is 7931914925.

File request details

Let's start by getting the file request details and print them.

REQUESTS_FOLDER = "241674714563"

def get_file_request(client: Client, file_request_id: str) -> FileRequest:
    return client.file_requests.get_file_request_by_id(file_request_id)

def print_file_request(file_request: FileRequest):
    print(f"\nFile Request: {} - {file_request.title}")
    print(f"  Description: {file_request.description}")
    print(f"  Folder: {} - {}")
    print(f"  Status: {file_request.status.value}")
    print(f"  URL: {file_request.url}")

And using it on the main script:

def main():

    file_request_template = get_file_request(client, FILE_REQUEST_TEMPLATE)

Resulting in:

File Request: 7931914925 - Submit files
  Folder: 241675434602 - template
  Status: active
  URL: /f/a31702430b5747008900023cec7e2d7b

Create a file request

We can now use this file request to create a new file request. Consider the following code:

def create_file_request(
    client: Client,
    from_file_request_id: str,
    folder_id: str,
    title: str | None = None,
    description: str | None = None,
    is_email_required: bool | None = None,
    is_description_required: bool | None = None,
    expires_at: str | None = None,
) -> FileRequest:
    folder = CreateFileRequestCopyFolderArg(
        folder_id, CreateFileRequestCopyFolderArgTypeField.FOLDER
    status = CreateFileRequestCopyStatusArg.ACTIVE

    file_request = client.file_requests.create_file_request_copy(
    return file_request

And using it on the main script:

def main():

    # create a file request
    file_request = create_file_request(
        title="File Request from SDK",
        description="This is a file request created from the Box SDK",

Resulting in:

File Request: 7932434325 - File Request from SDK
  Description: This is a file request created from the Box SDK
  Folder: 241674714563 - requested_files
  Status: active
  URL: /f/d1e9375037c44ab2be804cfa35d7a09e

If we now open the Box web application using the URL we should see the new file request:

File request page

Go ahead and upload a file to the file request:

Uploading a file

Once the upload is complete you'll see the file in the specified upload folder, not the template folder:

Upload complete

Update a file request

Although limited, we can update a file request. One of the most useful updates is to turn off the file request, so that no more files can be uploaded, by setting the status to inactive.

Since we have a linear script, let's update the title and description of the template. Consider the following code:

def update_file_request(
    client: Client,
    file_request_id: str,
    title: str | None = None,
    description: str | None = None,
    status: CreateFileRequestCopyStatusArg | None = None,
    is_email_required: bool | None = None,
    is_description_required: bool | None = None,
    expires_at: str | None = None,
) -> FileRequest:
    file_request = client.file_requests.update_file_request_by_id(
    return file_request

Using it on the main script:

def main():

    # update the file request
    file_request_template = update_file_request(
        title="File Request from SDK (updated)",
        description="This is a file request created from the Box SDK (updated)",

Resulting in:

File Request: 7931914925 - Submit files
  Folder: 241675434602 - template
  Status: active
  URL: /f/a31702430b5747008900023cec7e2d7b


File Request: 7931914925 - File Request from SDK (updated)
  Description: This is a file request created from the Box SDK (updated)
  Folder: 241675434602 - template
  Status: active
  URL: /f/a31702430b5747008900023cec7e2d7b

Now if we navigate to our template folder and edit the file request we should see the changes:

Updated template

Delete a file request

We can also delete a file request. Consider the following code:

def delete_file_request(client: Client, file_request_id: str) -> None:

Now let's delete all the file requests we created, except the template:

def main():

    # delete the file requests
    delete_file_request(client, "7932431925")
    delete_file_request(client, "7932434325")
    delete_file_request(client, "7932351693")
    delete_file_request(client, "7932882833")

Did you take note of the id's of the file requests you created?

It is important to keep tabs on the id's of the file requests you create, as the API does not provide a way to list them. If your app creates file requests then store them along with some context on a database.

Final thoughts

File requests are a great way to collect files from anyone, and place them in a Box folder of your choice. You can request some extra data such as email, description, and metadata.

You can use the API to copy and customize an existing file request, creating personalized file requests for your users and use cases. You can also activate and deactivate file requests, and delete them.

Your application should keep track of the file requests it creates, as the API does not provide a way to list them.