Python is (as Wikipedia says), a general-purpose and high-level programming language. It can be used to write a wide variety of different kinds of software, from video games to HTTP servers to command-line tools - and a whole lot else. It is especially good at 'gluing' different systems and programs together.
And we think the best way to lean is to play and to practice with coding projects big and small - or with small problems like the ones here on exercism!
Below you will find some additional jumping-off places to start your learning journey, recommended by our community.
- Python Documentation Tutorial
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (book)
- Automate the Boring Stuff Videos (covers first 15 book chapters)
- Learn X in Y minutes (where X = Python3)
- Python at Free Code Camp
- Intro to Python (
- Think Python
- Python for Non-Programmers
- Python 4 Everyone
- Googles Python Class
- Microsoft's Python Learning Path
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python (MIT)
- Harvard CS50P