- Vim: support specifying leader key via "[editor]/vim_leader_key";
- LivePreview
- Smart live preview for PlantUML (Live Preview Tunnel);
- Expand live preview area via
Ctrl+E U
- In-Place Preview: support in-place preview for online PlantUML;
- Captain: fix captain mode shortcuts in different keyboard layout (Windows only);
- Quick Access: specify a note for quick access via
; - Magic Word: support
as the relative path of the attachment folder; - Search: highlight matches of full-text search results in page in edit mode;
- Editor
- Allow inserting link or content when dropping files in;
- Support highlighting tabs;
- Support parsing HTML tables without head;
- Export: support outline panel in exported HTML files;
- Editor
- Support parsting HTML as converted Markdown text;
- Improve performance of in-place preview;
- Be aware of links, images, and in-place preview in edit mode (visit or copy);
- Support exporting and copying PlantUML and Graphviz diagram in edit mode;
- Support middle click to close a tab;
- Support searching files via multiple tags, such as "vnote && markdown";
- Improve performance of editor (now could process 10K lines);
- Support
highlight in edit mode; - Support completion in edit mode by
; - Support building a notebook from external directory recursively;
- Update Flowchart.js to 1.11.3;
- More efficient and accurate Markdown parser and highlighter;
- MathJax: get rid of escaping;
- Draw background for hrule in edit mode;
- Support specifying the expanded level of outline;
- Support drag&drop a directory to Explorer to open it;
to insert inline code andCtrl+J/K
to scroll page in edit mode;- Support YAML front matter in edit mode;
- Support searching Explorer root directory;
- Support tags for notes;
- UniversalEntry: support searching tags;
- WebView: click an image or diagram to view it in read mode;
- Add test buttons for PlantUML and Graphviz in settings dialog;
- CaptainMode: Y to focus to the edit area;
- Explorer: fix the crash when no root entry is set;
- New dark theme v_detorte from a Vim detorte theme;
- Support maximizing split or distributing splits;
- Refine styles and HiDPI support;
- Add History to browse history;
- Add Explorer to browse external files;
- Support view order in note list;
- Support relative path for notebook;
- UniversalEntry
- Fix input method issue on macOS;
- Add
for listing and searching History;
- Support customized zoom delta of editor;
- Add cache for in-place preview;
- Better support for hiDPI;
- Lazy initialization;
- Support stay-on-top;
- Markdown-it: supports specifying image size, emoji, and YAML metadata;
- Bug fixes;
- Support PlantUML and Graphviz;
- In-Place Preview for MathJax, PlantUML, Graphviz, and Flowchart.js;
- Live Preview for diagrams via
Ctrl+E I
; - Restore cursor position when recovering pages at startup;
- UniversalEntry
- Ctrl+I to expand/collapse current item;
- Ctrl+L to go to current item's parent item;
- Markdown-it: aware of YAML format metadata in notes;
- Show hovered link in status line in read mode;
- Export: support embedding images as data URI into HTML pages;
- Support Universal Entry by
; - Single click a note in note list to open it in a new tab by default;
- Translate
in default shortcuts toMeta
on macOS; - Do not copy files when import if they locate in current folder;
- Replace v_white theme with v_native, which behaves more like native applications;
- Support full-text search;
- Support
logics (space-separated keywords are treated as AND);
- Support
- Enhanced export;
- Support MHTML format;
- Support All-In-One PDF via tool wkhtmltopdf;
- Support pandoc and random tool for custom export;
- Support Word Count information in both read and edit mode;
- Support SavePage action in read mode;
- Support back reference in replace text via
, and so on; - Support sorting in Cart;
- Support sorting notes and folders via name or modification date;
- Support both
as the language of flowchart.js diagram; - Add PasteAsBlockQuote menu action to paste text as block quote from clipboard;
- Add options for Markdown-it to support subscript and superscript;
- Better support for 4K display;
- Combine
); - Support exporting notes as Markdown, HTML, and PDF;
- Support simple search in directory tree, file list, and outline;
- Support copying selected text as HTML in edit mode;
- Support copying text to Evernote, OneNote, Word, WeChat Public Account editor and so on;
- Support auto-save;
- Support fullscreen mode and hiding menu bar;
- Support
to delete text in most line edits; - Support zooming in/out in edit mode;
- Support MathJax in fenced code block with language
specified; - More shortcuts;
- Add Cart to collect notes for further processing;
- Output built-in themes on start of VNote;
to exit edit mode when Vim mode is disabled;- Support Vim command line for search in read mode;
- Support printing;
- Single click in file list to open file in current tab, double clicks to open in a new tab;
- Refine copy function in read mode. Better support for copying and pasting into OneNote or WeChat editor;
- Do not highlight code blocks without language specified by default;
- Refine themes and styles;
- Support foreground for selected/searched word in MDHL style;
- Support shortcuts for external programs;
- Support resetting VNote;
- Cover more scenarios for Chinese translations;
- Support themes;
- Three built-in mordern themes;
- One dark mode theme;
- Vim mode
- Support block cursor in Normal/Visual mode;
to auto-indent selected lines as the first line;
- Support custom external editors to open notes;
- Enable
in Vim mode to copy/paste; - Support Flash Page to record ideas quickly;
- Support previewing inline images;
- Migrate to Qt 5.9.1;
- Support Compact mode in main window;
- Update icons;
- Support custom startup pages;
- Remove obsolete title marker when inserting new one;
- Support Magic Words;
- Vim mode
- Share registers among all tabs;
- Support
in Insert mode;
- Add "Code Block", "Insert Link", and "Insert Image" tool bar buttons;
- Support
to recover last closed tabs; - Support view read-only files in edit mode;
- Refactor editor for speed;
- Support templates when creating notes;
- Support snippets;
- Support file change check;
- Support backup file (save changes automatically);
- Support attachments of notes.
- Add recycle bin to notebook to hold deleted files.
- Refine Vim mode:
- Support J and gJ to join line;
- Support S, {, and };
- w to save note;
- Fix Y and D actions in Visual mode.
- Support AppImage package for Linux.
- More responsive and efficient syntax highlight and image preview.
- More pleasant line distance.
- More natural interaction of folder and note management.
- Support inserting note name as title.
- Support custom default mode to open a note.
- Support auto heading sequence.
- Support color column in fenced code block in edit mode.
- Support line number in code block in both read and edit mode.
- Support created time and modified time of notes, folders, and notebooks.
- Support custom Markdown-it options, such as auto line break.
- Confirm when cleaning up unused images.
- Support custom Mathjax location.
- Support custom style for code block highlights in read mode.
- Double click on a tab to close it.
- Support editing external files. VNote could open files from command line.
- Support drag-and-drop to open external files.
- Refine tab context menu.
- Support system tray icon.
- Refine Vim mode.
- Make all tool buttons always visible and smaller.
- Support custom file type suffix.
- Make the name of notebook/folder/note case-insensitive.
- Support links to internal notes in notes.
- ATTENTION: please add font-size option to the "editor" section of your custom MDHL style.
- Refine Vim mode (more functions, please refer to the shortcuts help).
- Support Find in Vim mode.
- Refine tab context menu.
- Support Flowchart.js for flowchart.
- Add toolbar for common text edit functions.
- Support line number (both absolute and relative) in edit mode.
- Support custom shortcuts.
- Support [[, ]], [], ][, [{, ]} to navigate through titles in both edit and read mode.
- Many minor bug fixes.
- Support simple but powerful Vim mode.
- Change the shortcut of ExitAndRead from
. - Add a edit status indicator in the status bar.
- Dragging mouse with Ctrl and left button pressed to scroll in read and edit mode.
- Refine highlighting cursor line.
- Support subscript, superscript and footnote in markdown-it renderer.
- Refactor outline logics to not show extra [EMPTY] headers.
- Handle HTML comments correctly.
- Provide a default root folder when adding notebooks.
- Support check for updates.
- Redraw app icons.
- Many minor bug fixes.
- Support logging in release mode.
- Fix Chinese font matching in mdhl.
- Fix VimagePreviewer to support optional title.
- Refactor local image folder logics.
- Support custom local image folder for both notebook scope and global scope.
- Support constraining the width of images in read mode.
- Fix and refine default style.
- Centering the images and display the alt text as caption in read mode.
- Support exporting a single note as PDF file.
- Add "Open File Location" menu item in folder tree and note list.
- Support highlighting trailing space.
- Use
as the config file. - More user friendly messages.
- Delete notebook by deleting root directories one by one.
- Refactor image preview logics to support previewing all images in edit mode.
- Support constraining the width of previewed images to the edit window.
- bugfix.
- Support code block syntax highlight in edit mode.
- A more pleasant AutoIndent and AutoList.
instead ofCtrl+Alt+<Num>
to insert title.- Support custom Markdown CSS styles and editor styles.
- Support MathJax.
- Fix a crash on macOS.
- Change default font family.
- Refine tab order.
- Better support for HiDPI.
- Support zoom in/out page when reading.
- Introduce Captain Mode and Navigation Mode.
- A more user friendly popup opened notes list.
- Support jumping to specified tab efficiently by num keys.
- Add shortcuts documentation.
- AutoList and AutoIndent.
- Refine messages and dialogs. Add Chinese translations.
- A new application icon.
- Support install target for Linux.
- Continuous build and deployment for Linux, macOS, and Windows.
- Support both X64 and x86 version of Windows.
- Add
suffix automatically when creating a note. - A more user friendly insert dialog.
- Support Mermaid diagram.
- Add markdown-it as the default renderer. Support task list.