C# Wrapper to host Apache Kafka as a Windows Service using TopShelf.
On starting the service will:
- Download Kafka 2.12-
- Adjust the settings for a Windows environment
- Run Zookeeper in a seperate process
- Run Kafka in a seperate process
This is a single instance of Kafka useful for developing against locally.
You'll need the following first to get the service running:
- JDK 1.8 or greater
- The JAVA_HOME system environmental variable set correctly
- Build the project in Release mode
- Open Command Prompt as Administrator
- CD to the bin/Release directory
- Run "KafkaService.exe install"
- RUn "KafkaService.exe start"
- This will install and start a service called "Kafka.Service"
- Configured to run under the Local Service account
- Set to start automatically when your machine starts
If you wish to uninstall the service:
- Open Command Prompt as Administrator
- CD to the bin/Release directory
- Run "KafkaService.exe uninstall"
You can configure the version of Kafka and the install location (default is C:\kafka_2.12- in the Constants.cs file.