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98 lines (91 loc) · 7.67 KB

File metadata and controls

98 lines (91 loc) · 7.67 KB


  • Update function is called before each frame is rendered and also before animations are calculated.
  • FixedUpdate is just called before each physics update.
  • Although the various objects' Start and Awake functions are called in arbitrary order, all the Awakes will have finished before the first Start is called. This means the code in the a Start function can make use of other initializations previously carried out in the Awake phase.
  • In JavaScript, an attribute name begins with an @ sign, whilst in C#, it is contained within square brackets.
  • Tip - Tired of finding the same Objects over and over? Save time with Selections! If you find yourself searching for the same game objects a couple of times, you should try turning them into a group.
    • (Ctrl-Alt-1) = Save Selection 1
    • (Ctrl-Shift-1) = Load Selection 1
  • If you need to find multiple or all gameobjects with a specific component, you can use the type filter in the search boxes. To specify a type instead of a name, use the format “t: ClassName”. For example to find all AudioSources, you’d use “t: AudioSource”.


  • #define You use it to define a symbol. When you use the symbol as the expression that's passed to the #if directive, the expression will evaluate to true.
    • If you use #if with a undefined symbol, the symbol will be evaluated to false.
    • You can also undefine a symbol using #undef, then the expression will evaluate to false.
  • metadata is definitions read by your ide (e.g. VS code) from .dll file, there is no actual file. In VS code, you can see [metadata] before the file name.
    • Metadata is data about data. In other words, it's information that's used to describe the data that's contained in something like a web page, document, or file. Another way to think of metadata is as a short explanation or summary of what the data is. source
    • C# Metadata describes every type and member defined in your code in a language-neutral manner. Metadata stores the following information: source
      • Description of the assembly.
        • Identity (name, version, culture, public key).
        • The types that are exported.
        • Other assemblies that this assembly depends on.
        • Security permissions needed to run.
      • Description of types.
        • Name, visibility, base class, and interfaces implemented.
        • Members (methods, fields, properties, events, nested types).
      • Attributes.
        • Additional descriptive elements that modify types and members.
  • Accessibility of members ref
    • Defaultly, the accessibility for a member is internal not private. ref
    • internal means within same dll file, members are accessible by other classes, not accessible by other dll file.
    • if private, member will only be accessible within this class.
  • Extension methods
    • Extension methods enable you to "add" methods to existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or otherwise modifying the original type. Extension methods are a special kind of static method, but they are called as if they were instance methods on the extended type.
    • For example following code can work across your project for dictionaries.
         public static class Helper
     	public static TValue GetOrCreate<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, TKey key) where TValue : new()
     	    TValue val;
     	    if (!dict.TryGetValue(key, out val))
     		val = new TValue();
     		dict.Add(key, val);
     	    return val;
  • C# class has field, property and method.
    • interfaces can have properties but not fields
    • Fields are normal variable members of a class. Generally, you should declare your fields as private, then use Properties to get and set their values. By this way you won’t affect their values them directly. This is common case practice since having public members violates the Encapsulation concept in OOP. ref
    • They are actually special methods called “accessors”. Properties are called accessors because they offer a way to get and set a field if you have a private field. They have two codes inside; set{}; and get{}; called “property accessors”.
  • System.Linq provide First(), Last() and othe functions for array like data structures like List through Extension methods.

Tips from Martins

  • Delegate is needed when you want to use local variables inside a function.
  • Inside a class, if your function is not depending any other members of the class, make it static.
    • It will be faster since you don't need to create an object to call it.
    • It will be easier for people to read your code.
    • It will be easier later if we want to make this function as a utility function and take it out of the class.

xml serializer

  • When you are using xsd generated schema, and in your generated xml file, you cannot find attributes for some element. You probably forget to set the corresponding field to true.
    • For example, you have field s, when you set s to a desired value, you also need to set sSpecified = true!!!

Difference between Class and Structure in C#

Classes are of reference types. Structs are of value types.
All the reference types are allocated on heap memory. All the value types are allocated on stack memory.
Allocation of large reference type is cheaper than allocation of large value type. Allocation and de-allocation is cheaper in value type as compare to reference type.
Class has limitless features. Struct has limited features.
Class is generally used in large programs. Struct are used in small programs.
Classes can contain constructor or destructor. Structure does not contain constructor or destructor.
Classes used new keyword for creating instances. Struct can create an instance, without new keyword.
A Class can inherit from another class. A Struct is not allowed to inherit from another struct or class.
The data member of a class can be protected. The data member of struct can’t be protected.
Function member of the class can be virtual or abstract. Function member of the struct cannot be virtual or abstract.
Two variable of class can contain the reference of the same object and any operation on one variable can affect another variable. Each variable in struct contains its own copy of data(except in ref and out parameter variable) and any operation on one variable can not effect another variable.


  • You shouldn't drag a real object, you should drag the prefab from Project
  • ctrl/cmd + left arrow to collapse all elements


  • convert Quaternion between left-hand and right-hand frames ref
     A quaternion can be thought of as an angle-axis representation:
 = sin(angle/2) *
     quaternion.w = cos(angle/2)
     So, converting them between two coordinate systems can be broken down into two steps:
     	1. Map the axis into the new coordinate system.
     	2. If changing between left & right hand coordinates (eg. if there's an odd 
     	number of axis negations or axis exchanges between the two), negate the angle.
     Since cos(-angle) = cos(angle) and sin(-angle) = -sin(angle) this is the same as flipping the axis of rotation, negating the x, y, and z parts.